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Chang ing Architectur e

Chang ing Architectur e. By: Architecture 2. DEFINITION. Architecture is the process and finished product of planning, designing and construction. It is the style of a building from a certain period, place and culture . D ifferences between old and new buildings. Old:

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Chang ing Architectur e

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  1. Changing Architecture By: Architecture 2

  2. DEFINITION Architecture is the process and finished product of planning, designing and construction. It is the style of a building from a certain period, place and culture.

  3. Differences between old and new buildings Old: • The old buildings are tall, have high ceilings and were influenced by the Dutch. • They usually have big ornaments around the house. • They usually have big rooms rather than seperate rooms. • They have big windows for air circulation because before there was no air conditioning. • They usually have big doors and gates. • They use fences around the building. New: • Surabaya has focused on business so new buildings have many floors to provide enough roomandto make sure the land is effectively used. • Most new buildings that are used for businessare high. • The buildings have many windows. • Most new buildings now have small doors • Most new buildings do not have gates.

  4. Hotel Majapahit

  5. Hotel Majapahit Past Present This picture shows the hotel Majapahit in the past. It has been changed over time. The lobby has been changed and buildings have beenadded. This is a recent picture of the hotel. In this picture there are more lights. The lobby is now decorated,it has 2 levels and glass windows cover the lobby.

  6. ANALYSIS Brief history: Hotel Majapahit was built in 1910. It was first opened as the Oranje hotel. It was built by Lukas Martin Sarkies. It has had many renovations and has been expanded several times. Changes: • Glass windows were added to the lobby and it has more lights. • Tunjungan City is written at the top of the building. • It has been repainted. • Canopies have been added to the front loby and the 1st level of the building. • The building had a tower at the top. This has been changed. • The middle section of a window has been decorated. Reason of change: • The lobby is covered by glass windowsfor building safety. • The writing was moved to the top of the building because it is easier for people to see rather than the writing on the 1st floor. • The canopywas added to decorate the hotel and make it look more modern. • The building tower now has more shape. It is now bigger and there are lights in it to make it more modern. • The middle section was removed to make it look modern. • It is still a hotel.

  7. Gereja Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus(HKY Church)

  8. Gereja Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus(HKY Church) PAST PRESENT This is a picture of Gereja HKY in the past. The color of the building was yellow. In the past the building was not crowded. This is a picture of Gereja HKY now. It has been repainted and is nowwhite. It is now well known and crowded.

  9. ANALYSIS Brief History: It was build at 27 April 1914. The designer was Ed Cypres Bureau and the architect was Huswit-Fermont. It was first used on 21st July 1921. Changes: • They expand the building. • Some of the furniture has been changed to modern furniture. • Some statues have been added to the building. • It has ben repainted. • Some new gadgets and technology, like the lamps and speakers, have been added. Reason of Change: • They expand so more people can come to church to pray. • Due to its age and the quality they have added and changed some furniture. • Due to the addition of cultural rules they have added more statues. • It is repainted because the paint and wall started to chip away. • Gadgets, like speakers. are added so that the people in the back rows can still hear the music played. • It is still a church and it is still used.

  10. Siola PAST PRESENT PAST PRESENT This is a picture of Siola in the past. In the past Siola was not really decorated. It was plain and had less lights. This is a picture of Siola now. Siola has now added more decoration. It has more lights. These decorate the front.

  11. ANALYSIS Brief history: Siola is located in Tunjungan Road. Around 1877 Robert Laidlaaw opened a shop that had many branches. One of themwas in Surabaya. Changes: • The lobby was added with glass windows. It has more lights. • Tunjungan City is written at the top of the building. • It has been repainted. • Canopies have been added to the front lobby and the 1st level of the building. • The building has a tower on the top. The tower has now been changed. • The middle section has a window has now been decorated. • It has become a fruit market because the business did not make a profit.

  12. ZANGRANDI PRESENT PAST This recent picture of Zangrandi was taken in the evening. The lights are on. Most visitors come in the evening and at night time. This picture of Zangrandi is taken around 1920-1930 from Jalan Yos Sudarsoat night.

  13. ANALYSIS Brief History: Zangrandi was build on 1930 by an Italian man name Renato Zangrandi. Changes: • Zangrandi ice cream shop did some renovation and now it looks more modern. Before its sign said “Bar” and “Tutti-Frutti- Ice-Cream”. • They added a modern roof. They didn’t choose a red roof. Their building is in the Dutch style. • The tall building that looked like a clock tower is not there now. • Some furniture are still old. Purpose of Change: • They name “bar” is change into “Zangrandi” because it’s still an ice-cream shop but it’s no longer a bar. • The building changed to become modern because the world is now developing The model was changed to attract people but not everything was changed. • The purpose did not change. It is still an ice cream shop

  14. SMA St. LOUIS

  15. SMA St. LOUIS PAST PRESENT This picture of SMA ST. LOUIS was taken around1930. SMA St. LOUIS now. The walls are repainted.

