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女性生殖系统. female reproductive system. 杨志文. The female reproductive system consists of internal sex organs and external genital structures. component and function. * 卵巢 ( ovaries ) : produce ovum & secrete female sexual hormones

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  1. 女性生殖系统 female reproductive system 杨志文

  2. The female reproductive system consists of internal sex organs and external genital structures.

  3. component and function *卵巢(ovaries):produce ovum & secrete female sexual hormones 输卵管(oviducts):convey ovum & sperm, the place where fertilization takes place *子宫(uterus):embryo & foetus grow in it 阴道(vagina):discharge menstrual flow, receive sperm, as a part of the birth canal. 外生殖器(external genitalia) 乳腺(mammary glands)

  4. 2 changes 1.change with age:< 10 years old-slow > 10 years old-develop Corresponding to the phases of life, the genital organs undergo structural and functional changes. phases in the life of a female ⑴新生儿期(neonatal period) ⑵幼童期(childhood) ⑶青春期(puberty)-develop fast ovaries start to ovulate and secret sex hormones 月经初潮(menophania) 出现第二性征(secondary sex characters)

  5. 2 changes ⑷性成熟期(sexual maturity) ⑸更年期(climacteric) 卵巢功能逐渐减退→内分泌、躯体、心理可能出现异常 绝经前期(premenopause) 绝经期(menopause) 绝经后期(postmenopause) ⑹老年期(senility) 2.周期性变化 cyclic changes(monthly) Between menarche and menopause female reproductive organs undergo cyclic changes in structure and functional activity **ovary **uterus

  6. ovary

  7. general structure capsule:表面上皮(superficial epithelium) a layer of squamous or cuboidal cell tunica albuginea:DCT 实质:cortex:ovarian follicles(卵泡)& corpora lutea in various stages of development & regression; CT: rich in reticularfibers &spindle- shaped stroma cells medulla:LCT with BV, LV 间质:卵巢门 hilum(门细胞 hilus cell) ovary

  8. ovary function: Production of oocytes and steroid hormones(estrogens and progestogens……) Estrogens:promote growth and maturation of sex organs responsible for the female sex characteristics promote breast development Progestogens: prepare the uterus for pregnancy prepare the mammary gland for lactation

  9. Development and maturation of ovarian follicle (sexual maturity, non-pregnant stage) 组成:卵母细胞(oocyte):一个 before birth:all oogonia primary oocytes (prophase of the first meiotic division) 卵泡细胞(follicular cell):多个 分类:原始卵泡(primordial follicle) 生长卵泡(growing follicle) 成熟卵泡(mature follicle) oogenesis

  10. primordial follicles 1.a lot of 2.in the superficial layer of the cortical region justbeneath the tunica albuginea

  11. primordial follicles a primary oocyte LM: round, 30-40 µm in diameter, a large, pale-staining spherical nucleus & a prominent nucleolus eosinophilic cytoplasm EM:环层板(滑面内质网) follicular cell: a single layer of flattened cell 与周围结缔组织之间有较薄的basal lamina 两者之间存在缝隙连接。 卵泡细胞支持、营养卵母细胞。

  12. growing follicle 卵泡逐渐移向皮质深部 主要变化: 1.卵母细胞长大 2.卵泡细胞增生 3.卵泡周围结缔组织增生 初级卵泡(primary follicle) 次级卵泡(secondary follicle) 分类:

  13. This structure is important for the oocyte and sperm recognition.

  14. 考尔-爱克斯诺小体(Call-Exner body) 位于卵泡细胞间,数量随卵泡生长而增多。小体为圆形囊泡,腔面是一层基膜,周围环绕卵泡细胞,腔内含有卵泡细胞分泌的物质,参与卵泡液的形成。与卵巢颗粒细胞肿瘤有关。

  15. primary follicle from beginning of puberty, due to stimulation of FSH The main changes are: 1.primary oocyte: grow up 靠近质膜的胞质中出现电子致密的皮质颗粒,为一 种初级溶酶体。受精时,颗粒释放内容物,产生皮 质反应,防止多精受精 2.follicular cells squamous→cuboidal→columnar simple layer→several layers (granular cells) 3.zona pellucida appears

  16. primary follicle zona pellucida: between oocyte & follicular cells eosinophilic in HE stain secreted by both oocyte & follicle cells ( PAS positive ) glycoprotein material(ZP 1-3) ---ZP3为精子受体,在受精过程中对精、卵间的相互识别 和特异性结合具有重要意义 EM: both Mv. of oocyte & processes of follicle cells extend into it desmosome & gap junction→signal and material exchange

  17. secondary follicle(囊状卵泡 vesicular follicle) 1.卵泡腔(follicular cavity) 卵泡液(follicular fluid) 含有垂体和卵巢分泌的激素及透明质酸酶等 2.卵丘(cumulus oophorus) 3.卵泡周围结缔组织内梭形细胞——卵泡膜(follicular theca)

