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House of Textile Arts

House of Textile Arts. The House of Textile Arts is a Joint Venture of three Associations dedicated to preserve textile craftsmanship. German Embroiderer‘s Guild International School for Textile Arts Tentakulum Manufaktur.

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House of Textile Arts

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  1. House of Textile Arts

  2. The House of Textile Artsis a Joint Venture ofthreeAssociationsdedicatedtopreserve textile craftsmanship German Embroiderer‘sGuild International School for Textile Arts Tentakulum Manufaktur

  3. Bringingtogetherpeopleofmanyageswith a keeninterest in textile craftsandarts The German Embroiderer‘sGuildhasbeenfoundedin 1998 by a smallgroupofenthusiasticembroiderer‘s. It‘smaingoalistopreserve textile traditionsandteachyoungergenerationshowtotransferitintocontemporary design andhowtoapplythemtovariousitemsofeverydaylife

  4. Fromtheverybeginningwehaveworkedwithgroups on large projects. Thus wehavebeenabletobuilduptechnicalskillsandsocialawareness. Wehaveworkedwithpeopleof all ages, startingasyoungas12 yearsandasoldasalmost 90. Works havebeenexhibited in manyplacesand countries like France, England andthe United States. Members oftheGuildhaveparticipated in competitionsandtheGuildhas also initiatedtwoverysuccessfulcompetitions. Working on a mapoftheworld. Visitorsof a tradeshowsigneditandmembersoftheguildembroideredthesignatures.

  5. Entry fortheGuild‘scompetition„Holes“ In 2005 the German Craft‘s Council andtheMinistryof Education haveinitiated a very innovative waytoreplacetheoldappren-ticeships in thecraftofknitting, weavingandembroidery by forming a newprofessioncalledDesigningCraftsWoMan. The presidentoftheGuild, Mrs. Zimber, hasbeen on theboardforthisnewapprenticeshipandthisstarted a wholenewmovement in theguilditself. The guildhasdedicatedit‘swholeworktoadvertisethenewapprenticeshipand do workshopstoshowpeoplewhythiscraftdeservesto live on intofuturecenturies. Worked by a formermemberoftheboard

  6. The International School for Textile Artshasbeenfounded in 1995 by Bärbel Ingeborg Zimber, whenshefinished her trainingas a certifiedembroideress at the Royal School of Needlework in London. Untilthelaunchofthenewapprenticeship in 2011 theschooloffered a private training in hand-embroidery. The studentsare adult learners, theage ranging from 30 to 75. In 1998 theschoolstartedofferinga trainingscheme on a distancelearningbasistostudents all overtheworld. Untilthisdayasmanyas 48 studentshavefinishedthe 3-6 yeartraining. Workshop withstudentsfromthe International School for Textile Artsheld by Bärbel Ingeborg Zimber

  7. EmbroideredpanelsfromtheGrundtvigproject Threads thatconnectus. In 2010 the International School for Textile Arts in cooperationwiththe German Embroiderer‘sGuildforthefirst time participated in a Grundtvigproject. It dealt withthepossibilitiesoftrainingpeople in textile craftstoshowthemwaystoearnmoney. This metexactlytheaimsoftheGuildandtheschooland was thestartof a completelynewapproachtotheapprenticeship. Itisnowbeingadvertisedfor by theschool in all countries ofthe EU toencouragepeopletolearnthiscraft by distancelearningandgetstartedwiththeirownbusiness. Germany alittlebit different

  8. Networking withother textile teachershasbecomeevenmoreimportantthanbefore. This foto was takenduringthefirstmeetingoffuturetrainers The apprenticesget a basictrainingandcanchoosetheirmainfocusfrom 6 subjects: BobbinLace Embroidery Felting Knitting Passamentry Weaving The International School for Textile Artsisofferingthesubjectof hand-embroidery, but providingbasicknowledgeofpassamentry, feltingandweavingaswell.

  9. Last but not least the Tentakulum Manufaktur, a manufacturingcompanyforhandpaintedthreadsandother textile materials, is an importantpartofthe House of Textile Arts. As itisveryhardtogetgoodqualityembroiderythreadsandothermaterialsforcontemporaryembroideryprojects, thecompanyhasbeenfounded in 1995 tosupplythestudentsoftheschoolwith a hugevarietyofmaterials. Since 1998 itisproducingthefamous Painter‘s Threads Collection, giving a perfectexamplehowonecanmake a living on textile arts by findingone‘sspecialcornerin thisfield. Oneofourproductsfromthecooperationwith a saddlery in Northern Germany.

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