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SFSP Training

SFSP Training. Created as a resource for sponsors to train staff on program requirements. Prepared by the IN Dept of Education as a training tool for SFSP sponsors to train staff and volunteers. Divided into 3 comprehensive training levels.

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SFSP Training

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  1. SFSP Training Created as a resource for sponsors to train staff on program requirements Prepared by the IN Dept of Education as a training tool for SFSP sponsors to train staff and volunteers.

  2. Divided into 3 comprehensive training levels. (Monitors should stay for the entire training. Site Supervisors should stay for the first 2 sessions.) The different sessions are divided by the color of slides. When the color changes, you can dismiss some of the attendees based on their training needs. Site Staff Site Supervisors Site Monitors

  3. Preliminaries • Please make sure to sign in on the training sign in page. • If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! • All SFSP employees are required to be trained in program requirements each year.

  4. SFSP- What is it? SFSP = Summer Food Service Program • The SFSP is funded by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) • All rules and regulations are federal (national) requirements • The SFSP is locally administered by the Indiana Department of Education

  5. SFSP Purpose SFSP IS… • A program to provide nutritional meals to underprivileged children during times when school is not in session SFSP is NOT… • A program to feed adults • Designed to provide children with all food that they need in a day • A program for children to take food home to eat at a later time

  6. USDA Funds the program. Creates the rules for the program. Oversees the IN Dept of Education in the administration of program requirements. IN Department of Education Approves sponsoring organizations as well as new sites. Trains IN sponsors on program regulations. Monitors IN sponsors for compliance. Conducts SFSP Administrative Reviews according to USDA requirements. Local Sponsoring Agency Provides nutritious meals to children that meet meal pattern requirements. Ensures daily compliance with all USDA regulations. Spends federal tax dollars only on providing nutritious meals to children. Feeds children at approved meal service sites during approved meal times. Self-monitors to ensure continued compliance at each site.

  7. Site Selection • Sites are located in approved meal service areas. • Open sites may only be located in areas where the Free and Reduced percentage of children attending the local school is 50% or greater OR are in areas eligible determined by Census data. • Closed Enrolled sites must meet the criteria that half of the enrolled children qualify for free or reduced price meals. • Sites may not be moved to a new location without prior approval from the IN Department of Education. • Site locations should be chosen with accessibility in mind and located where children can gather easily.

  8. Site Rules 1. Meals are only available to children 18 and younger. If older, the child must be enrolled as a student in a K-12 school. • Persons with disabilities who are over the age of 18 must be enrolled in the local K-12 school to receive meals. (For reference, students with mental disabilities often graduate around the age of 21 or 22.) • Pregnant women over the age of 18 do not qualify for a free meal. • Small children who are not eating solid foods (younger than 6 months) or who are too young to eat the food provided should not be served a meal.

  9. Program Adult vs. Non-Program Adult • Program Adult- An employee or volunteer who has a job duty specific to SFSP. • For example, a monitor watching to ensure children stay on site, kitchen staff, meal counters, custodians working in the meal service area. Non-Program Adult- A person over the age of 18 who does not have a specific job duty within the SFSP. This can include employees or volunteers who do not work with the meal service operation. • For example, parents who bring their kids to the site, daycare staff who bring children to your site, YMCA counselors who do not help with SFSP in any way, custodians who do not work in the cafeteria.

  10. Program Adult vs. Non-Program Adult Meals SFSP Sponsors may (but are not required to) provide program adults one meal free of charge. This is considered an allowable expense to the SFSP. These meals are not claimed for reimbursement! Non-Program adult meals must be purchased from the SFSP either by the adult or through donations made to the program from an outside source. • It is recommended that all adult meals be eaten on site to avoid confusion among children about what foods may be taken off site. • Some sites solicit donations from community partners in order to serve non-program adults free of charge. Each sponsor must set a non-program adult meal price and ensure that the meals are counted and the money for the meals is deposited into the SFSP account.

  11. Site Rules 2. Meals must be served within the approved meal service time. • Times may be changed throughout the summer, but prior approval must be given by the IDOE before serving meals at the new time. • It is best to keep meal service time consistent throughout the summer to ensure regular attendance. • Changes to the meal service time may take as long as 3 days to approve. • All meals served outside of the approved meal service time may not be counted on the daily meal count form and may not paid for using SFSP funds. • If a household continually shows up after meal service has concluded, provide a written reminder of the meal service time.

