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All of the following make it difficult for Congress to make policy EXCEPT

All of the following make it difficult for Congress to make policy EXCEPT. Congress must worry about voters preferences, so it engages in arguments on important issues. Congress does not choose the president, so there is no guarantee a bill will become law.

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All of the following make it difficult for Congress to make policy EXCEPT

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  1. All of the following make it difficult for Congress to make policy EXCEPT • Congress must worry about voters preferences, so it engages in arguments on important issues. • Congress does not choose the president, so there is no guarantee a bill will become law. • Congress operates through coalitions of several political parties, each of which represents different interests. • Congress is bicameral, and a bill must pass through both houses. • Each member of Congress faces reelection, and the interests of the members of his or her district must be considered.

  2. C. Congress operates through coalitions of several political parties, each of which represents different interests.

  3. E. Although representation does not mirror the population as a whole, there are more minorities and women.

  4. What role does incumbency play in congressional elections? • Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the House of Representatives than in the Senate. • More than 90 percent of all incumbent members of Congress are reelected. • Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the Senate than in the House of Representatives. • Incumbency is helpful only when the economy is strong; more than half of all incumbents lose their reelection bids in a weak economy. • There is no correlation between incumbency and reelection.

  5. A. Incumbents are more likely to be reelected in the House of Representatives than in the Senate.

  6. During the 1960’s and 1970’s a conservative coalition was an important factor in Congress. Why is that coalition less important today? • Because African American Southern Democrats have become more moderate in their ideology • Because white southern Republicans have become less conservative • Because many southern Democrats in Congress have been replaced by Republicans. • Because the regional issues that brought the coalition together, like race relations, have been resolved through civil rights legislation. • Because the southern states have changed and are less conservative than they were in the past.

  7. C. Because many southern Democrats in Congress have been replaced by Republicans.

  8. The representational view of Congress is based on the assumption that members want to get reelected and therefore vote to please their constituents. Under what circumstances is a member of Congress most likely to vote according to this view? A. When a bill will bring “pork” to the congressman’s district. B. When constituents have a clear view on a issue and the issue has attracted attention. C. When constituents have a clear view on an issue and the member of Congress agrees with the constituent’s views. D. When there is a close race for reelection and a member of Congress is eager to please constituents. E. When a small group of constituents goes to great lengths to make its views known to their senator or representative.

  9. B. When constituents have a clear view on a issue and the issue has attracted attention.

  10. Of the following members of Congress, who will most likely be chosen to head the House Appropriations Committee when the majority is Republican? • Smith • Jones • Gonzales • Wilson • Jefferson

  11. B. Jones

  12. A congressional committee was created to investigate any intelligence failures that might have occurred prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. What kind of committee does this represent? • Standing • Joint • Select • Conference • Oversight

  13. C. Select

  14. The chart above best supports which of the following conclusions? • From 1980 until 2000, both House and Senate committees saw a growth in staffs. • Senators have larger staffs than members of the House of Representatives. • Most congressional staffers work on committees. • In 1999 there was a decline in the number of staff members in both houses of Congress, as well as on committees. • There are more committees in the House than in the Senate; as a result, there has been more growth in House committee staffs.

  15. D. In 1999 there was a decline in the number of staff members in both houses of Congress, as well as on committees.

  16. The House Rules Committee does all of the following EXCEPT • Adopts procedures under which the House will consider a bill • Set times limits on debate • Permits or forbids certain amendments on the floor • Review bills and places them on a calendar • Establishes the number of votes needed for a bill to pass in the House

  17. E.Establishes the number of votes needed for a bill to pass in the House

  18. A filibuster in the Senate can be used to talk a bill to death. A cloture vote can end a filibuster. Taken together, what is the impact of these practices? • Neither political party can control the Senate unless it has at least sixty votes. • A party with fifty-one votes can get most of its legislative agenda passed. • The Senate rarely passes legislation on controversial issues. • Most important decisions are made in committees because it is difficult to pass a bill in the Senate as a whole. • The president’s party has a significant advantage because the vice president of the United States can vote to break a tie in the Senate.

  19. A.Neither political party can control the Senate unless it has at least sixty votes.

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