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Soul Wisdom Abundance

Soul Wisdom Abundance. Prosperity Questions and Answers On why it is hard to ask ... and the conditions we set. We may do a meditation. There is so much to get through that we may run out of time but I do have to give you the health warning...

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Soul Wisdom Abundance

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  1. Soul Wisdom Abundance Prosperity Questions and Answers On why it is hard to ask ... and the conditions we set
  2. We may do a meditation There is so much to get through that we may run out of time but I do have to give you the health warning... ...if we do the mediation, do not attempt it while driving or operating machinery or anything that needs your attention. Thank you.
  3. We don’t ask because we don’t trust: God/Universe/Source/Karma We don’t believe we have the right to ask (“I want doesn’t get”) We are afraid we will have to pay for what we want We are afraid of God
  4. We put conditions on God... I need/want: More money Better health A relationship ...but on condition
  5. Let’s take an example: I need better health BUT YOU MAY NOT MESS WITH: My job My relationship My family My children My pride My plans My home My town/area/country
  6. If we are very insecure We won’t even trust that we can set those kinds of conditions So we won’t ask because we are afraid of the consequences of asking We are working from second chakra – ‘An eye for an eye’
  7. But God/Universe can’t help... ...unless we allow it to Which means letting go of control and learning to trust “But I’ve trusted before and it turned out badly”
  8. I’d venture to suggest that you you only trusted so far... And it turned out the way your ego didn’t want it to turn out The ego is based in the second chakra —the place of the Agreements — the place of ‘an eye for an eye’ — the place of ‘should’ — the place of tribal beliefs — the place that resists change
  9. And the ego must have someone to blame So who’s to blame? God Anyone in authority YOU
  10. The biggest Agreement of all Is not trusting God/Universe That means we believe that we: Have to sort it ourselves Have to try and control the Universe Have to try and control others Have to set conditions Have to be afraid
  11. And when we fail, we blame God, authority or us If you don’t trust something, by the Law of Attraction, it will appear that it let you down Whether it’s God, authority or you What let you down was the lack of trust. It’s a vicious circle
  12. We all have intuition We all get the answer to every question we ask at the soul level But we block it by diverting its energy to the Agreements OR to the Conditions “I can’t do that – I’d have to move town, country, leave, stand up for myself, get another job.” Or even worse: “I can’t do that because of my partner/children/pets” Sometimes we spend hours, maybe days, piling up the objections until we find the safest, least scary route ... Which delivers tepid results ... Or no results at all (or in the case of the rebel, set out deliberately in the opposite direction!)
  13. You may think you don’t get answers ... But that’s because the blocking is so thorough The first commandment is “thou shalt have no other gods before My face” That means “put nothing between yourself and your spiritual growth” Other gods: the Agreements and the Conditions
  14. “But if I put my spiritual growth first, other people will suffer” Nice try If you are truly following your spirit and soul it is impossible for you to make anyone suffer They may think you have. But if you put their ego’s beliefs before your spiritual growth then you will suffer ... And you will prop them up in a false belief which will lead to further suffering for both of you
  15. If you are in a terrible mess The answer is always let go and let God The odds are that God got you in the mess anyway Sometimes our control issues are so great that the only thing God can do to save us is to make us crash and burn
  16. It’s called ‘The Wake Up Call’ The crash and burn always means that we are being saved from something worse
  17. You could try ending the Agreement that you are in control of your life You are not At least, your ego is not Your soul is And if your soul is being starved by Agreements and conditions at some point you’ll get the Wake Up Call In the end the soul wins whatever – because we will die. We are not in control. That we are is the ultimate destructive Agreement
  18. The most important thing to remember about the crash and burn... ...is NOT TO LOOK FOR THE REASON Ego has to know the reason Why, why, why? There is only EVER one reason: because it was what was necessary for your soul
  19. Questions Today you are crucified. Mocked, shamed, humiliated. You are forsaken. But the great lesson of this Holy Week is not in the suffering - we can do that for ever, and many of us do - the lesson is in the dying, the letting go, the realising that they truly do not know what they do to us. They can't, because it's our perception that is the problem, not them. Once we realise that WE are the betrayers of ourselves, then we die to the fear and the guilt and the hate. Once we allow ourselves to let go and die, resurrection is a done deal.  That is what you wrote on Facebook. How do we do that? I have been struggling with guilt since my husband died. I feel like I let him down, I wasn't good enough or he would have stayed. I wonder if I was part of the cause for his cancer. I feel like I have no more of a future than I did the day he died.
