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The 30 th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards

The 30 th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards. USSP Annual Review Meeting June 4-7, 2007. The 30 th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards. OUTLINE: The Beginnings Traditional Safeguards Programme 93+2 The Present The Future.

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The 30 th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards

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  1. The 30th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards USSP Annual Review Meeting June 4-7, 2007

  2. The 30th Anniversary of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards OUTLINE: The Beginnings Traditional Safeguards Programme 93+2 The Present The Future

  3. USSP: The Beginnings OBJECTIVE: To react to identified, urgent needs more quickly than could be met through IAEA administrative procedures One-time funding allocation to solve all technical needs

  4. USSP: The Beginnings Firsts: First Member State Support Program First Cost Free Experts David Rundquist, John Foley

  5. USSP: The Beginnings Herb Kouts’ (TSO) idea 1975 – US delegation led by Senator John Glenn visited Vienna 1977 – USSP established

  6. USSP: The Beginnings USSP Established January 1977 Technical Support Coordinating Committee established First Program Plan approved February 1977 98 Tasks Initial Budget: $2.6 million $23 million spent in first 5 years over $200 million pledged to date

  7. USSP: The Beginnings

  8. USSP: The Beginnings ISPO established at BNL in 1977 Original Staff Herb Kouts Leon Green Clem Auerback Jim Lemley Cecil Sonnier J. Stangby Art Waligura Michele Rabatin

  9. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Materials Control and Accountability Containment and Surveillance Training Information Treatment System Studies

  10. USSP: Traditional Safeguards TSCC Chair ISPO Head Chris Kessler Leon Green

  11. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Materials Control and Accountability HM4 – Hand-held monitor developed at BNL by Marty Zucker Improved IAEA’s ability to detect Uranium Portable MCA: developed by LANL commercialized by Davidson aided by faster computing

  12. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Containment and Surveillance Paper seal Metal seal Cobra seal – SNL and Aquila VACOSS Seal - Aquila

  13. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Containment and Surveillance Video Tape – digital media SNL built original system STAR, MIVS, Gemini, DCM-14, NGSS

  14. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Training 1979 – Training CFE Gene Bates started training group LANL NDA Training for new inspectors - 47 Sessions

  15. USSP: Traditional Safeguards Information Treatment 1977 – Direct cash contribution for IBM 370/158 rental started in 1977 IAEA took over lease in 1978 Xerox 7000 reducing copy machine – for reproduction of SGs confidential computer printouts CFEs – John Oakberg, Joseph Nardi

  16. USSP: Traditional Safeguards System Studies Determination of safeguards approaches Technical Support Organization (BNL) – mailbox approach CFE John Jaech – statistical analysis analysis of inspection data surveillance intervals sampling protocols

  17. USSP: Programme 93+2 OUTLINE: Task 2: Assessment of Potential Cost Saving Measures Task 3: Environmental Monitoring Techniques for safeguards applications Task 5: Improved analysis of information on States’ nuclear activities Task 6: Enhanced Safeguards Training

  18. USSP: Programme 93+2 SSTS Chair ISPO Head Alex Burkart John Skalyo Ken Sheely Ira Goldman Lisa Owens

  19. IAEA Steering Committee Subcommittee on International Safeguards and Monitoring (SISM) U.S. Support Program Program on Technical Assistance to IAEA Safeguards (POTAS) (State Department) Subgroup on Safeguards Technical Support (SSTS) (State, DOE, DOD, NRC) Subgroup on IAEA Safeguards in the United States (SISUS) $ International Safeguards Project Office (ISPO) (Brookhaven National Laboratory) National Laboratories Private Sector CFEs, Consultants USSP: Programme 93+2

  20. USSP: Programme 93+2Task 2: Assessment of Potential Cost Saving Measures Field trials in Switzerland by Julian Whichello Additional field trials in Switzerland and South Africa Evaluation of satellite, telephone, VPN communi-cation US CFEs: Jim Regula, Lee ReFalo

  21. USSP: Programme 93+2Task 3:Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Safeguards Applications

  22. USSP: Programme 93+2Task 3:Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Safeguards Applications

  23. USSP: Programme 93+2Task 5: Improved analysis of information on States’ nuclear activities Field trials of information collection and analysis tools: Watson, SIMS Satellite Imagery Analysis Laboratory Numerous US CFEs, interns, consultants, and JPOs: Carl Thorne, John Hilliard, Mark Hollingsworth, Jack King, Frank Pabian, Rick Wallace, Mark Davis, Jack Boureston, George Anzelon, Maryam Tatavosian, Jacob Blackford, Jonathan Essner, Jessica Satterfield, Heather Kopp, William Wanderer, Mark Laughter, Yana Feldman, Kimberly Birdsall, etc.