  18. cumulus oophorus follicular fluid increases to force, the oocyte and some follicular cells move to one side to form a hillock-liked structure primary oocyte reaches the maximal size:D = 125~150 µm zona pellucida: 5 µm follicular cell 放射冠(corona radiata) ←follicular cell near oocyte arranged radiately 颗粒层(stratum granulosum) ←follicular cellwhich constitute the wall of follicle

  19. follicular theca derived form surrounding stroma cell which proliferate and differentiate 内膜层(theca interna): rich in theca cell(膜细胞)& capillaries (steroid-hormone cell’s feature) 外膜层(theca externa):less cells & capillary more fibers smooth muscle

  20. mature or Graafian follicles 1.large, about 2 cm in diameter 2.bulges on surface of the ovary3.follicular fluid increases, follicular cavity enlarges, stratum granulosum becomes thinner 4.small space appears between the cells of corona radiate The whole process of growth from primordial to mature follicle lasts about 90 days.

  21. 次 级 卵 泡 与 成 熟 卵 泡 功能:分泌雌激素(estrogen) 2-cell, 2-gonadotropin theory

  22. ovulation

  23. ovulation

  24. 排卵(ovulation) 成熟卵泡破裂,卵母细胞自卵巢排出的过程 时间:月经周期的第 14 天 排卵前,垂体释放 LH↑↑ 卵泡液↑↑→突向卵巢表面的卵泡壁、白膜和表面上皮变薄→局部缺血→卵泡小斑(follicular stigma) 排卵时,卵丘与卵泡壁分离,小斑处结缔组织被胶原酶和透明质酸酶解聚,LH促进颗粒细胞合成前列腺素使卵泡膜外层平滑肌收缩,导致小斑破裂。 次级卵母细胞及其外周的透明带和放射冠随卵泡液从卵巢排出,经腹膜腔进入输卵管。

  25. Polycystic ovarian disease

  26. 卵原细胞 Oogenesis 初级卵母细胞(停滞于第一次成熟分裂前期) 排卵前36~48 h 完成第一次成熟分裂 第一极体 (first polar body) 次级卵母细胞 (secondary oocyte) 位于卵周间隙---退化消失 (perivitelline space) 停留在第二次 成熟分裂中期 排卵后24 h Metaphase II Oocyte 受精,完成第二次成熟分裂 未受精 退化 第二极体---退化消失 (secondary polar body) 卵细胞(ovum) 23,X;1nDNA

  27. formation of corpus luteum(黄体)←LH definition: after ovulation, the ruptured follicle collapse, CT and blood vessel enter the follicle to form a yellow-colored, gland-liked structure 颗粒黄体细胞(granulosa lutein cell)←granulosa cells centrally distributed, great number, large size & pale staining secrete progesterone(孕酮),relaxin(松弛素) 膜黄体细胞(theca lutein cell) ←theca cells peripherally distributed, small, deep stained secrete estrogen(雌激素 ) Both of them have the structures of steroid hormone secreting cells.

  28. Development of the corpus luteum 黄体的发育取决于卵细胞是否受精 月经黄体(corpus luteum of menstruation) when the oocyte is not fertilized, it degenerates in 2 weeks妊娠黄体(corpus luteum of pregnancy)←hCG when the oocyte is fertilized, it continually grows up to 4~5 cm & maintains 4-6 months 两种黄体最终都退化消失,逐渐被增生的结缔组织取代,变成白色瘢痕,即白体(corpus albicans) 白体被吸收消失需数月或数年

  29. 女性一生中卵巢内原始卵泡数量变化 青春期时卵泡数目约40,000个;整个生育期约排卵450个

  30. 闭锁卵泡(atresic follicle) Follicles will degenerate at any stages. 1.primordial follicle 卵母细胞、卵泡细胞→自溶消失 2.primary & early secondary follicle 与原始卵泡相似,退化的卵泡内可见残留皱缩的透明带 3.later secondary & mature follicle 特殊,卵泡塌陷,卵泡膜的血管和结缔组织伸入颗粒层及卵丘,膜细胞增大,形成多边形上皮样细胞,胞质中充满脂滴,形似黄体细胞,并被结缔组织和血管分隔成分散的细胞团索,称间质腺(interstitial gland)。分泌雌激素。人不发达。兔和猫等动物卵巢中多见。

  31. 门细胞(hilus cell) 类似睾丸间质细胞 位置:位于卵巢门近系膜处 形态:多边形或卵圆形,核圆,核仁清楚, 胞质嗜酸性,富含胆固醇和脂色素等。 功能:分泌雄激素 妊娠期和绝经期的门细胞较明显 门细胞增生 门细胞肿瘤 患者伴有男性化症状

  32. Secretary function of the ovary Secondary follicle Theca cells: androgen Granulosa cells: estrogen Corpus luteum of menstruation Theca lutein cells: estrogen Granulosa lutein cells: progesterone & relaxin Corpus luteum of pregnancy progesterone, estrogen, relaxin Hilus cells: androgen

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