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How will the 3rd Energy Package Impact GRI NW ?

How will the 3rd Energy Package Impact GRI NW ?. David Halldearn Energy Market Insights Limited 14 November 2008. Will the 3 rd package help?. “Regulatory gap” at the borders between national regulatory systems is largely addressed

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How will the 3rd Energy Package Impact GRI NW ?

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  1. How will the 3rd Energy Package Impact GRI NW ? David Halldearn Energy Market Insights Limited 14 November 2008

  2. Will the 3rd package help? • “Regulatory gap” at the borders between national regulatory systems is largely addressed • Essential for cross-border investments; system operation; market interactions • Codes (probably binding) will set cross border rules • National regulators should get the necessary tools to do the job • Duties of NRAs broadened to include European • ACER created to co-ordinate NRA actions • Possibility of binding Guidelines • TSOs will have EU level co-ordination bodies

  3. What role will ACER have in Regional markets? • Regional Initiatives will probably move from ERGEG to ACER • Regional Initiative will remain central to achievement of single market • Legal responsibility to co-ordinate activities of NRAs • Commission could propose binding Guidelines for co-operation between NRAs • Dispute resolution • Exemption decisions where NRAs can’t agree • Co-ordination of regional and European regulatory policy • Could be made binding through Code modifications

  4. Co-ordinating Change to Single Market • Framework guidelines and first set of codes will not achieve SEM • Task is simply too large, complex and costly • Modifications to codes will enable progress to SEM over time • Many interested parties can propose code changes with risk of divergent approaches • ACER will need to provide clear criteria for assessing code modifications against target of SEM • Regional activities will need to take account of these criteria to achieve convergence

  5. Transition to a Single European Market Wide regional and national differences Singlemarket Convergence Now Future

  6. Managing the Transition to a Single Market Co-ordinatedchange First steps towards SEM First set of codes Modifications to codes ConvergencetowardsSEM Further code modifications Achievement of SEM

  7. Progress will be both bottom up and top down European level Region Region Region Single Market Regional level Region Region Effective co-ordination at all levels will be essential

  8. Bottom up Push for EU Policy • In reality progress across EU will be multi speed • There is no ‘blueprint’ for a single market – it has to evolve • Therefore, interactive nature of transition to single market gives influence to advanced regions • GRI NW has great influence: • 60% EU gas market • Technically most advanced • Constituency of big player countries • Political involvement inevitable – but not yet fully integrated into GRI NW

  9. Timetable • ACER not operational before mid-2010 at the earliest • First Codes unlikely before 2012 • Regional market development remains important in the interim • Sensible companies will not wait for 3rd package implementation • Further industry restructuring is likely and may impact on GRI NW

  10. David HalldearnEnergy Market Insights Limiteddavid.emil@blueyonder.co.uk 14 November 2008

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