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Chapter 19 The Postwar Boom Chapter 20 1960s: The New Frontier and the Great Society

Chapter 19 The Postwar Boom Chapter 20 1960s: The New Frontier and the Great Society. Final Exam Review. Explain how the economic law of supply and demand led to increased unemployment, inflation, and decreased wages as soldiers returned home from World War II. .

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Chapter 19 The Postwar Boom Chapter 20 1960s: The New Frontier and the Great Society

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  1. Chapter 19The Postwar BoomChapter 201960s: The New Frontier and the Great Society Final Exam Review Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  2. Explain how the economic law of supply and demand led to increased unemployment, inflation, and decreased wages as soldiers returned home from World War II. • The conversion from a wartime economy to a peacetime economy: • War contracts cancelled = unemployment • War veterans return home = unemployment • OPA stops controlling prices on goods = inflation • Shortages of consumer goods = inflation • Workers’ wages decreased because wartime government contracts ended and increased unemployment made supply of workers plentiful. Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  3. Why were labor unions seen as detrimental to the economic recovery that was in process after World War II? • Facing higher prices and lower wages Unions went on strike • This would worsen shortages and contribute to greater inflation • Truman threatens to draft striking workers and Congress reverses New Deal legislation favoring unions Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  4. What was Truman’s strategy in the election of 1948? Did he win? • “Whistle-stop campaign” taking his campaign to the American people from the back of the train’s caboose. • Truman won in a close political upset Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  5. This future president was the first to skillfully use the new medium of television to help the Republicans win the 1952 presidential election? • Richard Nixon in his “Checkers speech” Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  6. What types of jobs were created in the 1950s? • White-collar • Higher pay • Perform services • Sales • Advertising • Insurance • Communications • What types of jobs decreased? • Blue-collar • Industrial jobs • Manufactured goods for sale Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  7. How did the growth of the Suburbs and the emergence of corporate America hurt individualism? • Conformity replaces individuality • People repress their own personalities in an effort to “fit in” • Which group benefited from the growth of the suburbs and corporate America? • White middle-class who desire the “American Dream” • Affordable single-family home • Good schools • Safe, healthy environment • Congenial neighbors like themselves Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  8. List at least three effects of increased car ownership in the 1950s. • Growth of suburbs • Increased mobility thru construction of the interstate highway system • Pollution and deterioration of public transportation systems 1958-59 Edsel Corsair Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  9. Explain the most common criticism of television in the 1950s. • The stereotypical portrayal of women and minorities • Portrayed idealized white America • Violence in popular shows leads to concerns about the effect on children • List examples of shows that is a good example of these criticisms. • Father Knows Best • Ozzie and Harriet • Gunsmoke • Have Gun Will Travel Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  10. What were the two major ideas associated with teenage “rebellion” in the 1950s? • The Beat Movement • Rock ‘n’ roll Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  11. What was the Longoria incident and what was the Mexican-American reaction to it? • Felix Longoria was a Mexican-American soldier killed in the Philippines during WWII. • The only undertaker in his home town refused to bury Longoria • Mexican Americans found the Unity League of California to register voters and elect candidates who promise to stamp out discrimination Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  12. What helped and hurt JFK in the election of 1960? • His Roman Catholicism and the fear that the Pope would have influence over American politics and the separation of church and state • The first televised presidential debates • “That night, image replaced the printed word as the natural language of politics.” Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  13. What was JFK’s ‘flexible response’ policy and how does it relate to the Vietnam conflict? • Increased military spending to … • create special forces to fight limited wars around the world and • triple nuclear capabilities to maintain balance with the Soviets • How was this different than President Eisenhower’s policy? • Ike relied on the threat of massive nuclear retaliation to deter Soviet aggression and imperialism abroad. Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  14. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? How was it resolved? • Soviet offensive nuclear missiles based in Cuba • The Soviets offer to remove missiles if… • America promises not to invade Cuba and remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  15. Who built the Berlin Wall, and what was its purpose? • The Soviets and communist East German government • It was built to stop the flow of East Germans refugees to freedom in the West Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  16. How did the US respond to the Soviet’s successful effort at sending a human to space? • Kennedy pledges to land an American on the moon before the end of the decade • NASA constructs a new launch facility and mission control • Improvements made to math and science education Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  17. What were some of JFK’s major New Frontier initiatives? • Peace Corps • Alliance for Progress • Space program • What did JFK not do when it came to his programs? • Tax cuts • Antipoverty legislation • Civil rights bill Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  18. What was the official finding determined by the Warren Commission? • Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy while acting on his own. • No conspiracy Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  19. Why did Kennedy choose Johnson to be his running mate? • LBJ balanced the ticket with his experience and influence in Congress and his Southern Protestant background. • “Boston-Austin connection” Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  20. What problems in American society did the Economic Opportunity Act seek to address? • Poverty and lack of opportunity • EOA legislation created: • the Job Corps Youth Training Program • VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) • Project Head Start, an education program for disadvantaged preschoolers • the Community Action Program, which encouraged poor people to participate in public works programs. Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  21. How are Medicare and Medicaid similar? • Both provide government sponsored health insurance. • Medicare is hospital insurance and low-cost medical insurance for almost every American age 65 or older • Medicaid extended health insurance to welfare recipients Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  22. Explain the purpose of the Immigration Act of 1965? • It replaced the National Origins Act of 1924 which discriminated against people from outside Western Europe. • The Act of 1965 ended immigration quotas based on nationality. Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  23. What were the differing reactions to the Warren Court decisions on the rights of the accused? • Liberals supported the decisions for protecting the rights of individuals • Conservatives criticized the Court for protecting criminal suspects and limiting police power Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

  24. LBJ had an ambitious New Deal style program called the Great Society. Which group benefited most from the Great Society? Describe the results of the Great Society programs. • The poor • # of poor people decreases from 21% in 1962 to 11% in 1973 • Results: • Growing budget deficit • Role and effectiveness of “big government” is severely questioned • A conservative backlash begins to form • The Vietnam War overshadows the goals and financing of the Great Society Mr. Homan, American Cultures, NPHS

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