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Week 4 People in the neighborhood

Week 4 People in the neighborhood. Espa ñol 1. G: Objectivos. Can I put everything we’ve learned so far together to create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other student ’s Spanish?. Agenda A: Rutina, review N: Skits A: Perform and listen to skits G: Self-assess skit writing.

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Week 4 People in the neighborhood

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  1. Week 4People in the neighborhood Español 1

  2. G: Objectivos Can I put everything we’ve learned so far together to create a skit in Spanish? Can I understandotherstudent’s Spanish? Agenda A: Rutina, review N: Skits A: Perform and listen to skits G: Self-assess skit writing

  3. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Rutina In the “Rutina diaria” box forlunes… Ask a partner whether or not they like to do the following. Use ¿Te gusta…? Onyour rutina sheetwritetheirname, thenSí orNo. estudiar español comer brócoli leer bailar hip hop mirar American Idol

  4. Me gusta… (I like) Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? mirar televisión bailar dormir nadar comer escuchar música estudiar hablar con amigos leer escribir ¿Te gusta…? (Doyoulike…?)

  5. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Presentations Find a partner. Write a script that you will perform for the class. Include: • Greetings • Name (¿Cómote llamas?, Me llamo…) • Where are you from (¿De dóndeeres?, Soy de…) • Something you like to do---2 questions! (¿Te gusta …?, Sí.., No..) 5. Goodbyes Prepare a written script along with your presentation Be preparedto MEMORIZE your script.

  6. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Listening

  7. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Presentations • Greetings • Name • Where are you from • Likes 5. Goodbyes

  8. G: Objectivos What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Agenda A: Rutina N: Película A: Movie sheet G: What is amnesty again?

  9. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? Rutina What day of the week?: • martes • miércoles • sábado • lunes • viernes • jueves • domingo

  10. G: Objectivos What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Agenda A: Rutina N: Película A: Movie sheet G: Am I almost done with the movie sheet?

  11. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? Rutina Write the English: • Buenas tardes. • ¿De dónde eres? • Me gusta leer. • Te gusta escuchar música. • Mañana es miércoles.

  12. G: Objectivos Can I present a skit using what I’ve learned up to now? How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? How can I ask and say someone else’s name? Agenda A: Rutina, review date N: He/she likes, name A: Proyecto G: Me/te/le gusta check

  13. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Rutina Rutina diaria para martes… Write today’s date in Spanish. Hoy es(day of week), el día(#) de (month).

  14. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Listening

  15. Can I create a skit in Spanish? Can I understand other students’ Spanish? Presentations • Greetings • Name • Where are you from • Likes 5. Goodbyes

  16. G: Objectivos What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Am I ready for the Me gusta quiz? Practice test Agenda A: Rutina N: Practice test A: Movie G: How confident do I feel about say I like to do something?

  17. What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Am I ready for the Me gusta quiz? Practice test Rutina There is 1 mistake in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences and fix the mistake. • Mi gusta comer. • De dónde eres? • Me gusta escuchar musica. • Mañana es domingo.

  18. What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Am I ready for the Me gusta quiz? Practice test pelear= to fight

  19. What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Am I ready for the Me gusta quiz? Practice test jugarvideojuegos= to play videogames

  20. G: Objectivos Do I remember how to say I like to do things? QUIZ Can I use the computer to learn Spanish? Agenda A: Rutina, reviewverbs N: Rosetta Stone intro A: Animals (if time) G: Exit slip

  21. What can I learn about amnesty and quinceañera fromthemovie? Am I ready for the Me gusta quiz? Practice test bailar dormir nadar comer estudiar mirar televisión leer escribir escuchar música jugar videojuegos pelear hablar con amigos

  22. Test • When you are done with your test: Circle 10 animals you want to learn in Spanish Write their names in your notebook with the English (this is your homework for Fri.!)

