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Component Composition: Reo

Component Composition: Reo. Composition. Composition of “black-box” component instances into a (sub)system is realized by some “glue-code” connectors that: Enable inter-component instance communication. Enforce exogenous coordination patterns.

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Component Composition: Reo

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  1. Component Composition: Reo

  2. Composition • Composition of “black-box” component instances into a (sub)system is realized by some “glue-code” connectors that: • Enable inter-component instance communication. • Enforce exogenous coordination patterns. • Have well-defined semantics independent of component instances. • Are themselves compositionally constructed out of simpler connectors. O2C: From Objects to Components

  3. Ordering of Writers • Example of coordinated composition: • Glue these three component instances together such that R alternately reads items produced by W1 and W2. • A system consists of three component instances: two writers, W1 and W2, and a reader, R. W1 W2 R O2C: From Objects to Components

  4. Method Invocation • Message passing in OO invokes a method to perform an ADT operation. • The semantics of method invocation is heavy and non-trivial: • The caller must know the callee. • The caller must know the method. • The callee must (pretend) to interpret the message. • The caller suspends while the callee (pretends to) perform the method. • The caller resumes when the callee returns a result. O2C: From Objects to Components

  5. Operational Interface • The operations/methods provided by an ADT/class-interface impose a tight semantic binding. • The resulting relationship among subjects and objects of operations is sometimes desirable among intra-component entities. • At the inter-component level, this relationship • Weaken independence of components. • Contributes to breaking of encapsulation. • Tightens component inter-dependence. O2C: From Objects to Components

  6. Components OO Style • Components are fortified (collections of) objects. • Inter-component communication is through messages that invoke remote methods. • Messages may be intercepted by connectors to: • Provide services (e.g., binding and name servers) • Enforce imposed constraints • Ensure protocols • Perform assigned roles O2C: From Objects to Components

  7. Passive Messages • Message passing without the method invocation semantics is a more abstract and more flexible mechanism. • The sender does not suspend waiting for a result. • The receiver need not interpret the message as an operation it must perform. • The receiver is not obligated to reply. O2C: From Objects to Components

  8. Message Passing • Whether messages are active or passive, the send primitive is inherently targeted. • The knowledge of who the receiver is, or how it can be identified, is contained in the sender. • This makes the sender semantically dependent on (the scheme used to identify) the receiver. • This semantic dependency weakens exogenous coordination. • Third parties cannot coordinate interactions between senders and receivers of their own choice. O2C: From Objects to Components

  9. Anonymous Communication • Entities that communicate with each other need not know each other. • An entity exchanges identifiable sequences of passive messages with its environment only. • Inherently amenable to exogenous coordination. • Highly flexible composition possibilities. O2C: From Objects to Components

  10. Behavior • Operations only indirectly, implicitly, and reactively represent behavior. • Behavior can be represented, e.g., as: • Sequences of operations • Sequences of state charts • Input/output relationships • Operation sequences are too concrete and too detailed representation of behavior. • Input/output relationships more directly and abstractly represent behavior. O2C: From Objects to Components

  11. Abstract Behavior Type • An ABT defines an abstract behavior without specifying any detail about: • the operations that may be used to implement such behavior. • the data types they may manipulate for its realization. • An ABT is a (maximal) relation among a set of timed-data-streams. O2C: From Objects to Components

  12. Connectors • Connectors comprise the “glue code” that makes components interact. • Enforce policies • Mediate interactions • Coordinate activities • Currently, glue code is the most rigid, component specific, and special purpose software in component based systems. • Wish list: • No programming • Well-defined semantics, independent of components • Compositional connectors O2C: From Objects to Components

  13. ABT Implementation • The implementation of an ABT is a set of process specifications • Its instantiation is a set of processes communicating with the environment only through read and write operations on the channel ends according to the behavior specified by the ABT O2C: From Objects to Components

  14. Mobile Channels • Mobile channels • The identity of a channel end can be passed around as any data item, and be known to many ABT instances • The connection of a channel end can move from one component instance to another, without affecting the knowledge of the other end of the same channel • Why? • To describe dynamic interfaces • To describe dynamic networks of communicating ABT instances O2C: From Objects to Components

  15. Reo A Calculus for Composition of Connectors Mobile channels as primitive connectors Construction of complex connectors Semantic independence of connectors Expressiveness of composition Visual composition

