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NPI Lookup from the NPI Registry

NPI Lookup is a site designed for you to easily find medical practitioners' NPI numbers. Doing so allows you to confirm the practitioner or medical entity is registered and makes it easy to fill in Medicare and Medicaid forms. Visit: https://npi-lookup.org/

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NPI Lookup from the NPI Registry

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  1. NPI Lookup is a site designed for you to easily find medical practitioners' NPI numbers. Doing so allows you to confirm the practitioner or medical entity is registered and makes it easy to fill in Medicare and Medicaid forms. A National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is a code given to all medical providers by Medicare and Medicaid. The code is 10 digits, and is unique for each entity, whether a person or organization. Anyone who practices medicine is given a number, and so is included on an NPI registry for easy access. Their number remains the same regardless of whether they move or change jobs. How does the NPI registry work? The NPI registry allows you to perform an NPI lookup for any doctor, physician, or healthcare provider. Included on the registry are: •Family medicine practitioners •Physician's assistants •Internal medicine •Nurse practitioners •And more To obtain the necessary information for completing claims forms, or to simply search or confirm a practitioner is registered, you can enter any of the following information: •Name (search will return all NPI registered practitioners with that name) •Organization name (search will return all NPI registered organizations featuring these words) •An NPI number (search will return the record for that exact number) You can filter by state to make things easier, or leave this open for a more general search. The result will give you a practitioner or organization's information, including name, NPI number, address, contact number, and area of medicine. Visit npi-lookup.org to read more about NPI Lookup.

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