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RFK Child Protection Plan

RFK Child Protection Plan. Keeping Kids Safe. Major Christian Camping Organization discovered two molesters. This Org. in business since 1926 has had over 300,000 campers and 50,000 paid staff Their plan - Interview, App., References, B/G √’s, Training. CPP - Child Protection Program.

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RFK Child Protection Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RFK Child Protection Plan Keeping Kids Safe

  2. Major Christian Camping Organization discovered two molesters. • This Org. in business since 1926 has had over 300,000 campers and 50,000 paid staff • Their plan - Interview, App., References, B/G √’s, Training CPP - Child Protection Program

  3. First- 10 year employee, a Director, dozen of victims in US and Haiti • Second-only had 2 victims Molesters Inside the Castle

  4. Several Multi-million dollar lawsuits • 10,000 hours researching new CPP • Currently spending 10,000 hrs. a year defending the cases Fall Out

  5. Org. & the victim = $35,000 Org., victim & Arbitrator = $117,000 Org. & the victim in court= $ 1.2 million Avg. Case Against an Organization

  6. All grooming involves breaking down boundaries. • Boundaries between the offender and the victim. • Boundaries between the offender and the gatekeeper. !!! Grooming

  7. My intention with the boy ... • develop a friendship & see if things become sexual • Offer boys work & Give them gifts & beer • He asked if the boy had a Father • Asked if he could fight • I test their acceptance of physical contact by rubbing their back http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-vernon-sex-offender-guilty-0201-20140131,0,5289833.story?obref=obinsite Sex Offender Tried To Groom 13-Year-Old Boy Pleads GuiltyRockville CT January 31, 2014

  8. 4. Boundaries commonly broken are: • Clothing, swimsuits and pajamas • Stories about sex, nudity, dirty jokes • Touching: laps, hugs, piggyback, shoulder rides, anywhere the bathing suit touches grooming

  9. An avg. Offender of female will have 52 victims before they are caught An avg. Offender of males will have 150 victims before they are caught. Why so many victims?

  10. The abuser doesn’t tell • The abused doesn’t tell • The observer doesn’t tell (casual / direct) !!! (they assume, they dismiss, they fear, they rationalize by saying, “It’s not my job”) Why so many victims?

  11. Bystander Silence – Jerry Sandusky In 2000, Jim Calhoun was a Janitor at Penn State and told Ronald Petrosky, a fellow Janitor, that he had just witnessed Jerry Sandusky sexually molesting a boy. Ronald asked Jim if he wanted to “call somebody.” He didn’t. Ronald testified, “He was afraid I guess.” Witnessed in 2000 – Jerry Sandusky arrested Nov. 2011 Why so many victims?

  12. “Bystander Intervention” Suicide Bullying Sexual Assault Drug / Alcohol Addictions CPR Crime Child abuse Why so many victims?

  13. In-depth study of past studies and performing their own current Survey Bystander Response Study

  14. People who intervened- • Believed “it is my business” • Personally responsible to stop _____? • 26% intervened • 48% respondents witnessed abuse Bystander Response Study

  15. Ken Lannsing / FBI Behavioral Analysis Report on Child Molesters “Molesters do not look like molesters, they can not be distinguished from others.” Molesters are getting more sophisticated and better educated MOLESTER PATTERN

  16. How do you identify them before hand? You usually don’t. Ken Lannsing / FBI How to stop them: Solid policies & consistent enforcement Their only option is to break the policies and wear down your enforcement. MOLESTER PATTERN

  17. We have reached 10,000 volunteers. We’ve been trying to keep offenders outside the castle walls. In some cases, offenders are already inside the castle!!! Why do we need more Plans & Programs?

  18. 12 sex crimes 1998 • 5 children • After being a RFK Volunteer Who’s inside the Castle?

  19. One of the earliest camps had a wonderful Grandpa who was involved in many areas of ministry in the church. He was later arrested for molesting his own grandchildren Whose inside the Castle?

  20. Arrested & Convicted on felony charges of sexual exploitation of a child and electronic solicitation RFK Camp Volunteer Man Arrested For Online Relationship With 14 yrGirlDecember 31, 2013

  21. 2000 Directors Training Portland, OR 14 yr camp Concord CA 14 yr camp Woodlands TX 14 yr camp Granbary,TX 14 yr camp Portland OR 20 yr Sentence for molesting kids Founders Wayne & Diane Tesch 14 yr camp Fullerton CA

  22. These are reasons why we are stepping up our programs and our understanding to do more to keep kids safe!

  23. 3 T’s - Safe Talk, Safe Touch, Safe Territory 3 W’s – Who, What, Where. Creating a culture where people can safely question, questionable things. 3 R’s Recognize, Resist, Report. NEW LANGUAGE – New Programs

  24. RFK – CPP Document

  25. RFK – CPP Document

  26. Child Orientation Video

  27. RFK – CPP Document

  28. Yellow for “Caution” 3T’s 3R’s 3W’s Yellow wristbands - 3 critical items: • Remind • Authority • Obligation Wristbands

  29. NEW CHANGES - It’s up to ALL of US

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