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New Blueprints for the Standards of Learning Reading Assessments based on the draft of March 2005

New Blueprints for the Standards of Learning Reading Assessments based on the draft of March 2005. Previous tests Word analysis - 10 items Printed materials - 10 items Elements of literature - 5 items Plan, compose, revise - 13 items Grammar – 7 items Total – 45 items. 2006 test

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New Blueprints for the Standards of Learning Reading Assessments based on the draft of March 2005

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  1. New Blueprintsfor the Standards of LearningReading Assessmentsbased on the draft of March 2005

  2. Previous tests Word analysis - 10 items Printed materials - 10 items Elements of literature - 5 items Plan, compose, revise - 13 items Grammar – 7 items Total – 45 items 2006 test Word analysis and information resources – 8 items Comprehension of printed materials – 27 items Total – 35 items Third Grade Reading

  3. Major Changes and Emphasis • No Writing Assessment • Reference Tools Included • Fiction/Informational Balanced • Poetry Minimized

  4. Included in Word Analysisthird grade • Prefixes/suffixes/multi-syllabic words • Contractions/possessives • Abbreviations • Synonyms/antonyms/homophones • Phonics/language structure/context

  5. Included for Information Resourcesthird grade • Tables of Contents • Pictures and charts • Dictionary/index/glossary/thesaurus/ encyclopedia/on-line resources

  6. Included for Comprehensionboth fiction and nonfictionthird grade • Previewing pictures, diagrams, titles, headings • Characters,setting, problem,solution • Finding the main idea/summarizing • Setting purpose for reading • Predicting/drawing conclusions • Organizing information logically • Asking and answering questions • Plots of fairy tale, myths, folktales, legends, fables • Characteristics of biography and autobiography • Comparing/contrasting of setting, character, events

  7. Subsumed Standards • Consonants, blends, digraphs • Vowels: short, long, r-controlled • Sentence structure/story sequence • Locating information to answer questions

  8. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Fluency and expression • Self-correction • Connecting to previous experience • Author’s purpose • Comparison/contrast of two people in biography and/or autobiography • Technology

  9. Fourth Grade Reading • New test – two years of field testing • 35 items: two reporting categories • Word analysis and information resources – 8 items • Comprehension of printed materials – 27 items

  10. Included in Word Analysis andInformation Resourcesfourth grade • Use context to clarify unfamiliar words • Explain multiple meanings of words • Synonyms/antonyms/homophones • Dictionary/glossary/thesaurus • Online, print, and media resources in schools’ media center

  11. Included for Comprehensionof Fictionfourth grade • Explain author’s purpose • Choice of language • Compare fact and fantasy in historic fiction with other genres • Identify major events and details • Identify sensory words

  12. Included for Comprehensionof Nonfictionfourth grade • Use text organizers • Ask and answer questions • Explain author’s purpose • Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit information in texts • Summarize • Distinguish cause/effect and fact/opinion • Evaluate and synthesize information

  13. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Relationships to previously read materials • Identifying new information gained • Constructing questions

  14. Previous tests Word analysis - 6 items Printed materials - 20 items Elements of literature - 16 items Total – 42 items 2006 test Word analysis and information resources – 10 items Comprehension of printed materials – 30 items Total – 40 items Fifth Grade Reading

  15. Included in Word Analysis and Information Resourcesfifth grade • Use context to clarify unfamiliar words • Use roots, prefixes, suffixes • Use dictionary/glossary/thesaurus/other • Organize information from charts, maps, graphics

  16. Included for Comprehensionof Fictionfifth grade • Describe character development • Describe plot development • Explain conflict resolution • Describe author’s word choice and style

  17. Included for Comprehensionof Nonfictionfifth grade • Use text organizers • Identify structural patterns • Locate information to support inferences, predictions, and conclusions • Develop notes and summaries • Identify cause/effect relationships • Identify comparison/contrast relationships

  18. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Relationships to previously read materials • Characteristics of poetry • Skimming and scanning materials • Identifying new information gained

  19. Sixth Grade Reading • New test – two years of field testing • 45 items: two reporting categories • Word analysis and information resources – 11 items • Comprehension of printed materials – 34 items • No standards excluded from the test

  20. Included in Word Analysis and Information Resourcessixth grade • Identify word origins, derivations, inflections • Identify analogies and figurative language • Use context to determine meaning, including technical vocabulary • Differentiate between multiple meanings • Use word reference tools • Select informational sources

  21. Included for Comprehensionof Narrative and Poetrysixth grade • Identify narrative elements: setting, character, plot, conflict, theme • Predict outcomes/draw conclusions/make inferences • Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to meaning • Describe cause/effect relationships in plot • Explain plot and character development • Paraphrase and summarize

  22. Included for Comprehensionof Informational Textsixth grade • Ask and answer questions • Make, confirm, and revise predictions • Draw conclusions and make inferences • Organize main ideas and details to summarize • Compare and contrast

  23. Seventh Grade Reading • New test – two years of field testing • 45 items: two reporting categories • Word analysis and information resources – 11 items • Comprehension of printed materials – 34 items

