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The Czech Republic: a Brief Background

The Czech Republic: a Brief Background. 17. – 18. 11. 1989 the Velvet Revolution was the start of a new democracy formation in Czechoslovakia 1.1. 1993 - The Czech Republic was established when the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic s split into two states

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The Czech Republic: a Brief Background

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  1. The Czech Republic:a Brief Background • 17. – 18. 11. 1989 the Velvet Revolution was the start of a new democracy formation in Czechoslovakia • 1.1. 1993 - The Czech Republic was established when the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republics split into two states • the transformation of the former centralized and planned socialist society into a society operating according to the principles of a market economy and the plurality of political parties has continued up to the present

  2. The Czech Republic:Basic Facts • population of 10 200 000 (2002) • area of 78 864 square kilometres, • the number of inhabitants is about 130 per square km • Unemployment rate: 10,1 % (30.9. 2003)

  3. The Czech Republic:Primary & secondary education: • Pre-primary education (age 3-5): not compulsory • Primary school (age 6-15): compulsory • Secondary education (age15-19; 13-19, 11-19): 95 % • General secondary eduction • Academic type (62 % of graduates enter tertiary education) • 4 (6, 8) year programmes • Secondary technical education • 4 (2, 3) year programmes • Apprenticeship - Secondary vocational schools • Mostly 3 year programmes

  4. The Czech Republic:Secondary education: + and - +Mostly 95 % of young people (age 16 – 19) take part in this level - 80 %in VET, 20 % in General secondary education - Schools are not filled to capacity due to decline of population - Low salaries of teachers ( low status of teachers’ profession) +& - : 2001: transfer of school administration from national level to the regional one

  5. The Czech Republic:Secondary education: + and - - practical training without enterprises - weak participation of employers and other social partners in the VET - study is finished with final exam named maturita, every school prepares its own exams The State maturita exam is still beeing prepared; for admission to higher education everyone needs to pass another exam – the entrance exam -Inefficient network of schools

  6. The Czech republic:Tertiary education • Higher professional schools (2-3 years) • Higher educational institutions: (3-6 years) • Universities: bachelor, master, doctor • Non – university types: bachelor The Higher Education Act from May 1990: • gives extensive autonomy to the Higher educational institutions • Sets down academic freedom and democratic internal mechanisms (student participation in all decision-making processes)

  7. The Czech Republic:Tertiary education: + and - -Limited access – education is not open:everyone has to pass the entrance exam -50 % of applicants are refused - Low quality of some programes (discussion on fees) +High interest of young people

  8. The Czech Republic:Crucial problems in the field of education: -Low salaries of teachers -Weak cooperation with business and industry -Weak cooperation between Ministerial sectors of education, employment, industry

  9. The Czech Republic:Adult education: the situation Take it with a grain of salt ...

  10. The Czech Republic:Adult education: the situation Who educates adults? Enterprises: courses that meet their needs but there are SMEs with problems in this field Private educational, counselling, guidance organisations: Tailor made courses: short-term, expensive, variable quality Schools:are well-staffed and equipped but the pedagogical methods are traditional, old-fashioned; over-teaching teachers …

  11. The Czech Republic:Adult education: the future The whole area of Adult education needs to be restructured so that there is a sufficient supply of quality education to meet the anticipated growing demand. In addition, there needs to be greater attention at a national level.

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