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Paracentesis: Ascitic Tapping Procedure at PACE Hospitals Hyderabad,India

Paracentesis, also known as ascitic tapping procedure, is a minimally invasive procedure performed to remove excess fluid (ascites) from the abdominal cavity. This fluid build-up can occur due to various liver diseases, cirrhosis, heart failure, or even cancer.<br><br>At PACE Hospitals, our team of experienced gastroenterologists and surgeons are adept at performing paracentesis with utmost precision and care. This article will provide you with an overview of the paracentesis procedure at PACE Hospitals, including its indications, benefits, and the steps involved.

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Paracentesis: Ascitic Tapping Procedure at PACE Hospitals Hyderabad,India

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  1. Paracentesis: Ascitic Tapping Procedure@ PACE Hospitals Hyderabad,India

  2. Paracentesis, also known as ascitic tapping procedure, is a minimally invasive procedure performed to remove excess fluid (ascites) from the abdominal cavity. This fluid build-up can occur due to various liver diseases, cirrhosis, heart failure, or even cancer. At PACE Hospitals, our team of experienced gastroenterologists and surgeons are adept at performing paracentesis with utmost precision and care. This article will provide you with an overview of the paracentesis procedure at PACE Hospitals, including its indications, benefits, and the steps involved.

  3. Indications for Paracentisis Paracentesis is recommended for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes: • Diagnostic: To analyze the ascitic fluid for the presence of infection, cancer cells, or other abnormalities. This helps in diagnosing the underlying cause of ascites. • Therapeutic: To relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, discomfort, breathlessness, and nausea caused by the accumulated fluid. In severe cases, paracentesis can also be used to prevent complications like spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.

  4. Benefits of Paracentesis @ PACE Hospitals • Minimally Invasive: The procedure involves a thin needle or catheter, minimizing discomfort and risks. • Effective Symptom Relief: Paracentesis can significantly improve symptoms like abdominal pain, breathlessness, and distention. • Accurate Diagnosis: Analysis of the drained fluid helps in diagnosing the underlying cause of ascites, guiding further treatment. • Experienced Team: At PACE Hospitals, our team of skilled gastroenterologists and surgeons perform paracentesis with utmost precision and care. • Advanced Facilities: We use state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to accurately locate the fluid and guide the needle placement.

  5. Steps Involved in Paracentesis at PACE Hospitals • 1.Pre-procedure evaluation: Your doctor will assess your medical history, perform a physical examination, and may order blood tests to ensure you are fit for the procedure. • 2.Ultrasound guidance: Ultrasound imaging is used to locate the fluid pockets and determine the safest area for needle insertion. • 3.Local anesthesia: Anesthesia is administered around the puncture site to numb the area. • 4.Needle insertion: A thin needle or catheter is inserted into the abdominal cavity under ultrasound guidance to drain the fluid. • 5.Fluid drainage: The fluid is slowly drained into a collection bag. The amount of fluid drained depends on your individual condition and symptoms. • 6.Monitoring: Throughout the procedure, your vital signs and overall well-being are closely monitored. • 7.Recovery: After the procedure, you will be observed for a while to ensure there are no complications. You may be able to go home the same day or may need to stay in the hospital for a short period depending on your condition.

  6. Paracentesis is a safe and effective procedure for managing ascites and improving the quality of life for patients. At PACE Hospitals, our team of experienced doctors and advanced facilities ensure that you receive the best possible care for your condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of ascites, consult your doctor to determine if paracentesis is right for you. Conclusion :

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