  16. Reo • Reo is based on a calculus for compositional construction of component connectors. • Both components and connectors in Reo are distributed and mobile. • Reo connectors are dynamically reconfigurable. • Both components and connectors are uniformly represented as ABTs. • A component is any general ABT. • A connector is any ABT that can be constructed out of a user-defined set of primitive connectors (channels). • [Dynamic Kahn networks, mobile channels, Broy’s timed dataflow] O2C: From Objects to Components

  17. Channels • Atomic connectors in Reo are called channels. • A channel is an ABT defined as a binary relationship between two timed-data streams. • Channel in Reo is a generalization of its common notion: • Always has two ends • Two types of channel ends • Source: data enters into the channel • Sink: dataleaves the channel • A channel can have two sources or two sinks O2C: From Objects to Components

  18. A Sample of Channels • Synchronous channel • write/take • Synchronous drain: two sources • write/write • Synchronous spout: two sinks • take/take • Lossy synchronous channel • Asynchronous FIFO1 channel • write/take O2C: From Objects to Components

  19. Join • Flow through • Merge + replication combo • Non-deterministic merge • Replication a b c a b c b a c O2C: From Objects to Components

  20. a c x !x !x ? ? b x ? Regulated Reads (TC) • With a synchronous channel on b, takes from c produce successive values of a. • Values pass through the junction only whenever something is taken from b. • A take from b, then, is the cue for the completion of a write-take pair on a and c. • We express this as c = (b:a)*. • Symmetrically, we have b = (c:a)*. !x O2C: From Objects to Components

  21. a c b Regulated Reads (WC) • With a synchronous drain, takes from c produce successive values of a. • Values pass through the junction only whenever something is written to b. • A write on b, then, is the cue for the completion of a write-take pair on a and c. • We express this as c = (b/a)*. O2C: From Objects to Components

  22. a c !x !x !x ? ? ? d x b !y ? ? y Flow Synchronization • If all channels are synchronous, takes from c and d are synchronized: barrier synchronization. • If only the drain is asynchronous, no simultaneous takes are possible on c and d. !x O2C: From Objects to Components

  23. a c !1 !3 !3 !3 !3 !1 !3 ? ? ? ? 3,2,1 2,1 2,1 3,2,1 1 1 1 1 b !4 !4 !4 !2 !4 !2 4 2 2 4 2 2 Order a And b • Subsequent takes from c retrieve the elements of the stream (ab)* • Both a and b must be present before a pair can go through. !1 4,3,2,1 O2C: From Objects to Components

  24. Order a, b, And c • Subsequent takes from z retrieve the elements of the stream (abc)* • All three must be present before a triplet can go through. a z b c O2C: From Objects to Components

  25. a d b c Take a when b or c • A take from d succeeds only if there is a value written to b or c. • The values taken from d are elements of the stream a* • We have d = ((b|c)/a)* O2C: From Objects to Components

  26. c a b d !3 !1 !1 !1 !1 !4 !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 !2 o o o o o o o Sequencer • Writes to a, b, c, and d will succeed cyclically and in that order. o o O2C: From Objects to Components

  27. Expressiveness • What ABTs can be produced by composition of a given set of channels? • With a small set of 5 channel types, the equivalent of regular expressions can be constructed. • Turing equivalence is possible with the above set of channel types, plus unbounded FIFO. O2C: From Objects to Components

  28. b c a sequencer Another c = (ab)* • An a can pass through even if its pairing b is not yet available. O2C: From Objects to Components

  29. c = (aab)* c b a sequencer O2C: From Objects to Components

  30. o Inhibitor • All values flow from d to c until a value is written to i. • A write to i inhibits (i.e., blocks) further writes to both d and i. d c i O2C: From Objects to Components

  31. C = a* | b* • The drain is asynchronous; dashed arrows show synchronous lossy channels; all other channels are synchronous. a d Inhibitor1 i c i Inhibitor2 b d O2C: From Objects to Components

  32. Asynchronous Drain • An AsyncDrain can be composed out of a SyncDrain and 3 (or 2) Sync channels. O2C: From Objects to Components

  33. a b c Exclusive Router • A value written to a flows through to either b or c, but never to both. O2C: From Objects to Components

  34. Inclusive Router • A value written to a flows through to either b or c, or to both. a b c O2C: From Objects to Components