  20. No one dies because of you You are simply not that powerful. Only the ego could play that guilt trick. But it’s a cunning one People die for four reasons only 1/ It is their time/they have done their job 2/ They are so disconnected that their soul calls them home to try again 3/ They give their life to save another 4/ They think it’s a good idea to jump out of an aeroplane at 5000 feet without a parachute
  21. It is not wrong to die young The ego thinks it is wrong to die The soul thinks that dying is going home Very frequently — incredibly frequently — the soul who has chosen to ‘die young’ gives and receives an incredible gift
  22. The gift is Either That they are given fabulous love for a short period before their death Or that they give the experience of bereavement to a developing living soul so that he/she may become a powerful healer Or Both
  23. No soul ever dies young in order that their loved one should spend the rest of their life pining or miserable There will always be some sadness but any human who spends more than seven years in guilt and grief over a loved-one is caught in a savage Agreement of self-betrayal
  24. If you owe anything, you owe it to the departed loved one to live a good life Please understand that in this particular case the guilt is now an addiction — and as powerful as alcoholism. I know you want to heal ... I know you would like to let go. It is eating huge amounts of your energy The Agreement is that “I must suffer” This one is probably too hard just to break the agreement. This one needs prayer: “Please help me heal. Please show me what to do”
  25. I do use Ho'oponopono. I clean all the way to work in the mornings. I do clearing with my family, my inner child, friends, pets, everything I can think of where I have had conflict or feeling that I let someone down. But still I feel like I didn't do enough. I feel like I have let myself down with not having the passion for life that I used to have. I do things I used to do and enjoyed and it is fine for the moment but there is no 'woo hoo' involved in the action. Does that makes sense? I feel so very tired inside. How can I learn to surrender and die to be reborn into life? If I am waking up every morning I want to LIVE not just be here. I feel hollow. 
  26. You’re exhausted and you’re trying to do it all yourself Give up! Let go and let God Stop the cleaning ... Stop the trying to change it ... Stop the effort. Let us pray for you http://www.unity.org/prayer Ask for help. And listen to God’s answer
  27. I have a pattern of when I get paid, it only takes a couple weeks and I am out of money. I don’t buy stuff but I do buy food and mostly for my dogs and cat. Then I am stressed and struggle for the next 2 weeks till I get paid again and hope and pray I make it through to the end of the month. My bank has set up a budget for me so that all my bills are paid on the first. I don't have to think about that. But I have to have gas in my car and food on the table. Even when I seem to have extra money I go through it like water. HELP! Does this question still relate to the last question I wrote about now knowing what it feels like to 'be rich'? so I make sure I don't have the money on hand? How do I stop?
  28. I moved last June to a beautiful cottage in the countryside; it took me much courage, affirmations and metaphysical work to shift the energy to get me here, and I've never regretted it. However, I want to spend more time in and around my lovely home.  I work full time in something I dislike (I am a caseworker for an MP). Typically, I can help 99 out of 100 people effectively, yet I'm always being pulled about that one wherein someone isn't happy or complains, usually because I may have missed something due to massive workload.  I know there are lots of messages in all this, but the thing is...I want to work from home, and am willing to take those small steps, and create various income streams. To be honest, I think I am thinking of the right things to try and change this situation, but I feel somewhat confused about how to proceed.  Do I start actively researching things to do, or do I work entirely metaphysically at this stage, in terms of what blockages I may have that are creating this 'no one is ever pleased' culture at work.
  29. What do you recommend for situations where you feel as if the situation is “not quite enough” e.g. aim for 1st Class Honours and getting a 2.1,  losing weight but not the last 7-10 lbs…
  30. Ending the Agreements Taking back your power; re-linking your Spirit and Soul Nothing/No one has hurt me (if you can) This Agreement is OVER I claim my Spirit back
  31. Some simple Agreements to end That I can’t ask or trust God to love me and help me That I have to do it all myself That I am to blame That it can’t be sorted That I’ll always be broke That I’ll never get better That I’ll never be good enough
  32. How God really feels about you... We’re going to do a meditation. Do not attempt it while driving or operating machinery or anything that needs your attention. Thank you.
  33. If I could be where you are Enya Amarantine
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