  12. Site Rules 3. Meals must be consumed at the site. • Meals must be consumed in the presence of site staff. If meal service ends at 12:30 and site staff leave at 12:32, they should collect all trash prior to leaving the site. Children should not have complete meals at the time site staff leave. • Meals must be consumed in the designated meal service area. Children should not eat meals in a car or across the playground away from site staff. • Meals that are taken off site may not be counted on the daily meal count form. • If a household continually leaves the site with food in hand after being told of the rules, site staff may refuse to serve the children. • If the sponsoring organization allows it, participants may take a fruit or vegetable or grain item off-site. Only one item per person and no other food groups may be taken. (for example, a pbj sandwich may not be taken because it contains the meat food group– peanut butter)

  13. Site Rules 4. Meal substitutions due to allergies or disabilities must be supported with a doctor’s note defining the foods to be avoided and items that should be substituted in place. • If a child claims that they cannot have a food item due to allergy, try to make a substitution with the food items available while meeting the meal pattern. • If a child never brings a doctor’s note confirming that the child has an allergy, site staff are not obligated to continually make a meal item substitution. • If a child is lactose in tolerant and does not bring a note, they must still be served milk. They are not required to drink it, but they must take it.

  14. Site Rules 5. Individuals 19 years old and older may not share food items off of a child’s plate. • Even if the leftover food items are to be thrown away, an adult may not eat any food from a child’s plate. • When noted that an adult is eating off of a child’s plate, the adult should be notified of the rule discretely in a non-accusatory or confrontational way. • If an adult has been told of the rule and continues to eat off of their child’s plate the site staff may request that the parent sit separately from the children as they eat or refuse meal service to the children because of the adult’s actions. • If the site opts to sell adult meals, the adult is limited only to the items purchased.

  15. Site Rules –Remove this slide if Share Table is not utilized 6. If the site opts to operate a share table, items on the share table may only be consumed by children. (age 1-18) • A Share Table is a designated area where unopened, individually wrapped food items may be placed for participants who are still hungry. Share tables must meet all requirements as established by your local health department. • If a child eats all of their meal and the site allows, they may select one of the allowable items (fruit or vegetable or grain) from the share table to take home.

  16. Share Table Reminders remove this slide if you do not utilize share tables! • Only pre-packaged items may go on the share table • For example: cheese sticks, goldfish cracker packages, milk cartons, juice boxes, apples, oranges, banana, packages of baby carrots, uncrustable sandwiches • Items that have been opened or contaminated must be thrown away • Items should be kept at food safe temperatures • If you accept milk, it is best to have a bowl with ice to keep the milk at a food safe temperature • Share table items may be kept and put out the following day as long as they have been held a food safe temperatures • Make sure that any perishable items (milk) are checked for expiration if kept more than one day

  17. Site Rules 7. If a site is located outside bad weather may result in the cancellation of meal service. • An inclement weather plan should be determined prior to the start of the program summer and entered in the site information application in CNPweb. • Discuss your alternate meal service plan in case of bad weather with your SFSP director. • Make sure all staff are trained to follow the inclement weather plan.

  18. Meal Pattern Menus are planned to meet specific meal pattern requirements. Each Breakfast meal must include: • 1 serving bread/grain • ½ cup of fruit or vegetable • 8oz of milk Each Snack Must include 2 of the following: (pick any combination) • 1oz meat or meat alternate • 1 serving of bread or grain • ¾ cup of fruit or vegetable (6oz juice) • 8oz of milk Each Lunch Meal must include: • 2oz of meat or meat alternate • 1 serving of bread or grain • ¾ cup total fruit and/or vegetable in 2 different varieties • For example: ¼ cup carrots and ½ cup of peaches • 8oz of milk Sites must not change the planned menu without approval from the SFSP director!

  19. Meal Pattern • All children must take all of the planned menu items unless the site is approved to use Offer versus Serve • Milk is a required component of breakfast and lunch and no substitution of water or juice is allowable. • Fruit and vegetable are grouped into one component. You may serve 2 fruit options or 2 vegetable options or one of each at lunch. • Not all food substitutions are equal!!prior to making substitutions to the planned menu, please contact your SFSP director for approval. • If you receive food donations on site, please ensure that you track what has been donated and in what quantity.

  20. Meal Counting • For meals meeting the meal pattern, each meal served will be documented on the daily meal count form. • This form is to be completed as the children go through the line at the point where the child receives the meal. • The form cannot be completed before the meal or after the meal is served, it must be actually during the meal service. • One person must stand at the end of the meal service line to document the meal each child receives. • To avoid miscounting, the person assigned to document the meal count should not also be plating the food.

