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The Heart

Why does my heart beat for you?. Double pumpDiastoleSystoleSizePositioning. Around the world. PericardiumFibrousSerousParietalVisceralMyocardiumEndocardium . Heart Shaped Box. AtriumVentricleValveAtrioventricularSemilunar Venae cavaePulmonary vesselsAorta . Short circuit. Pulmonary circuitSystemic circuitCoronary circulationAngina pectorisMyocardial infarction.

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The Heart

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Heart Karen Kraus BIOL 204 September 11, 2007

    2. Why does my heart beat for you? Double pump Diastole Systole Size Positioning

    3. Around the world Pericardium Fibrous Serous Parietal Visceral Myocardium Endocardium

    4. Heart Shaped Box Atrium Ventricle Valve Atrioventricular Semilunar Venae cavae Pulmonary vessels Aorta

    5. Short circuit Pulmonary circuit Systemic circuit Coronary circulation Angina pectoris Myocardial infarction

    6. The root of it all Cardiac muscle Striated One or two nuclei Branching Intercalated disks Intrinsically stimulated Dually innervated Slow contraction speed More stretch = more vigorous contraction (Frank-Starling Law)

    7. Feel the rhythm Cardiac conduction system SA and AV nodes Bundle of His Purkinje fibers Gradual depolarization to -40mV Potassium and calcium channels

    8. Follow the leader Pacemaker controls Voltage regulated sodium channels open Calcium channels open to prolong the refractory period In both cases, potassium leaving the cell repolarizes it

    9. Versus Compared to skeletal muscle… Intrinsically stimulated Myocardium contracts as a unit, doesn’t have smaller motor units Refractory period is longer to prevent tetanus and allow diastole (filling of the chamber)

    10. See the beat Electrocardiogram (electrokardiogram) P wave QRS complex T wave Extrasystole Arrythmia

    11. Beating the cycle Cardiac cycle ~0.8 seconds from one atrial systole to next atrial systole “lub dub” Stenosis and valve incontinence (“murmur”)

    12. Turn up the volume Cardiac output = stroke volume X heart rate Preload Contractility Afterload Regulation of HR Atrial reflex (Bainbridge reflex) Congestive heart failure

    13. Abnormalities

    14. Abnormalities

    15. Neat stuff http://www.ekgreading.com http://mywebpages.comcast.net/wnor/thoraxlesson4.htm http://www.visibleheart.com/videoclips.html

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