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Prof. Chris Carothers Computer Science Department Lally 306 [Office Hrs: Wed, 11a.m – 1p.m]

CSCI-6964: High Performance Parallel & Distributed Computing (HPDC) AE 216, Mon/Thurs 2-3:20 p.m. Introduction, Syllabus & Prelims. Prof. Chris Carothers Computer Science Department Lally 306 [Office Hrs: Wed, 11a.m – 1p.m] chrisc@cs.rpi.edu www.cs.rpi.edu/~chrisc/COURSES/HPDC/SPRING-2008.

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Prof. Chris Carothers Computer Science Department Lally 306 [Office Hrs: Wed, 11a.m – 1p.m]

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  1. CSCI-6964: High Performance Parallel & Distributed Computing (HPDC)AE 216, Mon/Thurs 2-3:20 p.m.Introduction, Syllabus & Prelims Prof. Chris Carothers Computer Science Department Lally 306 [Office Hrs: Wed, 11a.m – 1p.m] chrisc@cs.rpi.edu www.cs.rpi.edu/~chrisc/COURSES/HPDC/SPRING-2008 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  2. Course Prereqs… • Some programming experience in Fortran, C, C++… • Java is great but not for HPC… • You’ll have a choice to do your assignment in C, C++ or Fortran…subject to the language support of the programming paradigm.. • Assume you’ve never touched a parallel or distributed computer.. • If you have MPI experience great..it will help you, but it is not necessary… • If you love to write software… • Both practice and theory are presented but there is a strong focus on getting your programs to work… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  3. Course Textbook • Introduction to Parallel Computing, by Grama, Gupta, Karypis and Kumar • Make sure you have the 2nd edition! • Available either online thru the Pearson/Addisom Wesley publisher or RPI Campus bookstore. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  4. Course Topics • Prelims & Motivation • Memory Hierarchy • CPU Organization • Parallel Architectures (Ch. 2, papers) • Message Passing/SMP • Communications Networks • Basic Communications Operations (Ch 3) • MPI Programming (Ch 6) • Principles of Parallel Algorithm Design (Ch 4) • Thread Programming (Ch 7) • Ptreads • OpenMP HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  5. Course Topics (cont.) • Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs (Ch 5) • LogP Model (paper) • Parallel Algorithms (Mix of Ch 8 – 11) • Matrix Algorithms • Sorting “ • Graph “ • Search “ • MapReduce Programming Paradigm (papers) • Applications (Guest Lectures) • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Mesh Adaptivity • Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  6. Course Grading Criteria • You must read ahead (lecture, textbook and papers) • FOR EACH CLASS…You will write a 1 page paper that sumarizes what you read and states any questions you might have for my benefit….. • In the case of guest lectures, report is due next class. • What’s it worth… • 1 grade point per class up to 25 points total • There are 27 lectures, so you can pick 3 to miss… • 4 programming assignments worth 10 pts each • MPI, Pthreads, OpenMP, MapReduce • Parallel Computing Research Project worth 35 pts • Yes, that’s right no mid-term or final exam… • May sound good, but when it’s 4 a.m. and your parallel program doesn’t work and you’ve spent the past 30 hours debugging it, an exam doesn’t sound so bad … • For a course like this, you’ll need to manage you time well..do a little each day and don’t get behind on the assignments or projects! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  7. To Make A Fast Parallel Computer You Need a Faster Serial Computer…well sorta… • Review of… • Instructions… • Instruction processing.. • Put it together…why the heck do we care about or need a parallel computer? • i.e., they are really cool pieces of technology, but can they really do anything useful beside compute Pi to a few billion more digits… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  8. Processor Instruction Sets • In general, a computer needs a few different kinds of instructions: • mathematical and logical operations • data movement (access memory) • jumping to new places in memory • if the right conditions hold. • I/O (sometimes treated as data movement) • All these instructions involve using registers to store data as close as possible to the CPU • E.g. $t0, $s0 in MIPs on %eax, %ebx in x86 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  9. a=(b+c)-(d+e); $s0 $s1 $s2 $s3 $s4 add $t0, $s1, $s2 # t0 = b+c add $t1, $s3, $s4 # t1 = d+e sub $s0, $t0, $t1 # a = $t0–$t1 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  10. lw destreg, const(addrreg) “Load Word” A number Name of register to get base address from Name of register to put value in address = (contents of addrreg) + const HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  11. Array Example: a=b+c[8]; lw $t0,8($s2) # $t0 = c[8] add $s0, $s1, $t0 # $s0=$s1+$t0 (yeah, this is not quite right …) $s0 $s2 $s1 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  12. lw destreg, const(addrreg) “Load Word” A number Name of register to get base address from Name of register to put value in address = (contents of addrreg) + const HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  13. sw srcreg, const(addrreg) “Store Word” A number Name of register to get base address from Name of register to get value from address = (contents of addrreg) + const HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  14. Example: sw $s0, 4($s3) If $s3 has the value 100, this will copy the word in register $s0 to memory location 104. Memory[104] <- $s0 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  15. lw destreg, const(addrreg) “Load Word” A number Name of register to get base address from Name of register to put value in address = (contents of addrreg) + const HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  16. sw srcreg, const(addrreg) “Store Word” A number Name of register to get base address from Name of register to get value from address = (contents of addrreg) + const HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  17. Example: sw $s0, 4($s3) If $s3 has the value 100, this will copy the word in register $s0 to memory location 104. Memory[104] <- $s0 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  18. 