  23. Get a laptop, write your laptop CHXX number in the notebook Log into the laptop with your s###### and password Plug in headset then turn on Open Firebox browser spps.rosettastoneclassroom.com User name: CIF (without s) Password: rosetta1

  24. Do I remember how to say I like to do things? QUIZ What are the animals in Spanish, and how do I say, “What is it?” Rutina Write the Spanish verbs for: • tosleep • toeat • toread • tofight • toplay

  25. G: Objectivos What are the animals in Spanish? How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” Agenda A: Rutina N: Animals, What is it? A: Animal cards and interview G: Animal check

  26. What are the animals in Spanish How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” Rutina Write the Spanish verbs for: • tostudy • towrite • tofight • tospeakwithfriends

  27. What are the animals in Spanish How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” Animales Pick 1 animal Draw it on your card (color if you have time) Write the Spanish on the back You have 8 minutes ¿Quées? ¿Quéesesto? ¿Quéeseso? What is it? What is this? What is that? Es un…

  28. G: Objectivos Can I learn Spanish from the computer? Agenda A: Rutina N: Rosetta Stone day 1 A: Sacarnotas G: Salida

  29. Can I learn Spanish from the computer? Rutina Write the English for each animal: • el lobo • el pingüino • el águila • el oso • el tiburón

  30. Get a laptop, sign in laptop number Plug in headset then turn on Open Firebox browser spps.rosettastoneclassroom.com User name: CIF (without s) Password: rosetta1 Take notes Enjoy and learn!

  31. G: Objectivos How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? How can I ask and say someone else’s name? Agenda A: Rutina, reviewverbs N: He/she likes, name A: Proyecto G: Me/te/le gusta check

  32. What are the animals in Spanish How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” Rutina Translate into English: • Me gustaestudiarespañol. • Me gusta nadar. • No me gusta comer elefantes. • ¿Qué es? Es un ciervo.

  33. How do I asksomeone’sname in Spanish? What are thebasicgreetings? ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo (yournamehere). WespeakgoodEnglish!

  34. What are the animals in Spanish How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” ¿Cómo se llama? Se llama Homer Simpson. Es de Springfield.

  35. Do I remember how to say I like to do things? QUIZ What are the animals in Spanish, and how do I say, “What is it?” Me gusta… = I like Te gusta… = You like Le gusta… = He/she likes escuchar música mirar televisión bailar dormir nadar comer hablar con amigos jugar videojuegos escribir leer pelear estudiar

  36. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Le gusta comer. (A Homer)

  37. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Le gustanadar. (A Homer)

  38. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Le gustadormir. (A Homer)

  39. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Le gustajugarvideojuegos. (A Homer)

  40. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? No le gustapelear. (A Homer)

  41. What are the animals in Spanish How do I say, “What is it?” and “What is his/her name?” ¿Cómo se llama? Se llama Jorge. Es un camello.

  42. How can I say someone (he/she) likes to do something? Asking YOU Askingaboutsomeone, orbeingpolite Whereis he/she/you (polite) from? Where are youfrom? ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde es? Whatisyourname? Whatishis/her/your (polite) name? ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Cómo te llamas? Se llama … Me llamo… Soy de Minnesota. Es de Puerto Rico. Do youlike…? Does he like…? ¿Te gusta? ¿Le gusta…? Me gusta… Le gusta…

  43. G: Objectivos Can I learn Spanish from the computer? Agenda A: Rutina N: Rosetta Stone day 2 A: Sacarnotas G: Salida

  44. Can I learn Spanish from the computer? Rutina Write the Spanish: I like to swim. His name is Jorge. I’m from St. Paul. Homer doesn’t like to read. Me gustanadar. Se llama Jorge. Soy de San Pablo. (A Homer) No le gusta leer.

  45. Get a laptop, sign in laptop number Plug in headset then turn on Open Firebox browser spps.rosettastoneclassroom.com User name: CIF (without s) Password: rosetta1 Take notes Enjoy and learn!

  46. G: Objectivos What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? Agenda A: Rutina TalkaboutWed. quiz N: New people vocabulary A: Practicar, continue proyectos G: Summarize el/la/los/las

  47. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? Rutina Rutina diaria para miércoles… Write 3 sentences about the picture. If you don’t know, ask someone or make it up! • Se llama… • Es de… • Le gusta… Tarea: Se llama worksheet

  48. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? Asking YOU Askingaboutsomeone, orbeingpolite Whereis he/she/you (polite) from? Where are youfrom? ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde es? Soy de Minnesota. Es de Puerto Rico. Whatisyourname? Whatishis/her/your (polite) name? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama? Me llamo… Se llama … Do youlike…? Does he like…? ¿Te gusta? ¿Le gusta…? Me gusta… Le gusta…

  49. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? chico chica hombre mujer

  50. What are the words for people and professions in Spanish? What do “el” and “la” mean? niño niña

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