  24. Included in Word Analysis and Information Resourcesseventh grade • Use roots and affixes • Recognize analogies and figurative language • Use print and electronic sources • Use graphic organizers • Synthesize information from multiple sources

  25. Included for Comprehensionof Narrative and Poetryseventh grade • Describe setting, character development, plot structure, conflict, theme • Draw conclusions/make inferences • Describe impact of word choice, imagery, poetic devises • Summarize

  26. Included for Comprehensionof Informational Textseventh grade • Use text structure and signal words • Describe how word choice and language structure convey viewpoint • Distinguish fact from opinion • Identify source, viewpoint, purpose • Summarize • Organize and synthesize

  27. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Connotations of words • Poetic forms • Comparison and contrast of genre • Primary and secondary source citations

  28. Previous tests Printed materials - 21 items Elements of literature - 21 items Total – 42 items 2006 test Word analysis– 11 items Comprehension of printed materials – 34 items Total – 45 items Eighth Grade Reading

  29. Major Changes and Emphasis • Reference Tools Excluded • Propaganda Excluded • Fiction/Informational Balanced • Poetry Minimized • This is the barrier test for the Modified Standard Diploma

  30. Included in Word Analysiseighth grade • Identify simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and analogy • Use context, structure, and connotation to determine meaning of words and phrases

  31. Included for Comprehensionof Narrative and Poetryeighth grade • Explain symbols and figurative language • Describe inferred main ideas and themes, with evidence from text • Describe how authors use characters, conflict, point of view and tone

  32. Included for Comprehensionof Informational Texteighth grade • Follow instructions to complete tasks • Analyze structure and word choice • Analyze details for accuracy and relevance • Summarize and critique • Evaluate and synthesize information • Draw conclusions and make inferences

  33. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Comparison and contrast of poetic elements • Comparison and contrast of styles • Analysis of author’s credentials, viewpoint, and impact • Background knowledge and text structure

  34. Previous tests Printed materials - 12 items Elements of literature - 24 items Resource materials – 6 items Total – 42 items 2006 test Word analysis and information resources – 12 items Comprehension of printed materials – 38 items Total – 50 items End of Course Reading Graduation Requirement

  35. Included in Word Analysis and Information Resourcesend of course • General, specialized and technical vocabulary • Consequences of plagiarism • Distinguish own ideas from those of others • Reliable and questionable sources • Manuals, textbooks, reports, catalogs, essays, speeches… • Organize and verify information • Credit quoted and paraphrased sources • Develop a plan for research and narrow the topic • Support a thesis

  36. Included for Comprehension of Narrativeend of course • Identify text format, structure, organization and main idea/supporting details • Distinguish literary forms • Explain relationship between style and effect • Explain historical influence on form, style, and point of view • Make predictions, draw inferences, and connect prior knowledge • Identify universal themes of different cultures • Discuss American literature as it reflects themes, motifs, universal characters, and genre

  37. Included for Comprehension of Dramaend of course • Describe how stage directions help readers understand setting, mood, characters, theme… • Explain asides, soliloquies, monologues • Describe dramatic conventions • Compare and evaluate adaptations and interpretations of a script for stage, film, television • Explain verbal, situational, and dramatic irony

  38. Included for Comprehension of Informational Materialsend of course • Identify position/argument to be confirmed, disproved, or modified • Analyze and apply warranties, contracts, technical descriptions, labels, warnings… • Compare and contrast advertisements • Follow directions to complete an application • Generalize/make predictions/draw conclusions

  39. Excluded from Assessmentbut still important for instruction • Staging and scripting • Comparison/contrast plays and character development in plays to other fiction • Similarities and differences in different literature of cultures and eras • Comparison of rhyme, rhythm, and sound elements and their use to elicit emotions • Analysis and interpretation of poetry • American literature in historical context • Documentation in MLA or APA • Identification of research tools and processes • Oral presentations and technology

  40. New Blueprintsfor the Standards of LearningWriting Assessmentsbased on the draft of March 2005

  41. Previous tests Plan, compose, revise - 10 items Editing - 10 items Total – 20 items 2006 test Plan, compose, revise - 6 items Editing - 14 items Total – 20 items Fifth Grade Writing Direct Writing will remain the same with 8 points in each domain

  42. Previous tests Plan, compose, revise - 10 items Editing - 10 items Total – 20 items 2006 test Plan, compose, revise - 10 items Editing - 14 items Total – 24 items Eighth Grade Writing Direct Writing will remain the same with 8 points in each domain

  43. Previous tests Plan, compose, revise - 16 items Editing - 14 items Total – 30 items 2006 test Plan, compose, revise - 16 items Editing - 14 items Total – 30 items EOC Grade Writing Direct Writing will remain the same with 8 points in each domain

  44. Excluded from Assessment • Technology • Active and passive voice • Sentence Diagramming • MLA/APA citations • Analysis of the works of others • Poetry

  45. Contact information Barbara.Jones@doe.virginia.gov 804 225 2685 Office of Assessment and Reporting Catherine.Rosenbaum@doe.virginia.gov 804 225 2665

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