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Burnout Recovery: Rebuilding and Regaining Confidence through EFT Coaching

Join our Thursday EFT Coaching Call to learn how to overcome burnout, regain self-confidence, and reach your goals. Discover effective tools to handle whatever life throws at you.

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Burnout Recovery: Rebuilding and Regaining Confidence through EFT Coaching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to our Thursday EFT Coaching Call

  2. At Joëlle’s Practice, we help people avoid burn-out or who are going through one, regain their self-confidence, reach their goals and learn the tools to handle whatever life throws at them

  3. Totally Burned-out? What next?

  4. Burnout: Symptoms and emotions • Re-building yourself from the ground up • Being kind to self: Not an easy task • Failure and being scared and EFT: Script

  5. Burnt out = Symptoms and Emotions

  6. Total exhaustion (both physical and emotional) • Physical Exhaustion: You have burned all your stored energy. You can not do anything anymore, even the simplest tasks are impossible. It is also different from tiredness experienced during a depression. • Emotional Exhaustion: Your filters are destroyed. You loose the ability to choose what you react to a specific emotional impact. You can only passively receive emotional waves that are all around. In life, we learn to protect ourselves and in this burnout state, we are like a defenceless infant.

  7. Rebuilding yourself from the ground up

  8. We need to rebuild our defences and our ability to filter the world around us.

  9. First of all, they need to learn to ignore the mean little voice in their head that is their worst enemy.

  10. They need to disconnect from their obsession It is like an addiction, and should be treated as such. • Symptoms of anxiety • Symptoms of withdrawals • Symptoms of loss

  11. Once the habit is kicked, then the person needs to put in place new positive habits that will allow for a positive and balance way of handling the different areas of their life. Mindfulness

  12. Being kind to oneself = Not that easy to do

  13. The person needs to learn to • Take care of their health, put themselves first, become selfish. • Re-open their life and rebuild the different areas of their life that were abandoned during the burnout cycle. Family, Relationship, Friends, Hobbies….

  14. The person needs to learn also • To take responsibility for their own life. (Present and Past) • Be objective about one’s life - Not worse than it is, not better than it is. Just the truth. • Learn what triggered the burnout cycle so that they won’t experience the cycle again in the future.

  15. The person needs also to learn • What makes him or her happy and engage in this activity on a regular basis (ideal daily!) • To accept to lean on a support group. • Learn that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. • There is a strength in being vulnerable

  16. One needs to look inward and asks the though questions and learn new ways to cope to avoid going back to the top of the cycle and go down again! Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity:

  17. **Through that process, the person will slowly start to • Find some rest. • Less tired • Less panic, increase feeling of control • More calm => More confidence

  18. Once this level of confidence is achieved (foundation) • One can focus on achieving goals and re-engage with life.

  19. Burnout recovery and EFT

  20. In the burnout phase. • I failed, I am broken, I will never recover. • I am letting everybody down, I have to go back. • I hate myself for not completing this project. • I am so weak and vulnerable, it is terrifying • I have no control over the situation, I can only be passive and this scares me.

  21. On a scale to 0 to 10, 10 being the worst emotional disturbance, where are you?

  22. Karate Chop Point Even if I failed and I am a looser because I broke before I finished the project, I deeply and completely accept myself with all my strengths and my weaknesses Even if I hate that I did not complete the project, that I failed, I deeply and completely accept myself with all my strengths and my weaknesses. Even if I am terrified that I am so broken and so vulnerable now, I am not sure I can ever recover, I deeply and completely accept myself with all my strengths and my weaknesses

  23. Eyebrow point: I have failed, I am broken, I will never recover • Side of the eyes: I am letting everybody down, I have to go back, but I can not. What are they going to think? • Under the eyes: I hate myself for not completing this project. • Under the nose: I am so weak and vulnerable right now, it is terrifying. • Chin: I have no control over the situation, I can only be passive and it scares me. • Collarbone: I hate this state of powerlessness. I need to act and do things, but I can not. • Under the arm: I have failed everybody. I will never recover. • Top of the head: I hate not being in control of my situation. I hate being passive.

  24. The Gamut Point Procedure The Gamut Point

  25. While massaging the Gamut point, without moving your head, • Open your eyes. • Close your eyes • Look down to the right • Look down to the left • Rotate your eyes in one direction • Rotate your eyes in the opposite direction • Hum a tune (happy birthday for example) • Count aloud and quickly from 1 to 5 • Hum again Take a deep breath in and out.

  26. Eyebrow point: I am not a quitter, I have never been a quitter, yet I had to stop. • Side of the eyes: I have failed my team, my company, my projects. It is really bad • Under the eyes: If only I had worked a little harder and a little longer, I am sure I could have found a solution and everything would have been fine. But I failed. • Under the nose: I have no control over my situation, There is nothing I can do now. • Chin: I hate myself for that situation. • Collarbone: It is all my fault. If only I had been stronger. • Under the arm: and now I am so weak and vulnerable. It disgusts me. • Top of the head: I can only be passive and vulnerable and I hate it.

  27. It is important in the burnout phase, to remind the person that all those phrases, which sounds so true, are not! • They only hold the power of what they mean to the person.

  28. Go back to your grading of the initial set up phrase: I have failed, I hate that I let everybody down, I am terrified that I will never be able to recover. • 0 to 10, where are you on that scale?

  29. Then continue with the last part of the script : Choice Method Karate Chop Point Even if I know that I have failed and that scares me, because I am not sure what I can do if I am not successful, I choose to be open to the possibility that I will find a new confidence that will allow me to re-engage later and be more in control than I have ever been before. 3 times

  30. Eyebrow point: I have failed, I broke down, I am not in control • Side of the eyes: I have failed, I will never recover • Under the eyes: I can never succeed again • Under the nose: I am scared that I will always be incapable of being successful. • Chin: I am broken, nothing I can do about it now. • Collarbone: My failure scares me. What am I going to do now? • Under the arm: Only losers fails. I have failed, I am a loser. • Top of the head: My failure is the sign that I can never succeed again. I am scared.

  31. Eyebrow point: I am open to the possibility that I can change my way and become strong and confident once again. • Side of the eyes: I will be able to succeed again in the future. • Under the eyes: I choose to believe that there is a successful future for me • Under the nose: I choose to know that I am not a failure • Chin: I choose to trust that I can be a success again in the future. • Collarbone: I can still be strong and confident. • Under the arm: I choose to trust that I can still be calm and confident. • Top of the head: I choose to know even I am vulnerable now, I can become strong and confident again and re-engage later.

  32. Eyebrow point: I have failed, I am broken, I will never recover. I am scared • Side of the eyes:I choose to be open to the possibility that I will find a new confidence that will allow me to re-engage later and be more in control than I have ever been before • Under the eyes: I am scared, I can never recover, that I will always be this weak. • Under the nose: I choose to believe that I can be confident again. • Chin: I am a loser, I am broken and weak, I am a wimp needing rest and help! • Collarbone: I choose to believe that I can restaure my strength and my confidence. • Under the arm: I am weak, I have to be passive and broken. I am scared. • Top of the head: I choose to believe that I can be confident again.

  33. In the burnout phase, people are vulnerable (emotionally and physically). And they hate it because they are not used to this. They will need support and help and they won’t like it!

  34. If you have any questions, pleas use the side control panel to ask them now. • Alternatively, please send them to joelle@joellespractice.com I will respond to them directly.

  35. Don’t keep me a secret. ;-) Share my FB page. • www.facebook.com/joellespractice

  36. Thank you for listening.

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