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits 6 bits op rs rt rd shamt funct Instruction formats 32 bits This format is used for many MIPS instructions that involve calculations on values already in registers. E.g. add $t0, $s0, $s1 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  19. How are instructions processed? • In the simple case… • Fetch instruction from memory • Decode it (read op code, and use registers based on what instruction the op code says • Execute the instruction • Write back any results to register or memory • Complex case… • Pipeline – overlap instruction processing… • Superscalar – multi-instruction issue per clock cycle.. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  20. Simple (relative term) CPU Multicyle Datapath & Control HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  21. Simple (yeah right!) Instruction Processing FSM! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  22. Pipeline Processing w/ Laundry • While the first load is drying, put the second load in the washing machine. • When the first load is being folded and the second load is in the dryer, put the third load in the washing machine. • Admittedly unrealistic scenario for CS students, as most only own 1 load of clothes… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  23. 1 6 P M 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 A M T i m e T a s k o r d e r A B C D 1 6 P M 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 A M T i m e T a s k o r d e r A B C D HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  24. Pipelined DP w/ signals HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  25. Pipelined Instruction.. But wait, we’ve got dependencies! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  26. Pipeline w/ Forwarding Values HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  27. Where Forwarding Fails…must stall HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  28. How Stalls Are Inserted HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  29. What about those crazy branches? Problem: if the branch is taken, PC goes to addr 72, but don’t know until after 3 other instructions are processed HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  30. Dynamic Branch Prediction • From the phase “There is no such thing as a typical program”, this implies that programs will branch is different ways and so there is no “one size fits all” branch algorithm. • Alt approach: keep a history (1 bit) on each branch instruction and see if it was last taken or not. • Implementation: branch prediction buffer or branch history table. • Index based on lower part of branch address • Single bit indicates if branch at address was last taken or not. (1 or 0) • But single bit predictors tends to lack sufficient history… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  31. Solution: 2-bit Branch Predictor Must be wrong twice before changing predictionLearns if the branch is more biased towards “taken” or “not taken” HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  32. Even more performance… • Ultimately we want greater and greater Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) • How? • Multiple instruction issue. • Results in CPI’s less than one. • Here, instructions are grouped into “issue slots”. • So, we usually talk about IPC (instructions per cycle) • Static: uses the compiler to assist with grouping instructions and hazard resolution. Compiler MUST remove ALL hazards. • Dynamic: (i.e., superscalar) hardware creates the instruction schedule based on dynamically detected hazards HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  33. Example Static 2-issue Datapath • Additions: • 32 bits from intr. Mem • Two read, 1 write ports on reg file • 1 more ALU (top handles address calc) HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  34. Ex. 2-Issue Code Schedule Loop: lw $t0, 0($s1) #t0=array element addiu $t0, $t0, $s2 #add scalar in $s2 sw $t0, 0($s1) #store result addi $s1, $s1, -4 # dec pointer bne $s1, $zero, Loop # branch $s1!=0 It take 4 clock cycles for 5 instructions or IPC of 1.25 HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  35. More Performance: Loop Unrolling • Technique where multiple copies of the loop body are made. • Make more ILP available by removing dependencies. • How? Complier introduces additional registers via “register renaming”. • This removes “name” or “anti” dependence • where an instruction order is purely a consequence of the reuse of a register and not a real data dependence. • No data values flow between one pair and the next pair • Let’s assume we unroll a block of 4 interations of the loop.. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  36. Loop Unrolling Schedule Now, it takes 8 clock cycles for 14 instructions or IPC of 1.75!! This is a 40% performance boost! