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UPDATES OF NRDS IMPLEMENTATION - TANZANIA. Report presented to Third CARD General Meeting Ngurdoto Arusha Tanzania 18 th May, 2010 BEATUS A. MALEMA Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives P. O. Box 9192 Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania Email psk@kilimo.go.tz b amalema@yahoo.com.

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  1. UPDATES OF NRDS IMPLEMENTATION - TANZANIA Report presented to Third CARD General Meeting Ngurdoto Arusha Tanzania 18th May, 2010 BEATUS A. MALEMA Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives P. O. Box 9192 Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania Emailpsk@kilimo.go.tz bamalema@yahoo.com

  2. LAUNCHING OF NRDS • NRDS was launched on 22 March, 2010 • The workshop was attended by Development partners (DPs), representatives from Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries, Regions and Districts potential in rice production. Others were Ministry of Agriculture Training Institutions (MATIs). Rice farmers, processors and traders representatives also attended • Comments were incorporated in the NRDS

  3. OPERATION ARRANGEMENTS OF NRDS M&E ACR ASM NRDS TF MSM MCB ASM Stats Dep. HL indicators Project updates ASM Government MSM MSM ASM Donors Project updates MSM ASM NGOs Project updates MSM MSM ASM Farmers ASM Commercial Sector MSM

  4. CONSTRAINTS TO IMPLEMENTATION OF NRDS • Technical:- Low yielding varieties, dependence on rainfall, Inadequate infrastructure (irrigation, storage, electricity, transport and processing) and low productivity • Management and coordination:- budget shortage, limited human resource, inefficient inter-sectoral coordination, limited number of DPs supporting for CARD/NRDS, etc.

  5. CURRENT SITUATION ON RICE -RELATED INTERVENTION • TZ1.Technical Cooperation for Kilimanjaro Agricultural Engineer Training Center Project II • TZ2. Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP) Common Basket • TZ3. ASDP Irrigated rice & productivity improvement • TZ4.Technical Cooperation for Formulation and Training of the DADP Guidelines on Irrigation Scheme Development • TZ5. JICA Technical Cooperation for Supporting Service Delivery Systems of Irrigated Agriculture

  6. CURRENT SITUATION ON RICE -RELATED INTERVENTION… • TZ6. Improving Rice Varieties through Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology Zanzibar • FAO TZ7. Rehabilitation of Irrigation Infrastructure in Zanzibar KOICA • TZ8. Genetic enhancement to increase productivity in rice through breeding for resistance to RYMV disease in Tanzania Rockeffeller

  7. CURRENT SITUATION ON RICE -RELATED INTERVENTION… • ASDP: Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Project- Rice Regional Centre of Excellence(RRCOE) Regional Integration • Government input support for food crop production including rice • NERICA rice research at KATRIN (National centre of rice breeding) NERICA rice released varieties:- 2, 4, 7 and SWAB 450 in 2009. Other varieties are TXD 88, 85 and 306. • Kilimo Kwanza resolve with ten pillars outlines on how private sector and other stakeholders should collaborate on agriculture

  8. TANZANIA RICE MAP Production Potential untapped Consumption Research Project sites Seed distribution facilities Priority areas

  9. SUB-SECTOR PRIORITY Rice- second food crop after maize also get input supportSHORT TERM • introduce small-scale saving technologies to improve efficiency of farm operations; • Strengthen research and extension services; • Strengthen collaboration and linkages between national, regional and international institutions SHORT/MEDIUM TERM • Strengthen seed systems and its accessibility, • GAP and labour saving technologies on production and processing; • Develop and rehabilitate irrigation schemes; LONG TERM • Develop infrastructure in rice production and value addition

  10. NRDS LINKAGE WITH OTHER STRATEGIES NRDS fits and links well with:- • Agricultural Sector Development Strategy&ASDP • National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (Kiswahili acronym MKUKUTA) • Kilimo Kwanza resolve (Agriculture First) • National Agriculture Policy 2010 (Draft) • Tanzania Development Vision 2025 • Strategic Tanzania Ruling Party election Manifesto of 2005 and October 2010 election

  11. NRDS FUNDING FRAMEWORK • Apart from support by DPs on rice sub-sector, currently NRDS has been mainstreamed for implementation through government budget system. Activities are done through ASDP and implemented at district level via DADPs • The DADPs grants devolved to local level to implement D by D policy • However, more funding will be required to implement medium and long term strategies of NRDS

  12. NRDS FUTURE STEPS • Improving quality of implementation Stakeholders along the chain will be involved in planning and implementation of the strategy (ii) Key intervention sub-sectors • Infrastructure development (irrigation, market, storage and transportation network) through ASDP & Kilimo Kwanza resolve • Regional integration through Trade and technology transfer (iii) Steps taken to improve conformity of NRDS with development framework and investment NRDS to continue implemented through ASDP. However, more funding will be required through pooled, non-pooled and General Budget Support


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