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At North Texas Gynecologic Oncolgy, we pride ourselves in offering the most effective and up-to-date treatment options for patients with gynecologic malignancies. From minimally invasive robotic surgery to advanced upper abdominal debulking to heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy, our team provides the very best that modern medicine has to offer women with gynecologic malignancies. Find out more about the innovative MonaLisa touch for vaginal rejuvenation!

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  2. WHAT IS VULVAR CANCER Vulvar cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer that affects the vulva, the external genital organs that protect a woman's reproductive system. It is most likely to appear on the outer vaginal lips. Typical symptoms include a lump, itching, and bleeding.

  3. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSVULVAR CANCER Painful Sexual Intercourse Bleeding Pain And Burning Dark Discoloration In Cases Of Melanoma Painful Urination Persistent Itching Rawness And Sensitivity Wart-Like Growths Thickened Skin Ulceration

  4. CAUSES Cancer happens when cell growth is out of control. Most cancers harm the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue, or tumors. Tumors can grow and affect body function. A benign tumor stays in one place and does not spread, but a malignant tumor spreads and causes further damage. Without treatment, cancer can grow and spread to other parts of the body. This is called metastasis. If it enters the lymphatic system, it can reach other parts of the body, including vital organs

  5. RISK FACTORS HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) AGE Over half of all cases are in women aged over 70 years, and fewer than 1 in 5 occur before the age of 50 years. Women infected with HPV have a higher risk of developing vulval cancer.

  6. VULVAR LICHEN SCLEROSUS ET ATROPHICUS INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA This causes the skin to become thick and itchy, and it may increase the susceptibility to vulvar cancer slightly. This is a general term for a precancerous state, in which certain cells within the vulvar epithelium have a range of low-grade carcinoma. Women with VIN have a significantly higher risk of developing vulvar cancer.

  7. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS MELANOMA A personal or family history of melanoma in other parts of the body increases the risk of vulvar cancer. Women with a higher level of antibodies to the herpessimplex virus type 2 appear to have a higher risk of vulvar cancer.

  8. TREATMENT THE TYPES OF TREATMENT NORMALLY USED FOR VULVAR CANCER ARE SURGERY, CHEMOTHERAPY, RADIATION THERAPY, AND BIOLOGIC THERAPY. Surgery is the main way to treat vulvar cancer. Treatment aims to remove the cancer while leaving sexual function intact. IF DIAGNOSIS OCCURS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF THE CANCER, LIMITED SURGERY IS REQUIRED. At the later stages, and if the cancer has spread to nearby organs, such as the urethra, vagina or rectum, surgery will be more extensive.

  9. Types Of Surgery Include: LASER SURGERY EXCISION The surgeon attempts to remove all the cancer and some healthy tissue around it This uses a laser beam as a knife, to remove lesions. SKINNING VULVECTOMY The surgeon removes the top layer of skin, where the cancer is located. A skin graft from another part of the body can be used to replace what was lost. RADICAL VULVECTOMY The surgeon removes the whole vulva, including the clitoris, vaginal lips, the opening to the vagina, and usually the nearby lymph nodes as well

  10. Talk to us! CONTACT INFORMATION PHONE 972.490.5970 OFFICE ADDRESS 12200 Park Central Dr. Suite 410 Dallas, Texas 75251 WEBSITE ADDRESS http://northtxgynonc.com

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