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Word Formation

Word Formation. Ready for FCE – Unit 8. * What do the words below mean ?. Telephone Multi-racial Poter Conduct Spectator U npredictable. * Can you explain the way they were formed ?. Root + Affixes.

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Word Formation

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  1. Word Formation Ready for FCE – Unit 8

  2. * What do thewordsbelowmean? Telephone Multi-racial Poter Conduct Spectator Unpredictable * Canyouexplainthewaytheywereformed? Root+Affixes

  3. Do youknowthatmanywords in English are formedfrom a set ofLatinandGreek roots? 1- Tempor 2 - Multi 3- Tele Canyouguessthemeaningoftheseroots? 1 - Time. Ex.: Temporary, Temporal, etc. 2 -Many. Ex.: Multifaceted, multiuse, etc. 3 - Distant. Ex.: Telegraph, Telepathy, etc.

  4. Affixes They are elements, such as a prefixorsuffix, added to a root to produce a derived form. Ex.: • anti (against) – antisocial; • auto (of/by oneself) – autobiography; • trans (across) – transatlantic; • er (a person who does or is related to something) – teacher; • able (capableof) – predictable; • en (to make/became the quality expressed by the original word) – broaden.

  5. Prefixes They change the meaning of the original word. Here are two common prefixes in English, use them to form a word that best fits in the gaps in the sentences. Over-(beyond/ too much) Under-(insufficient) I amgoingtotakeyouthroughthe _______ slumsofthecity. CROWD UnfortunatelymostBrazilians_______ and are _______. WORK / PAY Poorchildrentendtohavediseasesdueto _______. NOURISH Overcrowed; overwork/underpaid; undernourishment

  6. Suffixes They change the word class and the meaning of the original word. Here are two common suffixes in English, use them to form a word that best fits in the gaps in the sentences. -ful(characterizedby) -less(without; notableto) An erode areaoflandis _______for agriculture . USE Tomanypeopletheconcertwas a _______event. SUCCESS _______ tosay, a bodymoving in spacebecames_______. NEED / WEIGHT useful; sucessful; needless / weightless

  7. The affix “en” It may be a prefix as well as a suffix. However, in both cases it changes the word class of the original word. Open your book topage 102. Whatwordclassbestfitsthe gaps in ex. 2 (a noun, anadjectiveor a verb)?

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