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Odyssee - time and space - Odyssey

Odyssee - time and space - Odyssey. A guided tour through Dutch educational history. On tour with Odyssee.

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Odyssee - time and space - Odyssey

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  1. Odyssee - time and space - Odyssey A guided tour through Dutch educational history

  2. On tour with Odyssee “If you accept the journey to Ithaca, wish it may be long – full of adventures and full of experiences.” K.P. Kavafis

  3. Odyssee Dutch institute for training, education, coaching and consultancy in the tradition of the Grundtvig folkhighschool The name Odyssee refers to the Greec epic, symbol for the learning processes that each individual and each organisation pass through: the journey that necessary is for development.

  4. 1978: 42 residential regional oriented folkhighschools, 100% subsidized 2005: 6 still resisting organisations for residential lifelong learning, training & social consultancy

  5. Then: full subsidized work Nowadays: subsidy for educational activities for priority groups, particularly training for voluntary work and active citizenship Future: not longer subsidized; client oriented work Succesful commercialisation of training of work councils & pre-retirement education Split between education organisation & conference organisation Growing organisation by strategic partnerships, joint ventures, mergers 1980 - 2000 period of transition

  6. 1999: start of Odyssee

  7. Odyssee - a Dutch organisation for lifelong learning, training, coaching and consultancy • Classic historical story • Symbol for learning processes • The way to find your destination • The journey, the adventure and a good companion

  8. Organisation structure and management of programmes

  9. Estimated turn-over in 2005 € 14.249.690,-. We need a positive result of € 614.074 to realise our plans for this year and to be prepared for future developments

  10. End of subsidy in 2007? The Ministery is intending to terminate the subsidy for training of voluntary organisations because this way of subsidying is out of date now 23% of the income of Odyssee in danger!

  11. Odyssee exists due to itcustomers and clients. They form the basis of our existence.These are local communities and national bodies, NGO's, and also enterprises in the profit sector. Odyssee has yearly about 40.000 participants in seminars, training courses, workshops and conferencesBesides that Odyssee is involved in advisory projects for social development and workers participation, guiding processes of learning change management Odyssee is basedat Maastricht and Baarn and has 200 fte paid staff - more or less 150 trainer-consultants

  12. The market as a meeting place • So as a modern, large organization Odyssee is a value-oriented, cooperative organization, driven by contemporary forms of its profession to the customers • The customer decides what is good for him or her • We are focussing on the customer and try to develop partnerships with customers and their networks • This means: you know from each other what really matters; all what is considered as mutual essential will be treated and translated into tailor-made projects • For this reason we also strive for sustainability in our relation with customers, constituents and their networks.

  13. New client needs

  14. Strength • Building partn erships between various actors • Diversity of partnerships • Development oriented • Experienced trainers-consultants • Multifaced andmultidisciplinary teams

  15. Central issue in the guidance of development - and change processes of individuals and organizationsis the relationship between learning and changing . We contribute to the development of individuals and groups to free, self-confident people who design and construct in an active way their individual and social life in society Learning in our concept is always an integral approach of knowledge, attitude and skills

  16. The Odyssee Compass • Meaning and concrete interpretation of personal and social life is of importance, and values like freedom, self-development, social equality, autonomy, emancipation, social involvement, solidarity, justice, balance between action and silence, protection of violence…… • These ideas are no quotations of the people - and society vision of the seventies, but it are the corner stones in Odyssee's new mission and vision document

  17. Odyssee offers its customers an European, c.q international orientation concerning knowledge development and knowledge transfer The European Union must become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based society in the world Odyssee is yearly as partner or coordinator involved in ±10 transnational projects

  18. The knowledge triangle R&D unit • Research = the creation of knowledge • Education = the dissemination of knowledge • Innovation = the application of knowledge

  19. The way forward ….. Spreading knowledge through high quality education systems is the best way of guaranteeing the long-term competetitiveness of the Union. (Mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy)

  20. The Dutch polder Travel to learn is here to stay

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