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Iraq. Figure 1.1. Figure 1.2B. Figure 1.3. Source: Energy Information Administration. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/iraq.html. Figure 1.4. Box 2.2. Members

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  1. Iraq

  2. Figure 1.1

  3. Figure 1.2B

  4. Figure 1.3

  5. Source: Energy Information Administration. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/iraq.html Figure 1.4

  6. Box 2.2

  7. Members John B Mason, PhD (Chair). Professor, Department of International Health and Development, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Health Sciences Center, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA. Thierry Brun, PhD. Senior Scientific Advisor, Department of  International Operations, French Red Cross, Paris; Professor, Institut d'Etudes Politiques, SciencesPo., Paris; Senior Researcher, National Institute for Health and Medical Research, (INSERM) France. Junshi Chen, MD. Research Professor, Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Kevin Frick, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, JohnsHopkins University, MD, USA. Richard Garfield, RN DrPH. Henrik H Bendixen Professor of Clinical International Nursing, Columbia University, New York, USA; and Visiting Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Kenneth Hill, PhD. Professor, Department of Population and Family Health, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA. Susan Horton, PhD. Professor of Economics and Vice-President Academic, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Philip Musgrove, PhD. Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, MD, USA. Advisor: Peter L. Pellett, Ph.D.  Emeritus Professor of Nutrition,  University of Massachusetts,  Amherst, MA, USA.

  8. Research Assistants – Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine: Tina Lloren, MPH (team leader); Julie D Coski, RN; Grant Martsolf, BSN, BSE, RN; Nick Oliphant, BA. Research Assistants, Paris – Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Sciences Po., University of Paris: Gabriela Beiu; Helene Ducate; Sawsen Ayari Pouliquen; Sami Stouli; Marie Venatzel. Institut Catholique de Paris, University of Paris: Marjorie Blackwell. Sorbonne, University of Paris: Dalia Hijazi. Mansucript editor: Jonathan Harrington, PhD. Boston, USA. Liason with IIC: Simeon Obidairo, LLB, LLM; Manisha Bharti, MPH, MBA

  9. The terms of reference of the IIC were as follows (IIC, 2005). “The independent inquiry shall collect and examine information relating to the administration and management of the Oil-for-Food Programme, including allegations of fraud and corruption on the part of United Nations officials, personnel and agents, as well as contractors, including entities that have entered into contracts with the United Nations or with Iraq under the Programme: (a) to determine whether the procedures established by the Organization, including the Security Council and the Security Council Committee Established by Resolution 661 (1990) Concerning the Situation between Iraq and Kuwait (hereinafter referred to as the "661 Committee") for the processing and approval of contracts under the Programme … (b) to determine whether any United Nations officials, personnel, agents or contractors engaged in any illicit or corrupt activities ...

  10. Figure 2.1

  11. Box 2.1

  12. Volume and value of oil sold under OFFP Table 3.1

  13. Flow chart showing allocation of overall OFFP resources (in US$) GRL: Goods Review List Figure 3.4

  14. Figure 2.2

  15. Figure 2.3

  16. DES by source of food: domestic production and imports, with and without OFFP resources (kcal/capita/day) Figure 4.1

  17. Indicators of child malnutrition from survey results (% < -2SDs by WHO/NCHS standards, 6-59 mo) Figure 2.5

  18. Indicators of child malnutrition from survey results (% < -2SDs by WHO/NCHS standards, 6-59 mo) This % was reported everywhere ... This % was survey result ! Implication is little OFFP impact on child nutrition vs restoring pre-war conditions …

  19. Slope indicates worsening Slope indicates improving Figure 4.4

  20. Sanctions OFFP Drought Figure 2.6

  21. Figure 2.8

  22. Figure 2.9

  23. 1The ‘661 Committee’ was responsible for the Goods Review List, controlling the purchase and import of potential dual use supplies

  24. Note: the y-scale is the relative ranking of each cancer, with 10 the most common (i.e. calculated as 11-rank) Figure 2.10

  25. This was the conventional wisdom, based on 1999 birth history survey: massive increase in child mortality starting in 1991 U5MR about 40

  26. U5MR about 85 Figure 4.12

  27. Table 2.3

  28. Changes in U5MR 1990-2001 Source: Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors. Lopez et al, 2006

  29. 4. Urgently undertake a policy debate on the question of why people should be subjected to major deprivation, including loss of life, in order to undermine a government over which they have virtually no influence.

  30. http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html

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