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The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers

The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers. BIOL 2400 – Anatomy and Physiology 1 Chapter 11. Temporalis. O: Temporal bone I: Coronoid process and ramus of the mandible A: Elevation of the mandible. Click for Answer. Orbicularis oculi. O: Medial wall of the orbit

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The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers

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  1. The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers BIOL 2400 – Anatomy and Physiology 1 Chapter 11

  2. Temporalis O: Temporal bone I: Coronoid process and ramus of the mandible A: Elevation of the mandible Click for Answer

  3. Orbicularis oculi O: Medial wall of the orbit I: Medial wall of the orbit A: Closes the eyelid Click for Answer

  4. Orbicularis oris O: Opening of the mouth I: The skin at the corners of the mouth A: Closes the mouth Click for Answer

  5. Masseter O: Maxilla and the anterior portion of the zygomatic arch I: Angle and the ramus of the mandible. A: Elevation of the mandible Click for Answer

  6. Zygomaticus major O: Zygomatic bone I: The skin at the corners of the mouth and the orbicularis oris A: Elevates the skin at the corners of the mouth (smiling) Click for Answer

  7. Depressor anguli oris O: Anterior 1/3 of the body of the mandible, lateral to the mental foramen I: Angle of the mouth A: Draws the angle of the mouth laterally and inferiorly, as in opening the mouth Click for Answer

  8. Supraspinatus O: The supraspinous fossa of the scapula I: The greater tubercle of the humerus A: Weak ABduction of the shoulder joint Click for Answer

  9. Infraspinatus O: The infraspinous fossa of the scapula I: The greater tubercle of the humerus A: Lateral rotation of the humerus Click for Answer

  10. Teres minor O: Inferior lateral border of the scapula I: The greater tubercle of the humerus A: Lateral rotation of the humerus Click for Answer

  11. Pectoralis minor O: Ribs 3 through 5 I: The coracoid process of the scapula A: Protraction of the scapula Click for Answer

  12. Rhomboid major O: The spinous processes of T2 through T5 I: The vertebral border of the scapula, inferior to the spine A: Retraction of the scapula Click for Answer

  13. Rhomboid minor O: The spinous processes of C7 through T1 I: The vertebral border of the scapula, superior to the spine A: Retraction of the scapula Click for Answer

  14. Levator scapulae O: The transverse processes of C1 through C4 I: The superior angle of the scapula A: Elevation of the scapula Click for Answer

  15. Supinator O: The lateral epicondyle of the humerus I: The lateral surface of the proximal third of the radius A: Supination of the forearm Click for Answer

  16. Pronator teres O: The medial epicondyle of the humerus and the coronoid process of the ulna I: The midlateral surface of the radius A: Pronation of the forearm Click for Answer

  17. Triceps brachii O: Long head: the inferior margin of the Glenoid fossa Lateral head: the lateral, posterior surface of the humerus Medial head: the posterior surface of the humerus I: The olecranon of the ulna A: Extension of the elbow joint Click for Answer

  18. Brachialis O: The distal, anterior surface of the humerus I: The coronoid process of the ulna A: Flexion of the elbow joint Click for Answer

  19. Biceps brachii O: Long head: superior margin of the Glenoid fossa Short head: the coracoid process of the scapula I: The radial tuberosity of the radius A: Flexion of the elbow joint Click for Answer

  20. External obliques O: The last eight (8) ribs I: The iliac crest and the linea alba A: Both: flexion of the vertebral column Single: lateral flexion of the vertebral column Click for Answer

  21. Latissimus dorsi O: Spinous processes of T6 through L5, the iliac crest, the sacrum and ribs 9 through 12 I:The intertubercular groove of the humerus A: ADduction of the humerus Click for Answer

  22. Pectoralis major O:The clavicle, the sternum and the costal cartilage of ribs 2 through 6 I: The greater tubercle of the humerus A: ADduction of the humerus Click for Answer

