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Jefferson. Election of 1800. Who Ran? Dem-Rep: Jefferson & Burr Federalists: Adams and Pinckney Results? Jefferson and Burr – 73 electoral votes Adams and Pinckney – 65 electoral votes. Election of 1800. How it was decided?

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  1. Jefferson

  2. Election of 1800 • Who Ran? Dem-Rep: Jefferson & Burr Federalists: Adams and Pinckney • Results? Jefferson and Burr – 73 electoral votes Adams and Pinckney – 65 electoral votes

  3. Election of 1800 How it was decided? The House of Representatives took 36 tries to break tie. The Federalist Congress was for Burr, but Hamilton threw support to Jefferson, but Federalists ignored him. A delegate from Delaware finally voted for Jefferson.

  4. Marbury v. Madison • Adams appointed as many Federalists to jobs as he could and then snuck out of town at 4:00 A.M. the morning of Jefferson’s inauguration. • Why do you think he did that? The Best thing about the election? It was a peaceful change of power despite the events. There were no riots, no secession.

  5. Marbury v. Madison • Adams appointed “midnight judges”at the last minute • Jefferson’s reaction – He refused to have his secretary of state deliver the appointments. One man was upset, Marbury, so he sued at the Supreme Court level. E. Who was the Chief Justice? John Marshall , aFederalist

  6. Marbury vs. Madison E. Decision – The JudicialAct of 1789ruled unconstitutional so judges did not get jobs F. PRECEDENT OF JUDICIAL REVIEW IS ESTABLISHED G. What does it mean? Rights of courts to decided if a law is constitutional or not.

  7. LOUISIANA PURCHASE A.1799--Napoleonseizes control of France and he begins plans for an empirein the New World as well as Europe

  8. LOUISIANA PURCHASE B.1800--Napoleon forces Spain to return Louisiana to France. However, a slave revolt in Haiti forces him to change his plans.

  9. Lousiana Purchase C. Jefferson, fearing the French would close port to New Orleans to American traffic, Sends James Monroe to France. Monroe and ambassador Robert Livingston offer Napoleon $10 million for the city of New Orleans and West Florida.

  10. LOUISIANA PURCHASE D. Napoleon makes a counter-offer---to sell all of the Louisiana Territory for $15 million. Monroe and Livingston immediately accept even though they do not have permission from Jefferson or Congress

  11. LOUISIANA PURCHASE E.The Louisiana Purchase was the greatest real estate deal in history. It doubled the size of the United States. It contained 500 million acres of land and cost less than 3 cents an acre.

  12. Louisiana Purchase F. Jefferson approved of the purchase even though it violated his belief of strict interpretation of the Constitution. Federalists called Jefferson a hypocrite but quickly voted to approve the treaty.

  13. NOTES ON THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION A. Jefferson ordered an expedition, the Corps of Discovery, to explore the new territory. He appointed Meriwether Lewis commander of the expedition. Lewis, in turn selected William Clark as co-commander B.The expedition with about 45 men left St. Louis in April, 1804. They were to follow the Missouri River towards its source in the Rocky Mountains

  14. Lewis and Clark Continued Jefferson’s orders were: 1. Explore the Missouri and its tributaries to their headwaters 2. Learn all they could about Native Americans. 3.Study and record notes about climate, wildlife, soil, plant life, and mineral resources---sending samples back to Washington

  15. “Here was buried Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of Independence Of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom And Father of the University of Virginia Born April 2, 1741 Died July 4, 1826”

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