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Introduction to Media Studies SoSe 2011 Mag. Klaus Heissenberger

Introduction to Media Studies SoSe 2011 Mag. Klaus Heissenberger. North American Literary and Cultural Studies Universit ät des Saarlandes. Models of ‘communication’. Shannon und Weaver (1948): sender message receiver. Models of ‘communication’.

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Introduction to Media Studies SoSe 2011 Mag. Klaus Heissenberger

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  1. Introduction to Media StudiesSoSe 2011Mag. Klaus Heissenberger North American Literary and Cultural Studies Universitätdes Saarlandes

  2. Models of ‘communication’ • Shannon und Weaver (1948): • sender message receiver

  3. Models of ‘communication’ • „Lasswell formula“: Harold Lasswell,1948 • „Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?“ • e.g.:

  4. Media definitions Compare definitions from German media studies (‚Medienwissenschaften‘) textbooks: What (which definitions, which media listed as examples) illustrate very ‘narrow’ and very ‘broad’ definitions of ‘the media’? Which ones are optimistic, neutral, or pessimistic about the usefulness of the media or the effects of media?

  5. Media?

  6. Media? • active vs. passive role of the audience/consumers • identity: empowerment < > disempowerment

  7. Models of ‘communication’: Circuit of Culture

  8. Media consumption • See Burton 7, “Why people watch what they do”

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