  23. Trapezius O: The occipital bone and the spinous processes of C7 through T12 I: The clavicle, the acromion and the spine of the scapula A: Stabilizes the scapula Superior fibers: elevation of the scapula Intermediate fibers: retraction of the scapula Inferior fibers: depression of the scapula Click for Answer

  24. Iliopsoas- Iliacus O: The iliac fossa and the sacrum I: The lesser trochanter of the femur A: Flexion of the hip joint Click for Answer

  25. Iliopsoas- Psoas major O: The transverse processes and bodies of L1 through L5 I: The lesser trochanter of the femur A: Flexion of the hip joint Click for Answer

  26. Adductor longus O: The pubic crest and the symphysis pubis I: The linea aspera of the femur A: ADduction of the hip joint Click for Answer

  27. Fibularis (Peroneus) longus O: The lateral condyle of the tibia and the head and shaft of the fibula I: The first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform A: Plantar flexion of the ankle joint Click for Answer

  28. Soleus O: The head of the fibula and the medial shaft of the tibia I: The calcaneus by way of the Achilles tendon A: Plantar flexion of the ankle joint Click for Answer

  29. Gastrocnemius O: The medial and lateral condyles of the femur I: The calcaneus by way of the Achilles tendon A: Plantar flexion of the ankle joint Click for Answer

  30. Tibialis anterior O: The lateral condyle and the shaft of the tibia I: The first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform A: Dorsiflexion of the ankle joint Click for Answer

  31. Quadriceps femoris • Made of four muscles: • Rectus femoris • Vastus lateralis • Vastus medialis • Vastus intermedius

  32. Quadriceps femoris Rectus Femoris O: The anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) I: The tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament A: Extension of the knee joint Vastus Lateralis O: The greater trochanter and the linea aspera of the femur I: The tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament A: Extension of the knee joint Click for Answer Click for Answer

  33. Quadriceps femoris Vastus Medialis O: The linea aspera of the femur I: The tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament A: Extension of the knee joint Vastus Intermedius O: The anterior and lateral surfaces of the shaft of the femur I: The tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament A: Extension of the knee joint Click for Answer Click for Answer

  34. Sartorius O: The anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) I: The medial surface of the proximal shaft of the tibia A: ABduction of the hip joint Click for Answer

  35. Gluteus medius O: The ilium I: The greater trochanter of the femur A: ABduction of the hip joint Click for Answer

  36. Biceps femoris O: Long head: the ischial tuberosity Short head: the linea aspera of the femur I: The lateral condyle of the tibia and the head of the fibula A: Flexion of the knee joint Click for Answer

  37. Gluteus maximus O: The iliac crest, the sacrum and the coccyx I: The gluteal tuberosity of the femur A: Extension of the hip joint Click for Answer

  38. Anterior deltoid O: The clavicle, the acromion and the spine of the scapula I: The deltoid tuberosity A: ABduction of the shoulder joint Anterior head: flexion of the shoulder joint Lateral head: Abduction of the shoulder joint Posterior head: extension of the shoulder joint Click for Answer

  39. Posterior deltoid O: The clavicle, the acromion and the spine of the scapula I: The deltoid tuberosity A: ABduction of the shoulder joint Anterior head: flexion of the shoulder joint Lateral head: ABduction of the shoulder joint Posterior head: extension of the shoulder joint Click for Answer

  40. Rectus abdominis O: The pubic crest and the symphysis pubis I: Costal cartilage of ribs 5, 6 and 7 A: Flexion of the vertebral column Click for Answer

  41. Sternocleidomastoid

  42. Sternocleidomastoid O: The sternum and the clavicle I: The mastoid process of the temporal bone A: Both: flexion of the cervical vertebrae Single: rotation of the head to the opposite side Click for Answer

  43. Platysma O: Fascia over the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles I: Mandible, muscles around the angle of the mouth, and the skin of the lower face A: Depression of the mandible Click for Answer

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