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Anders Lindblad 1,2 , Paul D Robinson 3 , and Per Gustafsson 2,4

Figure 3. LCI (z-score) vs FEV 1 (z-score) in 26 CF subjects. Figure 4. Scond and Sacin (z-score) vs FEV 1 (z-score) in 26 CF subjects. Scond Sacin. LCI (z). Scond and Sacin (z). FEV 1 (z). LCI (z).

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Anders Lindblad 1,2 , Paul D Robinson 3 , and Per Gustafsson 2,4

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  1. Figure 3. LCI (z-score) vs FEV1 (z-score) in 26 CF subjects. Figure 4. Scond and Sacin (z-score) vs FEV1 (z-score) in 26 CF subjects. Scond Sacin LCI (z) Scond and Sacin (z) FEV1 (z) LCI (z) Relationship between nitrogen multiple breath washout (N2 MBW) indices of global and peripheral airway function and FEV1 in children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Anders Lindblad1,2 , Paul D Robinson3 , and Per Gustafsson2,4 1CF Centre, Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; 2The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine, Children's Hospital at Westmead, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 4Department of Paediatrics, Central Hospital, Skövde, Sweden These cross-sectional findings suggest that LCI is more useful than Scond or Sacin in monitoring CF lung disease. Scond may, however, be used as an early marker of lung involvement in CF. TSANZ 2013

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