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First-Line Screener for Dyscalculia

First-Line Screener for Dyscalculia. Update on trials Autumn 2006. Background. Cognitive Model. Conceptual understanding of number, place value Comparative relative size Verbal Symbolic Visual-Spatial. Operational. Conceptual conception of correct operation to

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First-Line Screener for Dyscalculia

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  1. First-Line Screener for Dyscalculia Update on trials Autumn 2006

  2. Background

  3. Cognitive Model • Conceptual • understanding of number, place value • Comparative • relative size • Verbal • Symbolic • Visual-Spatial

  4. Operational • Conceptual • conception of correct operation to • achieve required outcome • reverse a process • Inferential • given an operational definition • make comparative inferences about an outcome, without realising the outcome • Infer an operational relationship

  5. Abstract Symbolic • Spatial-Temporal • Understanding • Visual-Spatial diagrams • Time • Graphical • Reading and Interpreting • Graphs • Tables

  6. Cognitive Model for Dyscalculia inferential operational abstract conceptual symbolic number conceptual symbolic tables number graphical comparative verbal graphs visual-spatial Direction Spatial- Temporal Time

  7. Phase 1 Developing the Screening Tool • Development of items • Development of the model • Available in both paper and electronic versions

  8. Phase 2: Initial Trials • Involved 19 participants • Organised into three groups Dyscalculic Dyslexic Control • Showed no difference between paper and electronic versions • Showed good discrimination

  9. Phase 3: Further Trials • Involved 30 participants • Organised into three equal groupsDyscalculic Dyslexic Control • Showed good discrimination

  10. 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 number Graph: percentage scores on the subtest O dyscalculic O dyslexic O control percent

  11. Phase 4: Further Trials • 137 students • Large groups/small groups/individuals • 16 out of 137 identified “at risk” • 8% prevalence • Geary (2004) 5 - 8% • Desoete et al (2004) 3 - 8% • Butterworth (1999) 4 - 6% • Not post-16

  12. Phase 5: Autumn 2006

  13. Aims of the Trials • Two distinct aims • to collect data on the general population • to collect data about individuals already identified as dyscalculic by EP/Assessor.

  14. “Large-Scale” Trials • Paper-based trials • Whole classes of students (FE and HE) • Paper-based and electronic-based versions shown to be identical in nature • This data establishes the required percentiles for the population

  15. “Small-Scale” Trials • Dyscalculic students • Extended to “mathematical difficulties” • However other students involved (neurodiverse) • Learning support tutors completed a sheet detailing the SpLD identified • “Small-Scale” conducted one-to-one • Electronic-based

  16. Results

  17. “Large-Scale” Trials • 356 students in H.E. (80 in FE) • Percentiles calculated • 8th percentile corresponded to a score of 84% • 2nd percentile to a score of 70% on the screener • “low” and “very low” thresholds, “at risk of dyscalculia” • “very low” still gives a score unlikely to further reduce confidence • history of very low mathematical self-esteem

  18. “Small-Scale” Trials • Involved 89 students • 46 in H.E. • 43 in F.E. • H.E. and F.E. data treated separately

  19. HE

  20. FE

  21. Dyspraxia

  22. Profiles

  23. Threshold Total Score Comparative Symbolic Comparative Verbal Comparative Visual-Spatial Conceptual Graphical Operational Conceptual Operational Relational Spatial Directional Spatial Temporal Symbolic Abstraction Tabular Time Taken: 25 Minutes Profiler

  24. A typical dyscalculia profile?

  25. 2 Dyscalculic Profiles • Symbolic number comparison • Inferential operations • Graph • Time

  26. Thank you to the 23 institutions of HE and FE

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