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WrapCT in Partnership with FAVOR Presents : WELCOME TO YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY COLLABORATIVE. To help build healthy and strong communities by enhancing children and families’ ability to meet life’s challenges and to foster resiliency and hope for a better future.

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  2. To help build healthy and strong communities by enhancing children and families’ ability to meet life’s challenges and to foster resiliency and hope for a better future. Wraparound Milwaukee’s Vision Statement:

  3. Program which offers support and services to families with children with emotional, behavioral or mental health needs Care Management Organization Responsive to family’s needs Strength-based Offers Traditional and Non-traditional mental health services What is Wraparound Milwaukee?

  4. Federal Grant Reverse Trend of Institutionalization Pilot Project Partnering with Families and Community Success lead to where we are today How We Got Started

  5. Build on Strengths to Meet Needs One Family - One Plan Community-Based and Culturally Responsive Increase Parent Choice and Family Independence Care For Children in Context of Families Never Give Up Value Base

  6. Care Coordination Mobile Urgent Treatment Team (MUTT) Community Resources Provider Network Families United of Milwaukee/Youth Council Program Components

  7. One of two ways: Enrolled following Court Order. CHIPS, JIPS, Delinquency (Defined in Glossary of Terms) That court order usually expires after a year. Orders may be changed or extended depending on circumstances. Self referral – REACH (Reaching, Engaging & Assisting Children (and families) )Program Call Pauline Spencer at 257-7607 How did you get here …

  8. Assigned a Care Coordinator First visit with Care Coordinator Begin to get to know each other Identify immediate needs or safety concerns Go over enrollment folder including Family Handbook Sign consents Then what happens …

  9. Provide Phone Numbers Office Pager or Cell Emergency Supervisor Coordinate services with probation and/or bureau workers and other team members Help identify resources in your community Attend school meetings (at parent request) Care Coordinator Will …

  10. Meet with you and your family Weekly contact -more often as needed Help you assemble your child and family team Meet monthly - more often if needed Prepares written plan of carebased on child and family team meeting Within 30 days Every 60-90 days thereafter Care Coordinator’s Role

  11. A group of people identified by your child and family who will work with you while you are in the program. Composed of informal and formal members who will continue to support your family after leaving the program. Teams are used to make sure families get the support they deserve and to make sure everyone is on the same page. What is a Child and Family Team

  12. State your Family’s Vision for a better future What would you like things to look like in 6 mo. to a year Identify family strengths and needs Identify Child and Family Team Members to attend meetings and assist your family as needed With the Child and Family Team Develop Crisis Plan Plan of Care Maintain regular contact with your Care Coordinator What will be expected of you?

  13. Strengths List Family Vision Statement Needs Statements Strategies to meet the needs Crisis Planning for when times get tough Plan of Care Meetings

  14. Community Resources, Friends and Family Agencies available through the Provider Network Families United of Milwaukee/Youth Council Mobile Urgent Treatment Team Family Choice is Paramount Who can provide support?

  15. Crisis Response Team Psychologists, Social Workers, Nurse Available by phone 414-257-7621 Meet with you at home, school, or in the community Hours 24 hrs. a day/seven days a week Mobile Urgent Treatment Team (MUTT)

  16. Provider Network • Care Coordination • Medication Management • Outpatient Individual/Family • Outpatient - Group • Outpatient - AODA • Psychiatric Assessment • Psychological Evaluation • Inpatient Psychiatric Care • Flexible Funding for Special Needs • Daily Living Skills • Parent Aide • Job Coach • Child Care • Housekeeping • Mentoring • Tutor • Recreation • Specialized Camps • After School Programs • Crisis Stabilization • Group Home Care • Respite (Foster Care, Residential, Group Home) • Crisis Bed - RTC • Crisis Home • Foster Care • Treatment Foster Care • In-Home Treatment • Day Treatment • Residential Treatment • Transportation

  17. Families can access Wraparound Milwaukee’s internet-based Resource Guide You can search for services or providers You can look up information on provider’s specialties. Instructions are in your packet; call the Help Desk if you get stuck at 257-7547. Accessing Information About Vendors

  18. Participate in Child and Family Team Meetings Honest and open communication in a strength based manner Provide agreed upon services stated in your Plan of Care Provide ample notice in scheduling and canceling appointments What to expect from a Provider

  19. Advocacy for Parents and Children Offer Trainings and Specialty Groups Participate in child and family team meetings at the family or care coordinator’s request Special Education Advocate – Chris Shafer at 257-6799 Family Oriented Social Events Members of Wraparound Milwaukee Committees Assist with Trainings and Workshops Assists Mobile Urgent Treatment Team as needed Families United of Milwaukee, Inc.

  20. WrapCT Youth Involvement Mission Statement “To Have Fun and Learn New Things”

  21. Who are We • We're youth enrolled in the Wraparound Milwaukee and REACH Programs.  It doesn't matter what agency your Care Coordinator works for - the Youth Council is open to everyone.

