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道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选. what should you do in the university College is your chance to see what you’ve been missing, both in the outside world and within yourself. Use this time to explore as much as you can.

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  1. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 what should you do in the university College is your chance to see what you’ve been missing, both in the outside world and within yourself. Use this time to explore as much as you can. Take classes in many different subjects before picking your major. Try lots of different clubs and activities. Make friends with people who grew up much poorer than you, and others much richer. Date someone of a different race or religion. (And no, hooking up at a party doesn’t count.) Spend a semester abroad or save up and go backpacking in Europe or Asia. College is also a chance to learn new things about yourself. Never been much of a leader? Try forming a club or a band. Try lots of things in college. You never know what’s going to stick. — TIM NOVIKOFF, Ph.D. student in applied mathematics at Cornell Most important: research experience shows you how knowledge is produced. There are worse ways to prepare for life in an information age. — AMAN SINGH GILL, Ph.D. student in the ecology and evolution department at Stony Brook University You don’t need a computer to take notes — good note-taking is not transcribing. All that clack, clack, clacking ... you’re a student, not a court reporter. And in seminar or discussion sections, get used to being around a table with a dozen other humans, a few books and your ideas. After all, you have the rest of your life to hide behind a screen during meetings. 你该怎么上大学 上大学给了你一个机会去正视自己的缺点,这当中既包括你在走进这个社会时欠缺了什么,也包括你个人的缺陷。你要利用这段时间,尽可能去探寻自我。 你要上各种课程,然后再选定自己的专业。你应该尽可能尝试不同的社团和社会活动。既要结交家境远不如你的同学,也要结交出身比你优裕得多的同学。试试跟不同人种或信仰不同宗教的同学约会。(还有,在派对上亲热一番做不上正式交往。)用一个学期出国看看,或者存够了钱,去欧洲或亚洲背包旅游。 读大学还为你提供了一个机会,去了解你不知道的自我。过去你没怎么担任过领导者的角色?你可以试着组建一个社团或乐队。 读大学时,尽可能尝试做各种事情。说不定哪件事就能成就你。—蒂姆·诺维科夫(Tim Novikoff),康奈尔大学(Cornell)大学应用数学系博士生  最重要的是:科研经历会让你明白知识是如何产生的,这能更好地让你面对信息时代的生活。—阿曼·辛格·吉尔(Aman Singh Gill),纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University)生态与进化系博士生 记笔记没必要用电脑——好的课堂笔记并不是做抄抄写写的功夫,别一个劲噼啪噼啪敲击键盘了……你是学生,不是法院书记官。同时,在参加研论会或进行讨论时,你得习惯坐在桌子前,身边是十几个跟你一样活生生的人、几本书和几个奇思妙想。说到底,今后你还有大半辈子能在参加会议时把脸藏在电脑后面。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  2. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Four Suggestions for the life of university Some say college is wasted on the young. So many of us look back at our own college years and realize what we could have done differently to make the most of them. While we can’t go back, we certainly can offer our sons and daughters our best advice to help them make the right choices in college. Hopefully, they will have fewer regrets than we do. Following are five guidelines parents can share with their college-bound kids to put the whole experience in perspective. 1. Education is your first priorityAs soon as you arrive on campus, there will be competing interests. Feel free to check them out but always remember that you are there first and foremost for your education. Go to class prepared and on time. Be engaged during class. Make sure your professor knows you and realizes that you care. 2. Take the opportunityIncredible opportunities will present themselves: studying abroad, interning at a unique place, trying new things. Don’t let fear prevent you from taking advantage of them. There may never be so much time or as many resources devoted to your betterment again in your life. Say yes to opportunities that will help you grow. 3.Find and be a mentorSome of the best lessons available to us can come outside of the classroom in the form of a mentor. One of the most powerful growth opportunities is being a mentor. Early on, find someone on campus who you feel can help you grow and develop a relationship with him or her. Also find someone for you to mentor. You will reinforce and enrich your own learning experience by teaching someone else. 4.Get the job doneIt is natural to occasionally feel you want to quit, when it makes more sense to you to go find a full-time job. Resist that urge. As Jocelyn Negron-Rios, a mother of two, who is currently completing her degree, advises, “No matter how difficult it seems, keep at it because however insurmountable it feels now multiply that by 10,000 and that is how it feels when you are in your thirties with a full-time job and a family and are trying to pursue a degree.” 