  24. USSP: Programme 93+2Task 6: Enhanced Safeguards Training Environmental sampling Enhanced Observational Skills by PNNL

  25. USSP: The Present OUTLINE: USSP Priorities for 2007-2008 Significant activities Milestones

  26. USSP: The Present SSTS Chair ISPO Head William O’Connor Susan Pepper

  27. Milestones 938 Tasks Initiated 831 Tasks Completed ± 522 Cost Free Expert – Years > $200 Million Pledged 47 NDA Courses Capsule Summaries

  28. USSP Priorities(updated May 2007) Quality Management Human Resources and Training Destructive Analysis Containment and Surveillance Safeguards Concepts and Implementation Information Technology, Collection, and Analysis

  29. Destructive Analysisto be updated with 2007 info Strengthen the IAEA’s ability to use destructive analysis, particularly environmental sample analysis, as a safeguards tool SAL Feasibility Study Information Management System Upgrade Staff to support Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy

  30. Human Resources and Trainingto be updated with 2007 info Ensure an appropriate mixture of regular staff and extrabudgetary experts who are qualified to meet the IAEA’s technical needs. Strengthened recruitment of US citizens for SGs posts Provide appropriate training to improve the technical basis and specific skills needed to perform their job functions. Development of New Courses (Mostly Inspector Related) Curriculum re-engineering Redefinition of the role of SG inspectors

  31. Quality Management Activitiesto be updated with 2007 info Support the implementation of a comprehensive QMS that will provide sound safeguards conclusions Cross-functional quality management program Life cycle approach to equipment management Quality assurance and quality control Continual process improvement Product quality improvement ISO 9001 (CFE Provided)

  32. Containment and Surveillanceto be updated with 2007 info Maintain or improve the reliability and cost-effectiveness of C/S systems for IAEA safeguards; expand the number of systems that are UNARM; and develop verification methods that help streamline the on-site inspection processes. Next Generation Surveillance System Seals upgrade projects SW and HW configuration control and standardization

  33. Safeguards Concepts and Implementationto be updated with 2007 info Support the development and implementation of safeguards approaches and verification measures that address the IAEA’s challenges of integrated safeguards and unique facilities. Consultants Novel Technologies JMOX

  34. Information Technology, Collection and Analysisto be updated with 2007 info Support the IAEA in achieving an integrated and efficient safeguards information infrastructure. Junior Professional Officers for collection and analysis NVision development project IAEA SGs Information System Re-engineering Project Satellite imagery

  35. Significant Activities Intern and JPO programs Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant Chernobyl monitoring systems ISIS Re-engineering Project

  36. Road-mapping Workshops Data Communication Technologies (October 1999) Information Security (October 2000) Design and Testing for High Reliability (October 2001) Standardization and Integration of Unattended and Remote Monitoring Systems (October 2002) Turning Information into Knowledge (October 2004) Safeguards Tools of the Future (October 2005) Advanced Sensors for Safeguards (April 2007)

  37. USSP Contractors INL PNNL ANL, NBL Sonalysts LLNL BNL Stat-a-Matrix BIL SAIC OAC LANL SNL Wyle ORNL Time Solutions Canberra Albuquerque Cap Gemini Ernst & Young IBM AWST

  38. USSP: The Future OUTLINE: Ideas welcome

  39. USSP: The Future Product Quality Improvement Safeguards Approaches for new facility types Training for new and experienced inspectors to prevent loss of institutional knowledge

  40. U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards What can the USSP do for you? Address unfunded needs Identify contractors for special tasks Answer questions related to project status Facilitate project management Recruit regular and extrabudgetary staff Photo of Theresa and Barbara

  41. U.S. CFEs Who Became Regular Staff Richard Hooper William Lichliter Joseph Nardi Robert Muller Gene Bates John Oakberg Dick Olsen Greg Whitaker Bernie Wishard (2) Bettina Bartsiotas John Hilliard

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