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Implementing the Requirements of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Implementing the Requirements of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This Presentation will Cover. The Objectives of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Who should submit a 1201(c) Report

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Implementing the Requirements of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

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  1. Implementing the Requirements of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

  2. This Presentation will Cover The Objectives of Section 1201(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Who should submit a 1201(c) Report What information FTA grantees are required to submit. When information should be submitted How information should be submitted. How the 1201(c) requirement relates to other ARRA reporting requirements. 2

  3. Additional Technical Assistance • 1201(c) Questions and Answers http://www.fta.dot.gov/index_9440_9327.html#Reporting • 1201(c) Reporting Fields and Instructions http://www.fta.dot.gov/index_9440_9327.html#Reporting • 1201(c) Reporting Instructions Will be located in guidance section of TEAM

  4. “We are remaking the American landscape with the largest new investment in our nation's infrastructure since Eisenhower built an Interstate Highway System in the 1950s. Because of this investment, nearly 400,000 men and women will go to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges…upgrading mass transit, building high-speed rail lines that will improve travel and commerce throughout our nation.” –President Barack Obama, February 17, 2009. The Recovery Act: Creating Jobs and Improving our Transportation Infrastructure

  5. “With a recovery package of this size comes a responsibility to assure every taxpayer that we are being careful with the money they work so hard to earn…And we expect you, the American people, to hold us accountable for the results….We want transparency and accountability throughout this process.” -President Barack Obama, February 17, 2009. The Recovery Act: Accountability and Transparency

  6. Section 1201(c) Statutory Language PERIODIC REPORTS. - (1) IN GENERAL. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each grant recipient shall submit to the covered agency from which they received funding periodic reports on the use of the funds appropriated in this Act for covered programs. Such reports shall be collected and compiled by the covered agency and transmitted to Congress. Covered agencies may develop such reports on behalf of grant recipients to ensure the accuracy and consistency of such reports.

  7. Section 1201(c) Statutory Language (2) CONTENTS OF REPORTS. - For amounts received under each covered program by a grant recipient under this Act, the grant recipient shall include in the periodic reports information tracking- (A) the amount of Federal funds appropriated, allocated, obligated, and outlayed under the appropriation; (B) the number of projects that have been put out to bid under the appropriation and the amount of Federal funds associated with such projects; (C) the number of projects for which contracts have been awarded under the appropriation and the amount of Federal funds associated with such contracts;

  8. Section 1201(c) Statutory Language (D) the number of projects for which work has begun under such contracts and the amount of Federal funds associated with such contracts; (E) the number of projects for which work has been completed under such contracts and the amount of Federal funds associated with such contracts; (F) the number of direct, on-project jobs created or sustained by the Federal funds provided for projects under the appropriation and, to the extent possible, the estimated indirect jobs created or sustained in the associated supplying industries, including the number of job-years created and the total increase in employment since the date of enactment of this Act; and (G) for each covered program report information tracking the actual aggregate expenditures by each grant recipient from State sources for projects eligible for funding under the program during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act through September 30, 2010, as compared to the level of such expenditures that were planned to occur during such period as of the date of enactment of this Act.

  9. Section 1201(c) Statutory Language (3) TIMING OF REPORTS. - Each grant recipient shall submit the first of the periodic reports required under this subsection not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall submit updated reports not later than 180 days, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years after such date of enactment.

  10. FTA’s 1201(c) Reporting Framework • Direct recipients report to FTA. • Any recipient that has been awarded an ARRA grant by July 31, 2009 must report. • Report on a grant-by-grant basis • Report cumulative information. • Submit reports into TEAM.

  11. What you will need to report • The total amount of grant funds awarded (this will be pre-populated in TEAM). • The total amount of grant funds that have been committed as of July 31, 2009. • The total amount of grant funds that have been expended as of July 31, 2009.

  12. What you will need to report • The number of contract solicitations that have been issued as of July 31, 2009 related to the funds provided under this grant. • The estimated amount of funds under this grant associated with solicitations. • The number of contracts awarded as of July 31, 2009. • The estimated amount of funds under this grant associated with the contracts awarded. • The number of contracts for which work had begun as of July 31, 2009. • The amount of funds under this grant associated with contracts underway.

  13. What you will need to report • The number of contracts for which work had been completed as of July 31, 2009. • The amount of funds under this grant associated with contracts completed. • The total number of hours associated with direct jobs attributed to this grant. • The total amount of funding from State resources that you planned to expend for the program that funds this grant as of February 17, 2009 during the period from 2/17/2009 through 9/30/2010. • The total amount of funding from State sources that you have expended for the program that funds this grant during the period from 2/17/2009 through 9/30/2010.

  14. Report period July 31, 2009 January 31, 2010 January 31, 2011 January 31, 2012 Report deadline August 16, 2009 February 17, 2010 February 17, 2011 February 17, 2012 When to Submit 1201(c) Reports

  15. The next 8 slides discuss: • Where to find the 1201(c) reporting feature in TEAM. • How to initiate a report. • How to populate the reporting fields. • How to reset and submit a report. • How to view and/or edit a report that has previously been initiated. • How to access 1201(c) report guidance.

  16. Initiating a Report

  17. Initiating a Report

  18. Initiating a Report

  19. Initiating a Report

  20. Entering data, revising report, submitting report

  21. View/Edit Report

  22. View/Edit Your Report

  23. How to Access 1201(c) Guidance in TEAM

  24. 1 - 888 - 443 - 5305 Team.HelpDesk@dot.gov How to Contact the TEAM Help Desk

  25. Additional 1201(c) Information Q: What will FTA do with the information submitted? Q: What will happen if information is not submitted on time?

  26. Additional 1201(c) Information Q: Will FTA review the report information for accuracy? Q: Can 1201(c) Reports be combined with other reports?

  27. Information about other ARRA Reporting • Section 1512 Reports • www.federalreporting.gov • House Transportation & Infrastructure Reports • Milestone Progress/Financial Status Reports • http://www.fta.dot.gov/index_9440_9327.html#Reporting

  28. Questions or Concerns?

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