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The promise of Matthew 18:20

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The promise of Matthew 18:20

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  1. Dear presenter,This PowerPoint file is intended as a master presentation file from which you can form your own unique presentations. It is therefore not intended to be presented from beginning to end unless you find yourself in a very unique situation where doing so would be most beneficial for your specific audience.When forming a unique presentation based on these slides, please consider such time-related factors as…- your unique audience and their specific needs- the level of influence you have with the specific group- the time available (allowing time for questions - about one slide for every 5 minutes available)- the distractions within the presentation environmentFor your preparation, you will find The 3 Colors of Community book page references in the notes section on each slide.Also, as part of your presentation, be prepared with your own personal stories from using The 3 Colors of Community.Thanks for your important ministry.BlessingsNCD International 3colorsofcommunity.org

  2. The promise of Matthew 18:20 Where two or three are gathered small group (= loving the Lordwith your head,hands, and heart) in my name holistic there I am among them Christ’s presence/ heaven Holistic small group = a gathering in Christ's name = a window to heaven 3colorsofcommunity.org

  3. The deepest level of the Trinitarian Compass is not is not is not Holy Spirit Father Son is God is is 3colorsofcommunity.org

  4. hands head heart What do you think? What makes a small group holistic? holistic small groups How do you feel? What will you do? 3colorsofcommunity.org

  5. hands head heart Effectivestructures What makes a small group holistic? Gift-basedministry Inspiringworship Empowering leadership Need-oriented evangelism Passionate spirituality Loving relationships 3colorsofcommunity.org

  6. VITA CONTEMPLATIVA VITA ACTIVA Effectivestructures What makes a small group holistic? Gift-basedministry Inspiringworship Empowering leadership Need-oriented evangelism Passionate spirituality Loving relationships 3colorsofcommunity.org

  7. relationship to yourself relationship to others relationship to God “Love the lord your God …and love your neighbor Sin—breach of community …as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27 3colorsofcommunity.org

  8. relationship to yourself relationship to others relationship to God gluttony Effectivestructures The Seven Deadly Sins and Christian Community envy lust Gift-basedministry Inspiringworship Empowering leadership pride Need-oriented evangelism Passionate spirituality greed sloth Loving relationships anger 3colorsofcommunity.org

  9. The Seven Deadly Sins and Christian Community 3colorsofcommunity.org

  10. Eastern and Western views of sin Western paradigm Eastern paradigm sin as breaking laws sin as sickness cure: punishment cure: healing church as courtroom church as hospital 3colorsofcommunity.org

  11. Christ’s work: victory over Eastern and Western views of sin EVIL DEATH & opposite of GOOD opposite of LIFE emphasis of the Western tradition emphasis of the Eastern tradition resulting in the GOOD LIFE 3colorsofcommunity.org

  12. Path of denial Path of compromise Harnessing the energies behind the deadly sins Energy Sin power pride Submit! hero worship gluttony pleasure Abstain! consumerism 3colorsofcommunity.org envy identity Conform! egalitarianism greed sustenance materialism Renounce! justice anger judgmentalism Calm down! renewal sloth Act! entertainment lust intimacy permissiveness Cleanse!

  13. COMMUNAL QUALITY Harnessing the energies behind the deadly sins unless you re-direct your energy will energize ENERGY will lead to sin SIN 3colorsofcommunity.org

  14. Energy Redirection of energies Sin Biblical model Communal Qualities Why it’s not enoughto say “no” to sin Greatness through servanthood Empowering leadership power pride Effective structures What is beneficial? gluttony pleasure Gift-based ministry Everybody is needed envy identity Need-oriented evangelism Multiplication through giving greed sustenance Zeal for God’s cause Loving relationships justice anger Request of James and John Mark 10:35-45 Finding rest by taking the yoke Passionate spirituality renewal sloth The believer’s freedom 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 Inspiring worship Relating affection to Jesus lust intimacy 3colorsofcommunity.org One body, many parts 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 Feeding the five thousand Mark 6:32-44 Clearing of the temple John 2:13-17 Rest for the weary Matthew 11:28-30 Anointing by a sinful woman Luke 7:36-39

  15. Energy Sin Structural presence of sin Christian consumers or disciples? Status symbols power pride Industrial animal agriculture gluttony pleasure Glorification of the average envy identity Shareholder value greed sustenance Culture of moral outrage justice anger Wellness instead of training renewal sloth Selling with sex lust intimacy 3colorsofcommunity.org

  16. A path away from pride 3colorsofcommunity.org

  17. EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP A path away from pride unless you invest your influence in others will energize Desire for POWER will lead to pride PRIDE 3colorsofcommunity.org

  18. A path away from gluttony 3colorsofcommunity.org

  19. EFFECTIVE STRUCTURES A path away from gluttony unless you bring balance in your life will energize Desire for PLEASURE will lead to gluttony GLUTTONY 3colorsofcommunity.org

  20. A path away from envy 3colorsofcommunity.org

  21. GIFT-BASED MINISTRY A path away from envy unless you recognize your dependency on others will energize Desire for IDENTITY will lead to envy ENVY 3colorsofcommunity.org

