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Admission in Hotel Management

Get information about hotel management eligibility criteria and pre-requisites for hotel/hospitality management admission here at Oriental School of Hotel Management. Our admissions team will be pleased to help answer any of your questions.

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Admission in Hotel Management

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  2. HospitalityManagementasafieldneedscandidatestomaintaingoodcommunication skillsaswellasanawesomepersonality.Duetoglobalisation,thehotel/hospitality administrationindustryisknowntoincreasewithleapsandbounds.Eachyear,alot ofhospitalityassociatedjobsareintroducedintheeconomy.

  3. CandidateswhowanttomakeacareerinthefieldofHotel/HospitalityManagementshouldbeable tomulti-taskbecauseinthisfieldoneisregularlytestedtoexpandtheirboundariesandthattooon a daily basis. Some key skills that an individual should possess so as to be victorious in the hotel/ hospitality management industryare: Havinganoutgoingandpleasantpersonality Good communicationskills Politedemeanor Creativity Customer orientedapproach Responsibility Discipline Team spirit Confidence GoodListener Abilitytoadjustinacrowd/differentcircumstances Ability to be committed and dedicated to a task Willingnesstoworklongandoddhours Ability tomulti-task NecessarySkillsetforHotel/HospitalityManagement

  4. HospitalityManagementEligibilityCriteria CandidatesareeligibletoseekaHospitality/Hotelmanagementcoursegivenatthe UG level if they have completed their 10+2 from a recognised board with passing marks.

  5. TheSelectionProcedureinOrientalGroupofEducational InstitutionforAdmissionInHotelManagementandother courses is based on the written examination, group discussion, and personal interview. Selected candidates willbeacquaintedoftheresultsindividuallywithinone dayfromthedateofthetest. SelectionProcedureinOrientalSchool

  6. Thewrittentestisoftheobjectivemodel.Thequestionsforthetest areaptitudeinEnglishlanguage,GeneralKnowledgeandNumerical Ability.Applicantscanusepenorpenciltoanswerthequestions. WrittenTest GroupDiscussion Group discussion is to test the student’s extempore participation in a debateonatopic,withaminimumdurationof7minutesbutnotpassing 10 minutes. Students are examined for topic knowledge, interaction and command overthe language.

  7. A short Interview will be directed to assess the student on speaking skill, generalattitudeandmanners.Candidatesareexpectedtoappearforgroup discussionandinterviewonthesameday.Studentsareneededtocomplete the written test and wait for their turn to complete group discussion and personalinterview. PersonalInterview

  8. THANKYOU! Lakkidi P.O,Wayanad Dist, Kerala –673576 808 66 22254 director orientalshool.com https://www.orientalschool.com/admission

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