  16. ANALYSIS Changes: • SMA St. Louis building has stayed the same but it’s repainted. • The building has now added a balcony. Purposes of change: • They repainted the walls because the old paint was cracking. Some paint is not changing like in the picture shown. • The building has added a balcony so that students and teachers can stand there to get fresh air. However, not all classes have a balcony.

  17. Post OfficeKebon Rojo

  18. Post OfficeKebon Rojo PAST PRESENT This is the picture of the present postoffice in Kebon Rojo. It has been repainted and the color is now orange. This old picture shows the postoffice in Kebon Rejo. It is plain and the color is still white.

  19. ANALYSIS Changes: • The rooftop and building is more modern. • These days the front yard is used for parking. • The building is smaller. • It is more colorful. • The building has changed since it was a school. • They have rearranged the building. Purpose of changes  • The styles has changed since the school was designed. The order of the buildings was changed to create the post office KebonRojo and to make a more modern design • The front yard is now used for parking. • The building is smaller because they have enough space. • It is more colorful because they wanted to attract more people and make a more modern design. • They used different patterns because the school building did not really meet their needs and they wanted to make a more attractive building • The order of the buildings were changed because they want to make a more comfortable place in the right position

  20. Jembatan MerahRed Bridge

  21. Jembatan MerahRed Bridge PAST PRESENT This is the oldpicture of Jembatan Merah. It was darker and there were less lights and decorations. This is the present picture of Jembatan Merah. It is now decorated with lights, fences and other things.

  22. ANALYSIS Brief history: The red bridge was used during the war. Indonesian soldiers attacked invading enemy soldiers on the bridge. That is why the bridge is painted with the striking red color to represent the blood from the two parties of troops who died. Changes: • They used more lights. • There is a mall with the same name near the bridge. • It has been repainted. • Fences have been added. • The roadway is repaired. • They don’t use the river boats for transportation anymore. Purpose of changes: • They use more lights to light the street ways at night. • They build the JembatanMerah mall to attract people’s interest and keep the historical story interesting. • They repaint the bridge to gain attention from people and keep the history of Surabaya alive. • Fences are added to support the lights and add to the design of JembatanMerah. • The roadway is fixed so cars, motorbikes and even big trucks can use the bridge. • Boats are not used anymore because we don’t travel on boats so much now. • It is still abridge and is used daily.

  23. Stasiun Semut

  24. Stasiun Semut PAST PRESENT This is a photo of Stasiun Semut in the past. The place was bigger and was taken care of. This is a photo of Stasiun Semut now. The back part is destroyed andit is now not really big. It looks abandoned.

  25. ANALYSIS Brief History: Surabaya City Station is also know as StasiunSemut. It was built to connect Surabaya, Malang and Pasuruan by rail. It was built in the 1870s. It was the biggest train station at that time. Changes: • They used different styles and designs for the doors. The roadway has been changed. • They added a fancy wallpaper design. • They painted a more colorful design on doors and windows etc Purpose of changes • People have less interest in the past and so a fancy design will entertain people and create a more interesting design. • People mostly use road transportation now. • It is still in use but not as a major train station.

  26. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Satrio, Jecko. “JembatanMerah Surabaya” [Online] Available http://jeckosatrio.blogspot.com/2012/02/jembatan-merah-surabaya.html 23 January 2013 • Bagus, Den. “10 Stasiun Kereta Api Tertua di Indonesia ” [Online] Availablehttp://www.langitberita.com/top-lists/9630/10-stasiun-kereta-api-tertua-di-indonesia/23 January 2013 • “SEJARAH SINGKAT SMUK (St. Louis I) ” [Online] Availablehttp://www.smakstlouis1sby.sch.id/webV2/sejarah.html. 23 January 2013 • Irawan, Bambang.“SMA Katolik Santo Louis 1 Surabaya” [Online] Availablehttp://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMA_Katolik_Santo_Louis_1_Surabaya23 January 2013 • “FotoUdara Kota Surabaya” [Online] Availablehttp://surabayatempodulu.wordpress.com/23 January 2013 • Setiyo. “Ice Cream Zangrandi”[Online] Availablehttp://kampungwonokitri.blogspot.com/2012/03/ice-cream-zangrandi.html23 January 2013 • Prasetyo, YanuarDwi . “Foto Surabaya Tempo Dulu” [Online] Availbehttp://apasih-apahayo.blogspot.com/2011/05/foto-surabaya-tempo-dulu.html23 January 2013 • “HOTEL HISTORY” [Online] Availablehttp://www.hotel-majapahit.com/history.php23 January 2013 • “RomoEko: PembantuPencatatPernikahPerlu” [Online] Availblehttp://www.pustakalewi.net/?mod=berita&id=816723 January 2013 • Josoprantoto, Prio Oetomo – Alfonso’s father.

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