给大学生活的4条宝贵建议 有些人说大学时光浪费了青春年华。我们中很多人在回顾自己的大学生活时,才意识到自己可以用另外一种方式更好地来度过大学时光。虽然时光不会倒流,但我们可以为自己的儿子或女儿提供最好的建议,让他们在大学中能做出正确的决定。希望他们以后的遗憾会比我们的少。父母可以和上大学的孩子们进行分享下面的这五条建议,让他们知道这些经验。 1.教育是你最该优先考虑的事情 只要你进入了校园,就会有各种各样的利益竞争。你可以随意去进行这些活动,但是要记住,你来大学的首要目的是为了接受教育。上课前先做好准备并按时到达课堂。参与到课堂的活动中,确保教授们认识你并知道你在乎这些课程。 2.抓住机遇 你将会遇到很多让你无法相信的机遇:出国留学、在特别的地方实习、尝试新的事物等。不要因害怕而放弃这些机遇。以后你的生活中可能再也没有这么多的时光或这么多的资源能让你变得更优秀了。接受那些能帮助你成长的机遇吧。 3.找到并成为别人的良师益友 一些对我们而言最重要的课程,并不是在教室中学到的,而是来自那些良师益友。而对个人而言,最有利的成长机遇之一是成为别人的良师益友。刚开始时,在校园里找一个你觉得能帮助自己成长的人,和他或她建立起良好的关系。也找一个你能帮助的人。通过教导别人,你会加强并丰富自己的学习经历。 4.完成学业, 拿到偶尔有想退出的感觉这很自然,当你想去找一份全职工作时这种感觉就更强了。要拒绝这种冲动。乔斯·林古龙里奥斯是两个孩子的母亲,目前她正在攻读学位。她建议,“无论看起来有多难,一定要坚持下来。因为虽然现在看起来这些困难无法克服,但是当你30岁的时候,有着一份全职的工作,有着一个家庭需要供养,那时再去努力攻读学位,那种感觉会是你现在感觉的一万倍。” DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  3. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Problems that you should ask HR appointment first day Your first day on the job can be hectic. Learning new names, faces and positions can fill the entire day, with no time to learn about other issues. However, there are several questions you should ask your human resources manager whenever you start a new job. On the night before your first day, review all your pre-employment materials and documents. Write down the questions that come to mind. Remember, questions you want to ask your human resources manager may also be asked of another member of the human resources staff in case the manager is unavailable. 1.Employee Handbook Your new employer should have an employee handbook that contains general information about the workplace. The handbook won't contain every single detail about the company and what it expects of employees; however, it should contain general information every new employee should know on the first day. Study the employee handbook and become familiar with the policies. While you're reading it, note any topics you need further clarification on such as performance management, attendance, promotions, salary adjustments or workplace safety. 2.Performance Management Your human resources manager will be impressed if you ask about performance management and how the company addresses performance expectations. Importantly, you will learn more about how best to perform your job so you build a strong employment record with the company. Performance management begins with the job description. Therefore, ask your HR manager if the job description you were provided during the selection process is current and if it contains as many of the job details as possible. In addition, ask for a job specifications sheet. Although you should have been provided with the job specifications prior to accepting your position, ensure you have an accurate list of the physical and mental requirements for your job. 3.Workplace Issues On the first day of your employment with the company, you might not anticipate ever having issues the human resources department will need to address. However, it's important that you learn the process for reporting workplace incidents to your supervisor, your manager or the human resources department. Ask the HR manager about the process for reporting workplace incidents -- safety incidents or incidents related to workplace relationships. 入职第一天该问HR的几个问题 第一天上班你可能会忙得不亦乐乎。你可能要花上一天时间才知道同事的名字,认识他们的面孔,了解岗位职责,这样一来第一天就没什么时间去弄清楚其他问题了。尽管如此,每当开始一份新工作时,你还是应该询问人事部经理以下问题。报道前一晚,回顾一下入职前得到的所有材料,把想要提问的问题写下来。记住,如果人事经理没空,你的这些问题可能要找人事部其他的工作人员解决。 1.员工手册 新公司应该有员工手册,里面包含了办公室的大致信息。手册不会告诉你公司的细节问题,也不会提到公司对新职员的要求;不过里面应该有新职员上班第一天要知道的基本信息。你应该阅读员工手册,了解公司政策。读的时候,把自己想得到进一步解答的问题记下来,如绩效管理、出勤、升职、薪水调整和工作安全这些问题。 2.绩效管理 如果你找人事经理询问关于绩效管理的问题和公司处理业绩预期的方法,他会对你印象深刻。重要的是,你会学到更多完成工作的最好方法,这样才能在这家公司拥有良好的工作经历。绩效管理的开头是职务说明。所以,第一天要找到人事经理,问问现在的职务和选拔过程中的是否还一样,职务的细节有没有尽量列举完全。除此之外,要一张工作职责明细表。虽然这个你应该已经在受聘之前就有了,但你需要一张更精确的列表,来确认自己的身心是否达到工作要求。 3.职场问题 入职的第一天,你可能不会想到有什么问题需要人事部门来处理。然而,学会把职场上发生的事报告给上司、经理和人事部的流程很重要。就是你要问一下人事部经理,如果在工作中发生了意外事故或者职场中的人际关系出现了问题,要向谁报告,要怎么报告。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

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