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  37. Dynamic Scheduled Pipeline HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  38. Intel P4 Dynamic Pipeline – Looks like a cluster .. Just much much smaller… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  39. Summary of Pipeline Technology We’ve exhausted this!! IPC just won’t go much higher… Why?? HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  40. More Speed til it Hertz! • So, if not ILP is available, why not increase the clock frequency • E.g. why don’t we have 100 GHz processors today? • ANSWER: POWER & HEAT!! • With current CMOS technology power needs polynominal++ increase with a linear increase in clock speed. • Power leads to heat which will ultimately turn your CPU to heap of melted silicon! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  41. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  42. CPU Power Consumption… Typically, 100 watts is magic limit.. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  43. Where do we go from here?(actually, we’ve arrived @ “here”!) • Current Industry Trend: Multi-core CPUs • Typically lower clock rate (i.e., < 3 Ghz) • 2, 4 and now 8 cores in single “socket” package • Because of smaller VLSI design processes (e.g. < 45 nm) can reduce power & heat.. • Potential for large, lucrative contracts in turning old dusty sequential codes to multi-core capable • Salesman: here’s your new $200 CPU, & oh, BTW, you’ll need this million $ consulting contract to port your code to take advantage of those extra cores! • Best business model since the mainframe! • More cores require greater and greater exploitation of available parallelism in an application which gets harder and harder as you scale to more processors.. • Due to cost, we’ll force in-house development of talent pool.. • You could be that talent pool… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  44. Examples: Multicore CPUs • Brief listing of the recently released new 45 nm processors: Based on Intel site (Processor Model - Cache - Clock Speed - Front Side Bus) • Desktop Dual Core: • E8500 - 6 MB L2 - 3.16 GHz - 1333 MHz • E8400 - 6 MB L2 - 3.00 GHz - 1333 MHz • E8300 - 6 MB L2 - 2.66 GHz - 1333 MHz • Laptop Dual Core: • T9500 - 6 MB L2 - 2.60 GHz - 800 MHz • T9300 - 6 MB L2 - 2.50 GHz - 800 MHz • T8300 - 3 MB L2 - 2.40 GHz - 800 MHz • T8100 - 3 MB L2 - 2.10 GHz - 800 MHz • Desktop Quad Core: • Q9550 - 12MB L2 - 2.83 GHz - 1333 MHz • Q9450 - 12MB L2 - 2.66 GHz - 1333 MHz • Q9300 - 6MB L2 - 2.50 GHz - 1333 MHz • Desktop Extreme Series: • QX9650 - 12 MB L2 - 3 GHz - 1333 MHz • Note: Intel's new 45nm Penryn-based Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors were released on January 6, 2008. The new processors launch within a 35W thermal envelope. These are becoming the building block of today’s SCs Getting large amounts of speed requires lots of processors… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  45. Nov. 2007 TOP 12 Supercomputers(www.top500.org) • DOE/LLNL, US: Blue Gene/L: 212,992 processors : 478 Tflops! • FZJ, Germany: Blue Gene/L: 64K processors • NMCAC, US: SGI Altix: 14336 processors • CRL, India: HP Xeon Cluster: 14240 processors • Sweden Gov.: HP Xeon Cluster: 13768 processors • RedStorm Sandia, US: Cray/Opteron: 26569 processors • Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., US: Cray XT4: 23016 processors • IBM TJ Watson, NY: Blue Gene/L: 40960 processors (20 racks) • NERSC/LBNL, US: Cray XT4: 19320 processors • Stony Brook/BNL, NY: Blue Gene/L 36864 processors (18 racks) • DOE/LLNL, US: IBM pSeries cluster: 12208 processors • RPI, NY: Blue Gene/L: 32768 processors (16 racks) If all NY State TOP 500 Blue Gene’s where interconnected, we’d have an SC resource of well above #2 in the world! HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  46. HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  47. Soon-To-Be Fastest Supercomputer… • Ranger @ Texas Adv. Computation Center (TACC) • Sun is the lead designer/integrater • Peak Performance: 504 TFlops • This is the Linpack performance • 62,976 processor cores • 3936 nodes with 4, quad-core AMD Phenom processors • 8 Gflops per core is peak performance.. • 123 TBytes of RAM • 1.73 Pbytes of disk • 7 stage infiniBand interconnect • 2.1 usec latency HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  48. What are SC’s used for?? • Can you say “fever for the flavor”.. • Yes, Pringles used an SC to model airflow of chips as the entered “The Can”.. • Improved overall yield of “good” chips in “The Can” and less chips on the floor… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  49. Patient Specific Vascular Surgical Planning • Virtual flow facility for patient specific surgical planning • High quality patient specific flow simulations needed quickly • Image patent, create model, adaptive flow simulation • Simulation on massively parallel computers • Cost only $600 on 32K Blue Gene/L vs. $50K for a repeat open heart surgery… HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

  50. Summary • Current uni-core speed has peaked • No more ILP to exploit • Can’t make CPU cores any faster w/ current CMOS technology • Must go massively parallel in order to increase IPC (#instructions per clock cycle). • Only way for large application to go really fast is to use lots and lots of processors.. • Today’s systems have 10’s of thousands of processors • By 2010 systems will emerge w/ > 1 million processors! (e.g. Blue Waters @ UIUC) HPDC Spring 2008 - Intro, Syllabus & Prelims

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