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Human Rights

Human Rights. http://www.amnesty.org/en/annual-report/2011. The rights that someone has simply because he or she is a human being & born into this world. HR principles. Human Dignity Equality Non-discrimination Universality Interdependency Indivisibility Inalienability Responsibilities.

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Human Rights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Rights http://www.amnesty.org/en/annual-report/2011

  2. The rights that someone has simply because he or she is a human being & born into this world. HR principles

  3. Human Dignity Equality Non-discrimination Universality Interdependency Indivisibility Inalienability Responsibilities HR principles

  4. Development

  5. Basic Documents on Human Rights

  6. Conventions

  7. Civil Rights Political Rights

  8. Countries That Have Ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

  9. The neglected half of Human Rights EconomicRights Social Rights Cultural Rights

  10. Countries That Have Ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

  11. Variousmonitoring organs • European Court of Human Rights (individuals) • UN General Assembly (countries) • Attention and publicity • Economicsanctions • Apartheid regime in South Africa Monitoringof Human rights

  12. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights • NavanethemPillay • Beganher term in September 2008

  13. Countries That Have Accepted the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court States Parties (dark green), light green denotes states where Rome Statute is ratified but not yet in force, orange denotes states where Rome Statute is signed but not ratified

  14. Human Rights in Sweden

  15. Positive development • Morepeopleenjoymorerightsthaneverbefore: • Fewerexcecutions • Morepeopleabletovote in free and fair elections • Increasedopennessregarding the discussionof Human Rights Human rightsaround the world

  16. Increased standard ofliving, levelofeducation and ofhealth for millions ofpeople. In 2007 the UN General Assemblyapproved a resoultionagainst the deathpenalty for the firsttime in 20 years. Economicdevelopment Interactive map of use of death penalty (2010)

  17. Failures Anna Politkovskaja murderedRussian journalist

  18. EU

  19. Africasouthof the sahara

  20. Middleeast and northernafrica

  21. South america

  22. USA

  23. asia

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