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Agenda. Welcome and introduction Icebreaker activity Goal setting Communication paradigms Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs You

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Welcome to a Full-Day Effective Communication Workshop Name of Organization Date Facilitators Name

    2. Agenda Welcome and introduction Icebreaker activity Goal setting Communication paradigms Maslows Hierarchy of Needs You I messages Interpersonal skills Conflict resolution

    3. Agenda Ten questions about conflict Summary of conflict resolution Persuasion Negotiation Feedback Johari Window Summary and close

    4. Class Reunion Have fun!

    5. Goal Setting What do you want to learn today? What tools do you want to take back to the workplace? What do you need to help you improve?

    6. Participant Introductions Form pairs. Exchange the following information: Where were you born and raised? Whats your favorite food? What are your goals for this workshop? Introduce your partner to the whole class and include your partners goals.

    7. Communication Paradigms Know your frame of reference. Why is the information being exchanged? What does the recipient need from you? What do you need from the recipient? To be effective we should diagnose before we prescribe.

    8. Communication Paradigms Will the information affect status? Is the organizational hierarchy in play? Is the information being received through a confrontational filter? Is everyone on the same map?

    9. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    10. You Messages and I Messages You Message You really wrecked the project when you took over. I cant believe you did that. You dont even care about the success of this project. I Message I feel very upset about the direction the project has taken since you took over. I am really upset about the decision you made. I feel disappointed because it seems youre not concerned about the success of the project.

    11. Depersonalizing the Personal Form groups of four people. Think of a challenging situation. Describe your situation, omitting personal pronouns (I, me, my, mine, and so forth). Select a spokesperson from your group to report to the whole group.

    12. Conflict Resolution Four Steps to Resolution: Define: the problem Clarify: key players and expectations Identify: action steps for resolution Resolve: by taking the steps

    13. Conflict Resolution: The Three As Acknowledge Apologize Act

    14. I Want It! Find a partner. One member of the pair possesses an unnamed object that the other person wants. The dialogue for the owner is only You cant have it! The dialogue for the other is only I want it! Take two minutes for this exercise, including a role swap. It will get noisy! Regroup and report on the frustrations

    15. Ten Questions About Conflict Think about a current or past professional conflict. Write 10 questions for the people involved in the conflict. If time permits, write 10 questions that others in the conflict may have for you. Debrief as a whole group.

    16. Conflict Resolution: Reacting to Difficult Personalities Aggressive: Listen carefully. Avoid arguing. Be formal. Use the persons name. Be clear with your responses. Undermining: Focus on the issues and dont acknowledge sarcasm. Dont overreact.

    17. Reacting to Difficult Personalities Unresponsive: Ask open-ended questions. Be silent and wait for responses. Be patient and positive. Egoist: Make sure you know the facts. Agree when possible. Ask questions and listen. Disagree only when you know you are right.

    18. Persuasion Exercise Ask a volunteer to leave the room. Ask another volunteer to be the persuader.

    19. Persuasion Exercise The persuaders goal is to get an object (e.g., watch, pin, tie) from the person outside the room when he or she returns. Call the outside volunteer back into the room and take five minutes for the exercise. Debrief as a group, discussing the verbal and body language used. Facilitator: Remove this slide when the outside volunteer returns to the room.

    20. Persuasion Strategies Write brief details of a professional situation that will require persuasion (e.g., new policy, team changes). Additionally, write brief details of the characteristics of the people who must be persuaded (e.g., stubborn, sensitive, resistant to change). Form pairs and help one another devise a plan for successful persuasion. Debrief with the whole class. Use your journal to capture the strategies.

    21. Negotiation Exercise Form groups of four people each and get a flipchart and pen for each group. Take 10 minutes to formulate a negotiation situation. Define a satisfactory outcome from the negotiation. Take 30 minutes to discuss and record the requisite steps for success. Choose a spokesperson for your group. Gather with the whole class to debrief. Spokespeople present their groups plans. Role-play one of the plans.

    22. Feedback Exercise Complete the questionnaire. Form groups of four people. One participant will be interviewed by another in the group about his or her answer to question 3. Two participants will observe, take notes, and give recommendations at the conclusion of the activity. Take 30 minutes for this exercise. Debrief as a whole group. Use your journal to capture tools.

    23. The Johari Window (Developed by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham) 2. I dont know Others know Blind Spot 3. I know Others dont know Private Self 4. I dont know Others dont know Unknown Self 1. I know Others know Open/Public Self

    24. Johari Window Exercise Form pairs. (If members of a pair work together at the same organization, they will have specific areas for feedback. Those who dont work together may give feedback based on observations from the workshop.) Focus on box 2 of the Johari Window (the blind spot). Each person in the pair gives feedback to the other person on his or her blind spot. Allow 15 minutes for the exercise. Regroup to debrief. One volunteer can share his or her blind-spot discovery. Use your journal to capture these discoveries.

    25. Workshop Review With a partner, define three key skills that each person is taking away from the workshop. Take three minutes to describe your skills to the class.

    26. Summary and Close Personal goal setting Communication paradigms Maslows Hierarchy You I messages Interpersonal skills Conflict resolution

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