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  1. What’s New: General Walter Natynczyk, CDS, has written an excellent introduction for the book, and Dr. Jack Granatstein has promised a second introduction. MGen Jonathan Vance has committed to writing an afterward, LCol Ian Hope will be writing historical introductions to each section, and LCol Mark Gasparotto has signed on as project Champion for the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. All that’s missing now are your stories and images. AFGHANISTAN: A SOLDIER’S STORY “The Veterans” We have recently entered into a collaborative association with the producers of the documentary series “The Veterans” funded principally by the Power Workers Union and will be including a DVD of Afghan specific episodes at the back of our book. The series shares with viewers the stories of Canadian Veterans from WW II to Afghanistan. We will be planning presentations for the Afghan Book Project across Canada, with the support and assistance of Public Affairs volunteers, participating Legions, and MFRC’s. Wherever possible presentations will be encouraged to include a mini film festival of recent CF films, and will provide opportunities, wherever possible, for those who served to record or submit their stories. Folks interested in organizing an event in their area should email contact@afghanistanacanadianstory.ca Presentation resources are available at our web site. Current Online Resources: http://afghanistanacanadianstory.ca/whats-new/media-kits/ April/May Newsletter Why Your Stories Matter: Whether you deployed as a member of the Canadian Forces, as a civilian, or embedded with our troops as media, you each have a unique personal perspective worth sharing with Canadians. Why? First and foremost, many Canadians, possibly even your own family and friends, still struggle to understand why our troops were there at all. Your stories can provide a valuable glimpse of the human experience of the boots on the ground. Second, Canadians have shown a tendency to forget their military when a conflict is past. Public support for the military in Canada, as a result, fades between conflicts, and with it the human and material resources needed to maintain a capable military. This legacy album is an opportunity to provide a better understanding of and appreciation for the extraordinary work done by ordinary serving Canadians. Without your submissions, however, there will be no legacy album. Photo credit Sgt Lou Penney 14 Sept 2006, Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry

  2. The Web Site www.afghanistanacanadianstory.ca Submissions started to come in after the project launch in November 2011 but many of you appear to be pretty shy about sharing your experiences. Without your submissions, there can be no legacy album. Please share your stories. It’s important. AFGHANISTAN: A SOLDIER’S STORY “The Veterans” episodes can be found at http://vimeo.com/channels/theveterans Our association with this documentary series has inspired the idea of offering a mini film festival as a part of any project presentation. In addition to the 53 episodes of this documentary, we will be able to screen the 2007 film “Homefront”. We will be looking for other CF related films and welcome suggestions if you have favourites we should include. Films we will be trying to acquire to air include “We Will Remember Them” , “Desert Lions” and “If I Should Fall” Where you can find us: Facebook: We have established a Facebook Group. Drop by and like the project. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Afghanistan-A-Soldiers-Story/310244442351004 Youtube: We have established a Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ASoldiersStory Linkedin: We have created a Linkedin group and welcome new members and discussions. http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4256579&trk=hb_side_g Flicker: We have created a group here too http://www.flickr.com/groups/canafghanstory/ February/March Newsletter Contact Us: Visit the web site www.afghanistanacanadianstory.ca or drop us an email contact@afghanistanacanadianstory.ca We need your input, through feedback, stories, images, and video clips in order to build this worthwhile publication. Proceeds will be shared by the Edmonton MFRC with Boomers Legacy, the Military Families Fund, and the Soldier On Fund. Photo credit Sgt Lou Penney 14 Sept 2006, Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry

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