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WOD - Week #1 (Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.). Focus: Latin root “ malus ”: mal-, meaning bad, badly, harsh, wrong, ill; evil; abnormal, defective

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  1. WOD - Week #1(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “malus”: mal-, meaning bad, badly, harsh, wrong, ill; evil; abnormal, defective Latin prefix bene-, ben-, beni-, or bon-, meaning good or well 4 Jan. 2011 malfeasance (n) mal- (bad) + feas- (to do, to make) + -ance(quality, state of being, act of) = the act of doing something bad; the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified or contrary to law; wrongdoing. Ms. Colbert’s sentence example: The mayor was accused of malfeasance when he asked the city to buy his property at a sky high price. 5 Jan. 2011malapropism (n) mal- (badly) + prop- (purpose) + -ism (the practice of) = the practice of badly or misusing on purpose; the act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, especially by confusing words that sound similar 6 Jan. 2011 benefactor (n) bene- (good) + fac- (to make, to do) + -or (person who) = a person who does good things;a person who confers a benefit, a kindly helper, a person who makes a donation to an institution 7 Jan. 2011 benediction (n) bene- (good) + dic-(to speak) + -tion(the act of) = the act of speaking good words or good wishes;an utterance of good wishes; the blessing pronounced by a minister at the close of a service

  2. WOD - Week #2(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root “dem” meaning people, tribe, or population; -demo-, demio-, deme-, -demic 10 Jan. 2011democratically(adverb) dem- (people) + -crat(rule, govern) + -ic(having the nature of) + -ly (characterized by) = characterized by the nature of the rule of the people; in a manner which is constructed upon the principle of government by the people; in a manner befitting the common people. 11 Jan. 2011 epidemiology (n.) epi- (upon, near, close to) + dem- (population) + -ology(the science of) = the science of things that come upon a people or population; The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations. 12 Jan. 2011 demographics(n.) demo- (people, populations) + graph-(writing) + -ics(having the nature of) = having the nature of writing about populations; the characteristics of human populations and population segments like size, growth, density, births, deaths, marriages, etc.

  3. WOD - Week #3(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “jactus” meaning thrown or hurled; -ject, -jet 18 Jan. 2011 conjecture (n., verb) con- (with) + -ject(to throw or hurl) + -ure(an act or result; the result of the act of) = the result of the act of throwing in with; to conclude or suppose from insufficient evidence; an opinion or theory formed without proof; a statement or conclusion based on guesswork 19 Jan. 2011interjection(n) inter- (within) + -ject(thrown or hurled) + -tion(the act of) = the act of throwing within; a sudden short utterance; the part of speech that usually expresses emotion and can stand alone such as “Ugh!” or “Wow!” 20 Jan. 2011 trajectory(n.) tra- (from trans- meaning across) + ject- (to throw or hurl) + -ory(of or relating to; like, resembling) = relating to the throwing across; the curve described by a projectile, rocket, or the like in its flight; Geometry: a curve or surface that cuts all the curves or surfaces of a given system at a constant angle

  4. WOD - Week #4(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “capere”: cap-, capt-, cip-, cept-, -ceit, -ceive; meaning to take or seize 24 Jan. 2011recipient (n, adj) re (again, back) + -cip(take or seize) + -ent (a person who) = a person who takes back or seizes again a person or thing that receives, capable of receiving; one who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor 25 Jan. 2011 capacious (adj) cap- (to take or seize) + -cious (full of) = full of taking or seizing; capable of holding much; able or qualified to make large views of things, comprehensive 26 Jan. 2011 imperceptible (adj) im- (not) + per- (through) + -cept(to take) + -ible(able) = not able to take through;not recognizable by sense or by the mind; extremely slight, gradual

  5. WOD - Week #5(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “ponere”: pon-, pos-, pound: meaning place or put 31 Jan. 2011component (n) com- (together, with) + -pon(to put or place) + -ent (to form, inclined to = inclined to put together; an ingredient, a feature of, serving or helping to form 1 Feb. 2011 juxtaposed (v, past tense) juxta- (to join, near to) + pos- (to put or place) + -ed(past tense) = the act of being placed side by side; having been side by side or close together especially for comparison or contrast. 2 Feb. 2011 predisposition (n) pre- (before) + dis- (away from) + pos- (to place or put) + -tion(the act of) = the act of putting or placing away from;the condition of tending to act in a certain way in advance; condition of susceptibility to a disease

  6. February 7-11, 2011 there was NO Word of the Day

  7. WOD - Week #6(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root “chron-” or “chrono-” meaning “time” 14 Feb. 2011anachronism(n.) ana- (back, backward, against) + chron- (time) + ism (belief in, practice of, condition of) = the condition of being against time; something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time; one that is out of its proper or chronological order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time. 15 Feb. 2011 synchronize (v.) syn- (with, together) + chron- (time) + -ize(to do, to make to cause) = to do something together in time; to go on, move, operate, work, etc. at the same rate and exactly together; to occur at the same time 16 Feb. 2011 chronograph(n.) chrono- (time) + -graph(writing) = writing about time; a timepiece capable of measuring extremely brief intervals of time accurately, as a stopwatch able to record fractions of a second as well as elapsed time.

