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Digital/bursting strength tester | Perfect Group India

Digital/bursting strength tester from perfectgruoindia.co.in. These testing instruments are used to measure the resistance to rupture or burst materials like paper, paper boards, corrugated boards and boxes, solid fiber boards, filter cloth, industrial fabric, Leather etc. These tests are helpful to prove the quality, durability, performance, and strength of the material. Bursting strength of test specimen is expressed in terms of Kg/cmu00b2. This testing machine has been made up of high-quality parts and has very low maintenance. <br><br>

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Digital/bursting strength tester | Perfect Group India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. D I G I T A L / B U R S T I N G S T R E N G T H T E S T E R Digital/Bursting Strength Tester is a very accurate instrument for the measurement of bursting strength of corrugated boxes and paper. It has a two in one feature of calculating bursting factor of both paper and corrugated boxes under one single head. This instrument provides the user with accurate values and is very successful in terms of precision and quality. W W W . P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N

  2. C O N T A C T : + 9 1 - 9 6 5 0 4 8 0 7 7 7 M A I L I D : S A L E S @ P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N W E B S I T E : W W W . P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N W W W . P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N

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