  21. Meal Counting • Each site is required to use the USDA daily meal count form unless an alternate has been approved by the IN Department of Education.

  22. Meal Count Form Phone number for the site, not sponsor. This should be the address of the site, not the sponsor! This is the address listed in CNPweb! Meal Type is required for claiming! Site name is important!! The site supervisor for the day must be listed. This person must be trained in Site Supervisor Responsibilities! The number of meals available must be completed on a daily basis. If you claim more meals than the number here, the extra meals will be disallowed by IDOE. Delivery time and date are important to ensure food safety!!

  23. Only first meals served to children are counted here. Meals must be counted individually. No lines through all the numbers, no circle of the final number- each meal must be counted individually! Meal Count Form The total number of meals served must be included and match the number of individual meal count marks!

  24. Meal Count Form Totals matching the meal counts must be listed. Individual meal counting is still required. And these must be complete meals, not only one component or leftovers. Total all meals served and left over meals and add to get the number of meals available for the day. This total should be the number of meals you listed as available for the day!!!

  25. Meal Count Form Count meals here if: you served all available meals prior to the end of the meal service time and there are additional children requesting a meal. Count the total number of kids up to the end of the approved meal service time. Signature and Date are REQUIRED. The form should be signed by the person counting meals on the day of meal service. The person counting meals should not sign to site supervisor’s name in this line, they should sign their name on the line. The sponsor may require the site supervisor to also sign off of the meal count form if they desire.

  26. Meal Count Form Meals will be disallowed by the IDOE if meal count records are not complete, including: • Meals are not counted individually: one line through many numbers or one mark on the final meal count • Missing required information such as total number of meals available or missing signature • More meals were claimed than the number of meals available • Exact meal counts repeat daily with no variation

  27. Meal Counting Questions? This is a very important aspect of our program, so please ask questions if you have any!

  28. Food Safety • It is extremely important that food is kept at food safe temperatures during the hot summer months. • Sites may utilize Time or Temperature Control • Whether using time or temperature to control bacteria growth, documentation must be kept to ensure proof of food safe practices. • In the event of a food borne illness outbreak, the health department will ask to see all documentation that proper food safety controls were put into place for Summer Food Service Program operation

  29. Food Safety Time as a control: • When using time control, food may be taken out of temperature holding (hot or cold) for up to 4 hours prior to service. Once the 4 hour time limit has been reached, all food items must be discarded. • When using this method, sites must document what time food was taken out of temperature control and what time the items were discarded. • Keep in mind if opting to utilize this method, that children are more likely to eat food items kept at their ideal temperature. (Kids don’t like warm milk!!)

  30. Food Safety Temperature as a control: • When utilizing temperature as a control, sites must document that food is maintained at proper temperature for the item being served • Cold items: below 41 degrees • Hot items: 135 degrees or above • Proper equipment must be in place-- steam tables or chafing dishes for hot items and coolers and ice packs or cold tables for cold items • Sites must document the receiving temperature as well as hot or cold holding temperatures for all items being served • A temperature log is required and thermometers must be used at the site level to document proper holding temperatures.

  31. Food Safety • Hairnets and gloves must be worn by servers serving open food items • for example: serving green beans out of a pan • When site staff serve only pre packaged food items and there is no open food to be served, hairnets and gloves are not required to be worn • for example: all meal items are packaged and placed into bags in the central kitchen and site staff only hand out a bag and milk carton • Be mindful of your surroundings- if the wind is blowing grass or leaves into your meal service area, shield food items from the debris so it does not contaminate your food items

  32. Monitoring Your sponsoring agency is required to monitor all of the sites under their sponsorship at least twice throughout the summer. • They can monitor at any time and should show up unannounced • They can monitor more than the minimum number of required times • If they find issues, they should work out a corrective action plan with site staff The IN Department of Education will monitor sites throughout the summer also! • IDOE visits are unannounced even to your sponsoring agency • IDOE employees will have their State of Indiana badge on them and will introduce themselves when they arrive • IDOE staff should be given immediate access to the meal preparation kitchen and/or site without delay

  33. Daily Site Reminders • Meal service area should be inspected daily, free from debris and safe for children • Greet children with a smile and “how are you today?” • All meals served must contain all of the required food items • Count meals individually as children go through the line • Clean up the meal service area and throw away all trash in trash cans • Ensure children have enough time to finish eating before you leave the site. When you leave, all meals should be eaten and trash thrown away. • If in doubt, ask your site supervisor!

