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Day 5-STAAR Review

Day 5-STAAR Review. Important Eras in US History and the key people within each Era. Colonization . John Smith- successful leader of Jamestown John Rolfe- brought tobacco to America Thomas Hooker- founded Connecticut, helped write the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

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Day 5-STAAR Review

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  1. Day 5-STAAR Review Important Eras in US History and the key people within each Era

  2. Colonization • John Smith- successful leader of Jamestown • John Rolfe- brought tobacco to America • Thomas Hooker- founded Connecticut, helped write the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut • Charles de Montesquieu- his writings on checks and balances inspired Madison • William Blackstone- writings on the judicial system inspired Madison and Jefferson • William Penn- founded Pennsylvania (Quaker) • Roger Williams- founded Rhode Island for religious freedom

  3. American Revolution • Samuel Adams- founder of Sons of Liberty • Benjamin Franklin- Founding Father who helped write the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and encouraged France to join the Patriots during the Revolution • King George III-King of England • Thomas Jefferson-wrote the Declaration of Independence • John Locke-writings on natural (unalienable) rights influenced Jefferson’s writings. • PatrickHenry- Patriot who believed freedom was worth dying for; “give me liberty or give me death.” • Thomas Paine- wrote Common Sense • George Washington-Commander of the Continental Army • John Paul Johns- first American naval commander; “I have not yet begun to fight.” • Abigail Adams -wife of John Adams, wrote letters to husband during war. • John Adams- patriot leader who helped write the Declaration • Wentworth Cheswell- African American soldier in the Continental Army. • Mercy Otis Warren- female patriot who wrote plays and poems encouraging independence • James Armistead- African American spy for the Continental Army • Bernardo de Galvez- Spanish governor of Louisiana that helped the Continental Army • Crispus Attucks- African American shot during the Boston Massacre • Haym Solomon- helped pay for the American Revolution • Marquis de Lafayette- French officer who helped Washington during the Revolution

  4. Constitutional Convention • Alexander Hamilton- Federalist, wrote the Federalist Papers • John Jay- Federalist, wrote the Federalist Papers • James Madison- Federalist, wrote the Federalist Papers • Patrick Henry- Anti-Federalist • George Mason- Anti-Federalist

  5. Early Republic • John Marshall- served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for over 30 years

  6. Jacksonian Democracy • Andrew Jackson-7th President, common man president; helped expand suffrage to all white males. • John Q. Adams- 6th president and the one responsible for the 1828 Tariff Law • John C. Calhoun- Andrew Jackson’s vice president; from South Carolina; leader in the Nullification Crisis and the Doctrine of Nullification • Henry Clay- The Great Compromiser, helped write a compromise to end the Crisis. • Daniel Webster- believed in a strong union, helped Clay write a compromise

  7. Industrial Revolution • Eli Whitney- invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts • Samuel Slater- brought first textile mill to America • Henry Lowell- provided factor jobs to young women in New England

  8. Westward Expansion • Lewis and Clark- Main 2 explorers of the Louisiana Territory

  9. Reform and Social Movements • Elizabeth Cady Stanton- led women’s movement towards equality and suffrage; wrote the Declaration of Sentiments • Lucretia Mott- powerful speaker and leader in the women’s movement; led the Seneca Falls Convention • Frederick Douglass- former slave, abolitionist, and powerful speaker • Susan B. Anthony- a leader in the women’s rights movement • Henry David Thoreau- urged people to not obey laws they thought were unjust- Civil Disobedience • John J. Audubon- artist who painted birds of North America • William Lloyd Garrison- abolitionist who wrote a newspaper The Liberator • Horace Mann- leader of the education reform movement, father of education • Sojourner Truth- leader in both the abolitionist and women’s rights movement • Dorothea Dix- leader in the prison reform movement and care for the disabled movement

  10. Sectionalism • Harriet Beecher Stowe- wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin which discussed the horrors of slavery • Henry Clay- “The Great Compromiser”, wrote Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 • Daniel Webster- believed in keeping the Union strong; argued that people not states made up the Union • John Brown- abolitionist who was involved in Bleeding Kansas and Harper’s Ferry Raid

  11. Civil War • Abraham Lincoln- President for the Union • U.S. Grant –Union Commander • Jefferson Davis- President for the Confederacy • Robert E. Lee- Confederate Commander • Philip Bazaar- member of the US Navy during the Civil War, won a Congressional Medal of Honor • Stonewall Jackson- one of the best Confederate generals • William Carney- African American soldier who served in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment during the war; first African American to win the Congressional Medal of Honor • Clara Barton- nurse who helped during the Civil War; founded the Red Cross

  12. Reconstruction • Andrew Johnson- Lincoln’s vice president who became President when Lincoln was assassinated. • Hiram Rhodes Revels- first African American to serve in Congress as a Senator (Mississippi).

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