  35. Overflow Lossy FIFO1 • A FIFO1 channel that accepts but loses new incoming values if its buffer is full. O2C: From Objects to Components

  36. XRouter Shift Lossy FIFO1 • A FIFO1 channel that loses its old buffer contents, if necessary, to make room for new incoming values. o O2C: From Objects to Components

  37. XRouter XRouter XRouter XRouter Sequencer With Reset • Same as a simple sequencer, except that a write to reset forces the sequencer to start over with a. c b d a o reset O2C: From Objects to Components

  38. NS Ticket Vending Machine O2C: From Objects to Components

  39. Ticket Machine Components • We assume the following components are available: • Destination: Get user’s destination code • Type: Get user’s ticket type • Price: Find the price of the ticket • Payment: Handle user’s payment • Print: Print and dispense the ticket • Clock: Periodically emit date and time • Cancel: Produce a token whenever Cancel is pressed O2C: From Objects to Components

  40. Get-Destination Component • Destination has two input and one output ports: • trigger: input • cancel: input • dest: output • When triggered by a token on its trigger port, it: • interacts with the user through numeric keypad (2) and display to obtain the destination code • produces the destination code on its dest port • A token on its cancel port resets the component O2C: From Objects to Components

  41. Get-Type Component • Type has two input and one output ports: • trigger: input • cancel: input • type: output • When triggered by a token on its trigger port, it: • interacts with the user through special keypad (3) to obtain the ticket type • produces the ticket type code on its type port • A token on its cancel port resets the component O2C: From Objects to Components

  42. Lookup-Price Component • Price has 4 input and one output ports: • here: input • dest: input • type: input • time: input • price: output • When all of its input ports have values, it • looks up the price if the specified ticket in its database • produces the ticket price on its price port O2C: From Objects to Components

  43. Payment Component • Payment has two input and two output ports: • price: input • cancel: input • yes: output • no: output • When triggered by a value on its price port, it: • interacts with the user to obtain the proper payment • produces a token on its yes or no port to indicate whether the full payment was made or not • A token on its cancel port resets the component O2C: From Objects to Components

  44. Print Component • Print has 6 input and one output ports: • here: input • dest: input • type: input • time: input • price: input • done: output • When all of its input ports have values, it • Prints and dispenses the ticket • produces a token on its done port O2C: From Objects to Components

  45. Print Payment Price Clock Type Destination Ticket Machine Composition Cancel Here XRouter XRouter Sequencer with Reset O2C: From Objects to Components

  46. Reo • A compositional paradigm for coordination of mobile components, based on mobile channels. • Provides a set of operations for components to: • Create and compose channels into complex connectors. • Perform I/O operations on connectors, as a result of which the participating components are coordinated. • The semantics of connectors are independent of components. O2C: From Objects to Components

  47. Beyond Channels Component instances create forget connect disconnect read take write wait move join split hide Nodes and Connectors Reo _create _forget _connect _disconnect _read _take _write _wait _move Channels and Channel-ends Channels O2C: From Objects to Components

  48. Common Behavior All channels in Reo must implement the following set of operations with the “same” semantics: • Simple topological operations • Dynamic channel creation and (dis)connection of channel ends from/to component instances. • Input/Output operations • Reading/writing of data items from/to channel ends. • Inquiry operations • Checking for conditions of interest. O2C: From Objects to Components

  49. Topological Operations • _create(type [, filter]) • Returns a pair of channel ends for a new channel of the specified type with its associated filter. • _connect([t,] cev) • Waits (indefinitely or for the specified time-out, t) to connect the specified channel end, cev, to the component instance. • _disconnect(cev) • Disconnects the specified channel end, cev, from the component instance. • _forget(cev) • The component performing this operation loses all its references to the specified channel end, cev. O2C: From Objects to Components

  50. Input/Output Operations • _read([t,] inp[, v [, pat]]) • Suspends the active entity that performs it (indefinitely or for the specified time-out, t) waiting for a value (that matches with pat) to become available for reading from the sink channel end inp into the variable v. The value item is not removed from the channel. • _take([t,] inp[, v [, pat]]) • Removes a value from inp and behaves analogous to read. • _write([t,] outp, v) • Suspends the active entity that performs it (indefinitely or for the specified time-out, t) until it succeeds to write the contents of the variable v into the source channel end outp. O2C: From Objects to Components

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