  34. Questions? Any questions about meal service or general program compliance?

  35. Civil Rights • Civil Rights seeks to ensure that all program participants are treated fairly and that benefits are equally accessible to all children • Discrimination occurs when a person or groups of people are treated unequally. • Discrimination may be intentional or unintentional • The protected classes in child nutrition programs: • Race, Color, National Origin, Age, Sex, and Disability • You may not treat someone differently if they are a member of one of the protected classes

  36. Civil Rights Civil Rights Laws require: • Equal treatment for everyone • Equal access to all programs and activities • Elimination of barriers that prevent or deter people from receiving benefits • Dignity and respect for all • Ensure that discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping do not exist • Knowledge of both rights and responsibilities

  37. Civil Rights Who is responsible for Civil Rights compliance? Is civil Rights training required annually for all staff and program volunteers? YES!

  38. Civil Rights • Non-discrimination statements must be included on all materials sent to households in reference to any child nutrition program. • Contact your SFSP director for the correct statement to be included on your materials. • Before sending out any flyers or informational papers, ensure that the non-discrimination statement is attached! • Camp Sponsors: The statement should be included on any application you send to households!

  39. Civil Rights • Do you have a need to communicate in a language other than English? • If so, please ensure that all program materials are provided in all languages necessary to fully communicate with your participating families. • The IDOE has flyers with the site rules available in both English and Spanish

  40. Civil Rights • The “And Justice for All” poster must be visible to program participants at every meal service site! • You must utilize the full 11x17 inch size • If you need additional posters for each site, please contact your SFSP director

  41. Civil Rights • Racial/Ethnic Data is required to be collected annually for each site • The Racial/Ethnic Data Form must be completed annually • Instructions for how to complete the Racial/Ethnic Data Form are in the Monitor’s section of this training

  42. Civil Rights Complaints • It is a basic right for individuals to file a civil rights complaint at any time. • Complaints may be given verbally or written • Complaints may be given anonymously • Complaints may be filed at any time up to 6 months after the incident has occurred • Complaints must be logged correctly and reported to either the USDA office of Civil Rights or to the Indiana Department of Education

  43. Civil Rights Information to be collected when receiving a civil rights compliant: • Who: Contact Information of Complainant • What: Description of Incident(s) • When: Date of the Incident • Where: Location(s) of Occurrence • Who Else: Possible Witnesses Then, contact your SFSP director!

  44. Civil Rights

  45. Civil Rights • Everyone has a responsibility to ensure all are treated equally and with good manners • Civil Rights complaints are to be taken seriously • All complaints must be reported to the USDA • It is not up to you to determine whether the complaint is valid- you simply report the complaint as it is stated to you

  46. Civil Rights Meal Substitutions • Meal substitutions must be made for students with an allergy or disability • A substitution that can be made within the meal pattern does not required a doctor’s note • For example: A child states that they are lactose intolerant and you have soy milk available, no doctor’s note is required, but you may request one at the local level • Substitutions made with a doctor’s note may follow what the documentation says and substitutions are allowable outside of the meal pattern • For example: the allergy note states the child is allergic to milk and to soy, so juice should be substituted at lunch. As long as the note is signed by someone with prescriptive authority, you may make the meal pattern change. Keep the doctor’s note available for review by State Agency reviewers. (This can be kept in the sponsor’s central office.)

  47. Civil Rights Bottom line: • All children must have equal access to all choices and options • If a student is physically handicapped or in a wheel chair, accommodations must be made to give that child equal access to the meals program • Denial of food cannot be used as a disciplinary action • Make sure to communicate with your participants in a language that is understood by the households • Ensure that the And Justice for All poster is posted in the meal service area Equal and respectful treatment of participants is good customer service!

  48. Site Supervisor Training All site staff who will not be site supervisors or monitors may leave at this time.

  49. Site Supervisor What is your role? • To ensure that compliance is met daily for each meal that you supervise. • Serve meals to all children who come to your site. • Provide excellent customer service to the families that you serve. • A trained site supervisor must be present during meal service (observing actual meal service the entire meal period) each day

  50. Site Supervisor Responsibilities • Ensure each meal served is reimbursable • Maintain meal count documentation • Maintain meal pattern compliance documentation • Maintain delivery receipts as needed • Communicate with Sponsor about meal delivery changes • Ensure food safety • Ensure civil rights compliance • Inform your SFSP director of the need for a change in meal service time or meal type • Submit all appropriate to the central office each week • Keep your site safe

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