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Idella Chapter 1

Idella Chapter 1. Osfield Incorporated. What was Marjorie Rawlings like?. Idella Parker described MKR in the following ways and more:

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Idella Chapter 1

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  1. Idella Chapter 1 Osfield Incorporated

  2. What was Marjorie Rawlings like? • Idella Parker described MKR in the following ways and more: • She was 5’ 7” tall and was small with small hands from the waist up and from the waist down she was heavy with well shaped legs and very small feet. (They were size 3 or 4) • MKR didn’t care much about how her hair looked and it was mostly unruly but she did send Idella to beauty school in Atlanta so she could do Marjorie's hair. • MKR didn’t care mush about how she looked and would wear the most ridiculous clothes sometimes. • MKR always wore cotton dresses with wide skirts because she was heavy from the waist down (These dresses were usually the colors blue, brown or orchid) • She was usually covered in animal hair since she loved her dog and cat very much. • She never wore make-up and she only occasionally wore lipstick. • She loved to pick flowers. • She loved the outdoors and the woods. That’s why she lived away from a lot of people. (She seemed lonely to Idella) • She had drinking problems.

  3. Why did Idella leave MKR? • She often drank more than she should have. • She would fuss and cause a commotion when she had too much alcohol. • Idella had grown tired of MKR saying “I will not get like this again. Come and help me up.” • Idella grew tired of trying daily to help her with no success. • As time passed, MKR became harder to deal with. • MKR stopped listening to Idella. • Idella had left three times but had come back; the last time she left, MKR died.

  4. What are Hoover days? • Hoover days are days that times are bad. • Hoover was the president during the great depression. • Hoover days are usually associated with times when the economy really sucks a lot. • Unfortunately many people said that the great depression was Hoover’s fault and now that is how most people remember him. • Today when the economy is going bad, you can still hear some people saying “ Well, the Hoover days are upon us again..”

  5. Idella’s Personality based on her father and mother • Idella’s father was a very hard working man and her mother was too. • Idella’s father was a share-cropper but the people he worked for had it so that he didn’t get much of the money. • Idella’s father also built wooden crates at a citrus-packing shed. He was able to make one crate every minute. • When there was no work around, her father would go an find some. • He worked until the day that he died, and he was still able to build crates faster than people who were half his age. • Idella’s mother was the best cook that she had ever known and always had something cooking at home. • Idella’s cousin would always stop at Idella’s house on the way home to get something to eat. • Idella’s mother was also an amazing seamstress. She was able to recreate something perfectly that she had seen in a store. • Idella’s mother also taught all her kids that education was all-important.

  6. Schooling • Idella’s mother pawned the only thing from her mother to send Idella to school but when she went to buy it back, the pawn shop owner wouldn’t allow it. • Idella got a job at thirteen so that she would never have to see her mother cry again like when she couldn’t buy her mother’s gold piece back. • Idella’s school was only open for three months so that they could go and help their parents work in the fields. • They had to walk to school and sometimes the distance was as much as eight miles or more, but Idella only had to walk 2 miles. • Idella became a teacher and didn’t return to it for a while because she felt it wasn’t for her since Peter Brown would tell her where she could go after school and where she couldn’t go.

  7. Island Grove • Idella’s mom was very scared for her to go to Island Grove because there were stories that African-Americans disappeared and never came back. • Idella took the job anyway because of the advance payments but packed light just in case she had to flee in a hurry. • I personally (Kyle) don’t know any communities like this that I live around or have ever lived around. • This story about people disappearing reminds me (Kyle) a lot of how people think of the Bermuda triangle these days, how people go in and never come back out.

  8. Thanks for watching! :D

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