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UI 组件的发展史

UI 组件的发展史. 基于阻塞模式的控件前世今生. 远古时代 : 属性声明和 window 对象. 例子 01. <script> function selectOptions(){ var selected = window.showModalDialog("child.html"); alert(selected); } </script> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOptions()">. <script>

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UI 组件的发展史

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  1. UI组件的发展史

  2. 基于阻塞模式的控件前世今生

  3. 远古时代:属性声明和window对象

  4. 例子 01

  5. <script> function selectOptions(){ var selected = window.showModalDialog("child.html"); alert(selected); } </script> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOptions()">

  6. <script> function selectOption(value){ window.returnValue = value; window.close(); } </script> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(1)"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(2)"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(3)">

  7. 局限性: 1,不是所有浏览器都支持 2,不易控制外观

  8. 封建时代:简单的div+css实现

  9. 例子 02

  10. <style> #myOptions{ width:60%; height:400px; display:none; position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px; background-color:#ccc; } </style> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="showOptions()"> <div id="myOptions"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(1)"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(2)"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectOption(3)"> </div>

  11. <script> function selectOption(value){ alert(value); document.getElementById('myOptions').style.display = "none" } function showOptions(){ document.getElementById('myOptions').style.display = "block" } </script>

  12. 不完善: 1,过程式编程 2,HTML代码和后台代码混杂 3,不能还原业务数据

  13. 工业时代:封装成组件

  14. 例子 03

  15. <style> .hide{ width:60%; height:400px; display:none; position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px; background-color:#ccc; } .show{ display:block; } </style> <body onload="onloaded()"> <input type="button" value="select" onclick="selectComponet.show()"> </body>

  16. <script> …..//类的定义 var selectComponet; function onloaded(){ selectComponet = new SelectComponet(); } </script>

  17. function SelectComponet(){ var values = ['A','B','C']; this.getValues = function(){ return values; } …..//生成DOM } SelectComponet.prototype.show = function(){ this.container.className += " show"; } SelectComponet.prototype.hide = function(){ this.container.className = "hide"; }

  18. var container = document.createElement("div"); this.container = container; container.className = "hide"; document.body.appendChild(container); var len = values.length; for(var i=0; i<len; i++){ (function(){ var idx = i; var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "button"; input.value = "select"; input.onclick = function(){ alert(selectComponet.getValues()[idx]); selectComponet.hide(); } container.appendChild(input); })(); }

  19. 1,HTML+JS+CSS各司其职 A,HTML 内容 B,CSS 表现 C,JS 类封装 DOM构造 事件响应 样式更换 2,各种JS特性 A,prototype B,私有属性 C,闭包

  20. END

  21. 技艺再精,也仅仅是工匠

  22. 你会坐这个大叔DIY的灰机?!

  23. 我们需要工程质量!

  24. 相信你很烦这个错误!

  25. Javascript不是恶魔,也不是玩具

  26. Javascript 如花般的灵活

  27. 造成JS错误频发的主要原因 1,不安全的使用全局变量 2,组件没有做到真正意义的高内聚,低耦合 3,多人协作开发,HTML或者JS的变更无人知晓 4,对HTML/CSS/JS语言特性了解不深入,对JS库提供的API不熟悉

  28. 工程级Javascript仅仅是梦想?

  29. 已经有人提出解决方案

  30. 例子 04

  31. <html> <script> ….//module </script> <style> .hide{ width:60%; height:400px; display:none; position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px; background-color:#ccc; } .show{ display:block; } </style> <body> <input id="myButton" type="button" value="select"> </body> </html>

  32. Module = { comps : [], register : function(){ //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var comp = arguments[1]; this.comps[name] = comp; }, use : function(){ //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var config = arguments[1]; return Module.comps[name].call(window, config); } }

  33. window.onload = function(){ var values = ['A','B','C']; var selectComp = new Module.use('SelectComponet',{ element : 'myButton', data : values }); selectComp.bind('click',function(data){ alert(data); }) selectComp.render(); }

  34. Module.register('SelectComponet',function(){ //TODO check if the arguments is valid var COMP = this; var config = arguments[0]; var events = {}; function show(){ //show the componet } function hide(){ //hide the componet } function bind(){ //build a event map } function render(){ //build the dom //attach click event to the element } //return a instance return {bind:bind, render:render, show:show}; })

  35. Module.register('SelectComponet',function(){ //TODO check if the arguments is valid var COMP = this; var config = arguments[0]; var events = {}; function bind(){ //build a event map } function render(){ //build the dom //attach click event to the element } function show(){ //show the componet } function hide(){ //hide the componet } //return a instance return {bind:bind, render:render, show:show}; })

  36. function bind(){ //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var fn = arguments[1]; events[name] = fn; }

  37. function render() { //build the dom var container = document.createElement("div"); container.id = config['element'] + '-comp'; container.className = "hide"; document.body.appendChild(container); var values = config['data']; var len = values.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { (function () { var value = values[i] var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "button"; input.value = "select"; input.onclick = function () { var fn = events['click']; fn.call(input, value); hide(); } container.appendChild(input); })(); }

  38. function show() { document.getElementById(config['element'] + '-comp').className = 'hide show'; } function hide() { document.getElementById(config['element'] + '-comp').className = 'hide'; }

  39. 选择那个javascript库做Framework?

  40. 他们仅仅是Library

  41. Library作用: • 为所有浏览器提供统一接口 • 基本的XML, JSON 处理功能 • 对象操作 • DOM 操作 • 事件处理 • AJAX 异步通信

  42. Framework作用: • 1,提供开发工具集(水,电等基础设施) • 2,提供组件使用(房子) • 3,保证组件的高内聚,低耦合(保护个人隐私) • 4,组件通讯(利用宽带建立小区虚拟社区)

  43. 例子 05

  44. 例子 05 HTML

  45. <body> <input id="myButton" type="button" value="select"> <div id="firstView"> </div> <br><br><br> <div id="secondView"> </div> </body>

  46. 例子 05 Module

  47. Module = { comps: {}, instances: {}, events: {}, instanceseq: 1000, getSeq: function () { return Module.instanceseq++; }, register: function () { //todo }, use: function () { //todo }, listen: function () { //todo }, dispatch: function () { //todo } }

  48. use: function () { //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var config = arguments[1] || {}; config.id = Module.getSeq(); var instance = Module.comps[name].call(window, config); Module.instances[config.id] = instance; return instance; },

  49. listen: function () { //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var instance = arguments[1]['instance']; var fn = arguments[1]['fn']; var events = Module.events; if (!events[name]) events[name] = {}; events[name][instance] = fn; },

  50. dispatch: function () { //TODO check if the arguments is valid var name = arguments[0]; var from = arguments[1]['instance']; var data = arguments[1]['data']; var events = Module.events; var instances = Module.instances; if (events[name]) { for (var instance in events[name]) { var fn = events[name][instance]; fn.call(instances[instance], data); } } }

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