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Stalinism. By Mr. Stankus. How successful was Stalinism in transforming Russia?. THE BIG QUESTION. WHAT IS STALINISM?. Stalinism is a “Communist” style of government created in the Soviet Union (Russia) under the dictatorship of Josef Stalin. Who was Stalin?.

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  1. Stalinism By Mr. Stankus

  2. How successful was Stalinism in transforming Russia? THE BIG QUESTION

  3. WHAT IS STALINISM? • Stalinism is a “Communist” style of government created in the Soviet Union (Russia) under the dictatorship of Josef Stalin. • Who was Stalin?

  4. JOSEF STALIN: "THE MAN OF STEEL" Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), or properly Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Communist Dictator of USSR after Lenin (1929-1953) O great Stalin, O leader of the peoples,Thou who broughtest man to birth.Thou who fructifies the earth,Thou who restorest to centuries,Thou who makest bloom the spring,Thou who makest vibrate the musical chords...Thou, splendour of my spring, O thou,Sun reflected by millions of hearts. ---A. O.Avidenko

  5. THE COMMUNIST PARTY • The only political party allowed. • The party was controlled by its executive arm - the Politburo. • Key members of the Politburo were: 1. Lenin - complete head 2. Trotsky - war commissar 3. Stalin - secretary-general

  6. STALIN TAKING OVER • Lenin was wary of Stalin. • After Lenin's death in 1924, a power struggle took place between Trotsky and Stalin. • Trotsky wanted communistic revolutions world wide Comintern. • Stalin favored concentrating on building up the country.

  7. STALIN IN POWER • Stalin was in complete control of the USSR by 1929. • Stalin had Trotsky exiled in 1929. He was assassinated in Mexico in 1940.


  9. INDUSTRIAL • Five Year Plans • state planning stressing heavy industries, i.e., steel, machinery, electrical, and defense. • Before W.W.II, the USSR was ranked #3 in industrial power behind the U.S. and Germany. • Five Year Plans (1928-1940), saw a 400% increase in production. • Russia sacrificed consumer goods (luxuries).

  10. AGRICULTURE • collectivization of agriculture • regrouping peasants on collective and state farms. • Stalin brutally prosecuted the kulaks (more prosperous farmers). • Perhaps 10 million people died in forced collectivization.

  11. Year No. of collective farms in 1,000's Sown area of collect- ive farms, mill. h/acres • % of collective sown area • serviced by MTS 1929 57.0 4.2 - 1930 85.9 38.1 27.4 1931 211.1 79.0 37.1 1932 211.1 91.5 49.3 1033 224.6 93.6 58.7 1934 233.3 98.6 63.9 1935 245.4 104.5 72.4 1936 242.2 110.5 82.8 1937 243.7 116.0 91.2 1938 242.4 117.2 93.3 1939 241.1 114.9 94.0 1940 236.3 117.6 94.5 COLLECTIVE FARMS OF THE USSR, 1929-1940 (N.B. - The decrease in the numbers of collective farms after 1935 was due to the merging of small collective farms in a number of districts)

  12. INTERNAL POLICIES • Stalin was ruthless to critics. • In the 1930's he introduced the purges. • He made use of his secret police in enforcing internal policy.

  13. PURGES • Stalin got rid of anyone associated with Lenin and the military.

  14. FOREIGN POLICY • In 1934 the USSR was admitted to the league of nations. • Because of attacks by Hitler against communism, Stalin had made an alliance with France in 1935 against Nazi Germany. • The USSR also aided the loyalists against the German supported nationalists (under general Franco) in the Spanish civil war (1936-1939). • In 1939, Stalin shocked the world by signing a non-aggression pact with nazi Germany.

  15. REVIEW • How successful was Stalin at transforming Russia? • Russia became Industrialized under the 5 Year Plans. (Russia suffered from consumer shortages and a lower standard of living) • Russian agricultural output increased. (millions of Peasants died) • Despite world opposition, Communism survived the Depression, the Second World War, and the Cold War. (Stalin secured Communism by terrorist actions by the secret police and with purges)

  16. Quiz on Stalin

  17. THE "FATHER OF THE PEOPLE" • Stalin's propaganda machine presented him to his fellow Soviets as a fatherly or kindly figure. • To some, he would better be described as the "butcher of his people".

  18. "BUTCHER OF HIS PEOPLE" • Stalin ruled by terror during most of his years as dictator. • Stalin also was responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviet peasants who opposed his program of collective agriculture (government control of farms). • The Soviet people had cause to hate Stalin, and much of the world feared him. Stalin had little personal charm, and could be brutal to even his closest friends. • After Stalin became dictator, he had Soviet histories rewritten to make his role in past events appear far greater than it really was. • Stalin died in 1953. He was honored by having his body placed beside that of Lenin in a huge tomb in Red Square in Moscow.

  19. ASSIGNMENT: STALIN ON TRIAL • Josef Stalin is being put on trial by the courts for crimes against the Country of Russia. • You will be assigned the role of Prosecuting Attorney or Defense Attorney • You are to come up with an opening statement to the court explaining why Josef Stalin should be considered the “father of his people” or the “butcher of his people”.

  20. WEB SOURCES Stalinism • WEBRevelations From the Russian Archives [At LC] A tremendous resource. • Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Marxism and the National Question 1913 [At Stalin Internet Archive] • Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Trotskyism or Leninism? 1924 [At Stalin Internet Archive] • Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Industrialization of the Country, 1928 [At this Site] • Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Dialectical and Historical Materialism 1936 [At Stalin Internet Archive] • Dizzy With Success: Concerning Questions of the Collective Farm Movement, from Pravda, March 2, 1930. [At Durham] • Collective Farms of the USSR, 1929-1940 [At Durham] • Memorandum on the Grain Problem, 1932 [At LC] The memo which indicates the deliberate start of the Ukrainian famine. • Constitution of the USSR, 1936 [At Bucknell] or represented as an Organizational Chart [At Brooklyn] • Joseph Stalin: Dialectical and Historical Materialism (September 1938) [At Atbin] • Hymn to Stalin, The cult of personality. • Osip Mandelstam (1934?), and Yevgeny Yevtushenko (1962): Poems on Stalin [At this Site] • The Soviet Purges: Official Explanation, 1936, excerpts [At this Site] • The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre, Heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, August 19-24, 1936" (Overview) [Divided into 10 files][At Artbin] • N.I. Bukharin: Last Plea, from "The case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites', Heard before the Military Colegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, March 2-13, 1938 [At Artbin] • Rapprochement between The Orthodox Church and Soviet Government. Speech of M. G. Karpov at Council of the Orthodox Church, 1945. [At Durham] • http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/03/11/stalin-resurrected-in-russia/ • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090322045812AAtIyAr • http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,473245,00.html

  21. JOSEF STALIN • IMPORTANT DATES IN STALIN'S LIFE • 1879............... (Dec. 21) Born into poverty in Gori, Russia. • 1901............... Joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. • 1905............... Met Lenin for the first time. • 1912............... Named by Lenin to Bolshevik Party Central Committee. • 1917............... Named commissar of nationalities after Bolshevik revolution. • 1922............... Appointed general secretary of Communist Party. • 1928............... Began five-year plans to industrialize the U.S.S.R. • 1929............... Became dictator of the Soviet Union. • 1935............... Began great purge of Communist Party members. • 1939............... The U.S.S.R. signed a nonaggression pact with Germany. • 1941............... Named himself premier of the Soviet Union. • 1941............... Germany attacked the U.S.S.R. during World War II. • 1953............... (March 5) Died in Moscow.

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