  8. WOD - Week #7(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root “morphe”: morph-, morpho-, -morphia, -morphy, -morphic, -morphism, -morphous; meaning form, beauty, or outward appearance (Current use of the word “morph” means to change shape or to transform) 22 Feb. 2011morphology(n.) morph- (form) + ology (the study of) = the study of form; the branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of organisms; the study of the rules for forming words. 23 Feb. 2011 metamorphosis(n.) meta- (change) + morpho- (form) + -sis (process) = the process of changing form or appearance; a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism; any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances 24 Feb. 2011 dysmorphic(adj.) dys- (abnormal) + morph- (form) + -ic(of or pertaining to)= pertaining to abnormal form; malformed or misshapen; pertaining to an abnormality in the shape or size of a body part

  9. WOD - Week #8(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”: spec-, -spect, -spic-; meaning see, sight, look, appear, behold, examine 1 Mar. 2011specimen(n) spec- (look, examine, see) + -men (results or means) = to look at for results; a part, or small portion, of anything, or one of a number of things, intended to exhibit the kind and quality of the whole, or of what is not exhibited; a sample 2 Mar. 2011 circumspect(adj.) circum- (around, round) + -spect(look, examine, see) = to look around; watchful and discreet, cautious; heedful of potential consequences; well considered 3 Mar. 2011 conspicuous(adj.) con- (together) + spic- (to look, see, behold) + -ous(characterized by) = characterized by looking at together; easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable; attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities

  10. March 7-18, 2011 there was NO Word of the Day

  11. WOD - Week #9(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root rect-/reg-/rig-/recti-/reign: meaning right, to lead, to rule, to guide, to govern, king, straight 22 Mar. 2011regimentation(n) reg- (rule, lead) + -ment(the result of) + -ation (the process of) = the result of the process of leading or ruling; to form into a regiment; to put into systematic order; to subject to uniformity and rigid order: 23 Mar. 2011 rectitude (n) recti- (right) + -tude(state, quality, condition of) = the quality of being right: the state or quality of being right; rightness of principle or conduct, correctness; the condition of being correct in judgment; the quality of being straight; moral virtue 24 Mar. 2011 insurrection (n) in (not) + sur- (from sub- = under) + rec- (to rule) + -tion(the act of) = the act of getting out from under rule; an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or government

  12. March 28-31, 2011 And April 4-7 (Spring Break) there was NO Word of the Day

  13. WOD - Week #10(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek “mono-” and Latin “uni-”: meaning one, single, alone Greek “poly-” and Latin “multi-”: meaning many, much, excessive 12 Apr. 2011 monologue (n) mono- (one) + -logue(to speak) = one speaking; a form of dramatic entertainment by a single speaker; a talk by one person, a part in a dram in which an actor speaks alone, soliloquy 13 Apr. 2011unilateral(adj) uni- (one) + lat- (side) + -al (relating to) = relating to one side; relating to one side only, done on behalf of one faction or political party, not mutual; having only one side 14 Apr. 2011 polytheism (n) poly- (many) + the- (god, divine) + -ism (belief in, practice of) = belief in many gods;the doctrine or belief in more than one god 15 Apr. 2011 multifaceted (adj) multi- (many) + facet (side) + -ed(*ed in this instance is being used to form an adjective from a noun!) = having many sides;having many facets, having many aspects or phases

  14. WOD - Week #11(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Prefixes meaning before: ante-, pro-, pre- Prefix meaning after: post- 19 Apr. 2011 antecedent (adj, n) ante- (before) + ced- (to go) + -ent(causing, state or condition of) = state of going before; As an adj: preceding, prior, a preceding event or circumstance; As a noun: A thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another; in math – the first term of a ratio or first or third term of a proportion; in genealogy – an ancestor 20 Apr. 2011prognosis (n) pro- (before, prior to) + gno- (to know) + -sis (state, condition) = knowing the condition ahead of time: a prediction of the course of a disease 21 Apr. 2011 prediction (n) pre- (before) + dic- (to tell or speak) + -tion(the act of) = the act of speaking before;the act of telling about something ahead of time, a statement about the future 22 Apr. 2011 posthumous (adj) post- (after) + humous(earth) = after earth, after burial; occurring after one’s death; published after the writer’s death

  15. WOD - Week #12(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Roots “legein” and “logos”: -leg, -lig-, -lect, -log, -logo, -logue, -logy, ology, locu-, loqu- = talk, speak, word, speech, reason, thought, study of, science of 26 Apr. 2011 dermatology (n) derma- (skin) + -ology(the study of) = the study of the skin; the science which treats the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases 27 Apr. 2011loquacious (adj) loqu- () + cious- (like, full of, quality of) = being full of talking or speaking: very talkative, characterized by trivial conversation 28 Apr. 2011 soliloquies (plural noun) sol- (alone, solitary) + loqu- (speech) + -ies(plural of) = speeches made by someone alone, solitary speeches;a dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener; the act of speaking to oneself

  16. May 2-6 (Testing and Flood Day) there was NO Word of the Day

  17. WOD - #13(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin roots from “movere”: mob-, mov-, mot-; meaning to move 9 May 2011promotional(adj) pro- (toward, in favor of) + mot- (to move) + -tion(the act of, the process of) = relating to the act of moving toward of or relating to publicity as in “promotional fares”; of or relating to advancement, as in “promotional exams”; intended to advertise something 10 May 2011 motility(n) mot- (to move) + -ity(condition of) = the condition of moving; capability of motion; the power to move spontaneously: the ability to move spontaneously and independently. 11 May 2011 demotion (n) de- (reverse) + mot- (to move) + -[t]ion (the act of, the process of) = the process of reverse movement;the process of moving to a lower rank.

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