  22. A path away from greed 3colorsofcommunity.org

  23. NEED-ORIENTED EVANGELISM A path away from greed unless you share what you have received will energize Desire for SUSTENANCE will lead to greed GREED 3colorsofcommunity.org

  24. A path away from anger 3colorsofcommunity.org

  25. LOVING RELATIONSHIPS A path away from anger unless you balance justice and grace will energize Desire for JUSTICE will lead to anger ANGER 3colorsofcommunity.org

  26. A path away from sloth 3colorsofcommunity.org

  27. PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY A path away from sloth unless you seek to fully experience God will energize Desire for RENEWAL will lead to sloth SLOTH 3colorsofcommunity.org

  28. A path away from lust 3colorsofcommunity.org

  29. INSPIRING WORSHIP A path away from lust unless you worship God with all your senses will energize Desire for INTIMACY will lead to lust LUST 3colorsofcommunity.org

  30. Vulnerability: Pride Energy for: Empowering leadership Vulnerability: Gluttony Energy for: Effective structures Vulnerability: Envy Energy for: Gift-based ministry Vulnerability: Greed Energy for: Need-oriented evangelism Vulnerability: Anger Energy for: Loving relationships Vulnerability: Sloth Energy for: Passionate spirituality Vulnerability: Lust Energy for: Inspiring worship Always start with your strongest energy power pleasure The Communal Test identity sustenance justice renewal intimacy intimacy 3colorsofcommunity.org

  31. Sin as the absence of light Object colors The colors of light 3colorsofcommunity.org

  32. Vulnerability: Pride Energy for: Empowering leadership Vulnerability: Gluttony Energy for: Effective structures Vulnerability: Envy Energy for: Gift-based ministry Vulnerability: Greed Energy for: Need-oriented evangelism Vulnerability: Anger Energy for: Loving relationships Vulnerability: Sloth Energy for: Passionate spirituality Vulnerability: Lust Energy for: Inspiring worship power pleasure Addressing the deadly sinswithin a small group identity sustenance justice renewal intimacy intimacy 3colorsofcommunity.org

  33. Addressing the deadly sinswithin a small group A group with strong head energies (green) A group with strong hands energies (red) A group with strong heart energies (blue) A group with strong head-hands energies (green-red) A group with strong head-heart energies (green-blue) A group with strong heart-hands energies (blue-red) 3colorsofcommunity.org

  34. Experience Test Plan Understand Spiritual Change Talk Do Perceive Spiritual Change Experi- mentation questions Vision questions Strategy questions Capacity questions Progression questions Training questions 3colorsofcommunity.org

  35. Identifying the different voices within you IDENTIFICATION This voice is part of me… I am committed to empowering other people My concepts are superior to others …but it is only part of me DISIDENTIFICATION Proud voice Empower- ing voice 3colorsofcommunity.org

  36. Identifying the different voices within you People are old enough to make their own decisions I wished I had the legal power to make NCD compulsory My measure of success is the maturity of my coachees I am proud of my own anti-status-symbols approach Our approach to leadership is far superior to others God has called me to be an international leader I am committed to help others fulfill their visions Why doesn’t the whole world listen to me? I am committed to empowering other people I love to ridicule guru leaders Message The Frustrat- ed The Anointed One Empow- erer Bible Student Anti Guru Network Leader Laid-back Coach Fanatic “David” Name 3colorsofcommunity.org

  37. Understanding your inner voices Pride Pride Our approach to leadership is far superior to others I wished I had the legal power to make NCD compulsory My measure of success is the maturity of my coachees I am proud of my own anti-status-symbols approach People are old enough to make their own decisions God has called me to be an international leader I am committed to help others fulfill their visions Why doesn’t the whole world listen to me? I am committed to empowering other people I love to ridicule guru leaders Message Empowering leadership Pride Pride Pride The Frustrat- ed The Anointed One Empow- erer Anti Guru Bible Student Network Leader Laid-back Coach Fanatic “David” Name Pride Empowering leadership Empowering leadership Empowering leadership 3colorsofcommunity.org

  38. Forming your Inner Team Pride Pride Our approach to leadership is far superior to others I wished I had the legal power to make NCD compulsory My measure of success is the maturity of my coachees I am proud of my own anti-status-symbols approach People are old enough to make their own decisions God has called me to be an international leader I am committed to help others fulfill their visions Why doesn’t the whole world listen to me? I am committed to empowering other people I love to ridicule guru leaders Message Empowering leadership Pride Pride Pride The Frustrat- ed The Anointed One Empow- erer Anti Guru Bible Student Network Leader Laid-back Coach Fanatic “David” Name Pride Empowering leadership Empowering leadership Empowering leadership 3colorsofcommunity.org

  39. hands head heart Effectivestructures Establishing more holistic groups Gift-basedministry Inspiringworship Empowering leadership Need-oriented evangelism Passionate spirituality Loving relationships 3colorsofcommunity.org

  40. HEAVEN Christian community—a glimpse of heaven Sin Sickness Life HELL 3colorsofcommunity.org Evil Death Good

  41. Or you can get started straight away by taking the online eTest. Small group and larger group volume discounts apply on the book. See the web site for details. 3colorsofcommunity.org

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