  22. Respect Everyone Take Responsibility to attend every meeting No Swearing Phones on Vibrate Group Accountability (team approach that we are all in this together) Youth Council Bylaws

  23. The Youth Council is a youth run organization that has monthly activities planned by the Youth Council Board.  The Youth Council's motto is "to have fun and learn new things". Each month the Youth Council will hold an activity that is designed around that motto.  This allows for all youth enrolled in Wraparound Milwaukee and REACH to use their leadership and creative skills. In the past we've done activities such as bowling outings, summer picnics, car washes and skating parties.  We've also brought in speakers to talk about things such as budgeting and career paths. What Do We Do

  24. Fun place to be It allows me to be vocal and to have people listen to my ideas This is not forced Not therapy No one judges me. Don’t focus on the reasons that I am on probation or in Wraparound What you should know about the Youth Council

  25. I am seeing how I can use my leadership skills in a positive manner Provides me new experiences and activities that I have not done or may not have been able to too! You can take risks and be supportive Chance to show people what I can do Community Service/ raise money What you should know about the Youth Council, cont.

  26. What you should know about the Youth Council, cont. • The Youth Council can be used in court. Judges will be impressed. It has helped explain what youth are about and helps show what type of leaders these youth are.

  27. Allowed me to be more vocal on my teams and not fear what others will say Stand up for what I believe in and myself Made me think before I act Allowed me to be a part of a group and given me the opportunity to feel like I belong to something and my opinion matters What has the Youth Council done for me?

  28. The meeting and activity schedule for the Youth Council is on the Wraparound Milwaukee website: www.wraparoundmilwaukee.org Scroll down to the Program Specific Information – and select Youth Council OR Call Brian McBride at St. Charles Youth & Family Services with your questions or ideas for future events. Brian can be reached at 358-4120   Upcoming Meeting/Activity Schedule

  29. how are your Medical and Mental Health Services Paid?

  30. Mental Health Services Alcohol and Drug Related Services Inpatient Psychiatric Care Other Provider Network Services Wraparound Milwaukee Covers

  31. Medicaid (Title 19) and Badger Care Private Insurance No Insurance Types of Medical Coverage You May Have

  32. Medical Assistance & Badger Care • Continue to use ForwardHealth Card • Physical Health and Dental Care (Including hospitalization for physical health needs.) • Medications • Medical Transport Services

  33. Remains Primary Payor for covered physical and mental health services Private Insurance No Insurance • Care Coordinator will work with you to determine if eligible for coverage

  34. Will receive monthly Lists all Services Review for accuracy Questions or Concerns Call your Care Coordinator or the Wraparound Finance Office Monthly Statement

  35. ` Parent Name Street Address City, State Zip STATEMENT

  36. Discuss your Concern or Complaint with Care Coordinator Care Coordinator Supervisor Families United of Milwaukee Wraparound Administration Written Feedback (In Enrollment Folder) Positive Recognition Form Complaint / Suggestion Form Grievance Procedure (See Handbook and Family Orientation Folder) For assistance in logging a concern, complaint or grievance call Quality Assurance at 257-6024 How you can be heard…

  37. Transition Planning done ongoingly by Child and Family Team Final Plan of Care Plan for Paid Services to continue using another payor source Continue working with Natural Supports on remaining needs Complete disenrollment documentation/surveys Leaving Wraparound Milwaukee…

  38. Attend Families United activities Help plan special events Assist with training Encourage your youth to be part of the Youth Council Be available to offer support to other families Participate on Wraparound Committees For More Information Contact Families United of Milwaukee - 414-344-7777 How you can get more involved…

  39. Thank you for attending! We look forward to working with your family!

  40. WrapCTLearning CollaborativeOur vision as a statewide learning collaborative is that all children, youth, and families are able and capable of achieving optimal levels of functioning at home, in the community, at school and/or work. WrapCT Steering Team • Jan Bendall, Rushford; Ray Bieber, Child & Family Guidance; Tim Bowles, SEMHSOC; Jill Coffin , U CF S; Dorothy Contrastano, FAVOR; Tim Cunningham, Wellpath; Paloma Dee, NAMI, CT; Nicole DeRobertis, MFCGC; Hal Gibber, FAVOR; Victor Gonzalez, Wheeler Clinic-Hrtfd; Gabrielle Hall, Clifford Beers; Mary Held, Waterbury FFP; Katy Keegan, West Haven – Bridges; Virginia Lopez, Child & Family Guidance; Tim Marshall, DCF; Tabor Napiello, Wheeler Clinic-Plainville; Kristen Penta, Bridgeport Schools; Mark Plourd, Wheeler Clinic-Hrtfd, Cheryl Tedesco, Child & Family Guidance; Paige Trevethan, Bridges; National Consultants: Verneesha Banks, Wraparound Milwaukee; Mark Horwitz, Westfield State Univ.; Mary Jo Meyers, Wraparound Milwaukee Contact information for WrapCT: Tim Marshall 860-550-6531; tim.marshall@ct.gov Contact for training material: Mary Jo Meyers 414-251-7521; consultmjm@hotmail.com

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