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Completing an Effective Project Data Sheet PDS

Why is an Accurate and Complete PDS Important?. It justifies a bureau's annual budget request for capital improvement and deferred maintenanceIt displays and justifies bureau priorities to the Department, OMB, and CongressIt provides detailed information each bureau and DOI uses to review and ev

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Completing an Effective Project Data Sheet PDS

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    1. Office of Acquisition and Property Management Completing an Effective Project Data Sheet (PDS)

    2. Why is an Accurate and Complete PDS Important? It justifies a bureau’s annual budget request for capital improvement and deferred maintenance It displays and justifies bureau priorities to the Department, OMB, and Congress It provides detailed information each bureau and DOI uses to review and evaluate individual projects The Department-wide collection of PDS represents the construction and deferred maintenance program to Congress, OMB, and the public

    3. General Guidance for PDS Completion Complete all of the data fields on the PDS Ensure all data is accurate before submitting Write clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences

    4. General Guidance for PDS Completion Use the required format; do not modify the format of Exhibit 2a in Attachment G Be sure the PDS funding request equals the dollar amount on the 5-year plan summary list

    5. Project Score/Ranking Enter the project score at indicated fields Enter the rank, which is the numerical priority of the project assigned by the Bureaus, in the capital investment or DM 5-year plan for the funding year Enter data as: “750/17” where 750 is the score and 17 is the rank

    6. Planned Funding FY Enter the fiscal year the project will be funded via this PDS Enter the actual year funding is planned – do not enter a placeholder year Format is “yyyy” i.e., “2010”

    7. Funding Source Enter the source of the appropriation providing the project funding Do not enter a program name or number

    8. DOI Asset Code Use the DOI Asset list to assign codes Do not deviate Final list will be on the PAM website in February http://www.doi.gov/pam/assetmanage.html Assign codes for new assets based upon the type of asset being constructed (building, road, etc.)

    9. Real Property Unique Identifier Use the unique identifier documented in the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) For new assets enter “000000” if a unique identifier has not yet been assigned

    10. API - Asset Priority Index Use the API assigned by the bureau to the asset type in question For new assets, use the API value for an asset of the same type that is in close proximity and has a similar function

    11. FCI-Before Use the DM and CRV values used to calculate the condition index value for the FRPP For a completely new asset, enter zero

    12. FCI-Projected Subtract the amount of DM eliminated by the project and calculate the FCI For a new asset, enter zero

    13. Project Description Clearly and concisely: Define the asset or collection of infrastructure covered by the project Be Specific Describe the problem being addressed and the objective of the project Be Specific Describe the work to be performed by the project Be Specific

    14. Project Description Explain how the work will alleviate the problem or accomplish project goals Describe the reason(s) the project is needed and beneficial to the bureau/DOI/Federal Government The project description must support the distribution of work in the “Ranking Categories” section

    15. Project Need/Benefit Clearly and concisely: State how the problem impacts asset performance and mission attainment Provide detailed specificity to clearly illustrate the benefits of the project Use the words “health and safety”, “resource protection”, “mission” in the text as appropriate

    16. Project Need/Benefit Describe how the project supports specific DOI or bureau GPRA measures and performance goals Describe the benefit to employees, the public, bureau mission attainment, as appropriate Ensure the “Project Need” statement and distribution of work among the “Ranking Categories” are in agreement

    17. Project Need/Benefit Do not describe the health and safety benefit of a project and then assign 100% to resource or mission ranking categories Proofread text for clarity and grammar A poorly written PDS is viewed in a bad light

    18. Ranking Categories Be sure the “Project Description” and “Project Need” statements support distribution among the ranking factors Use the examples on pages 9-11 of Attachment G to assign percentages Round percentages to whole numbers!

    19. Revision Statement Only use the field for PDS that have been DOI approved in a previous year and then been subsequently revised Enter the date the revision statement was written This will help clarify when the project was revised

    20. Capital Asset Planning The intent of this field is to document whether an Exhibit 300 must be sent to OMB Enter “Yes” if the total estimated cost is greater than $10 million Enter “No” for any project below that amount If the entry is “Yes” simply delete the word “No” and vice versa

    21. Project Cost Estimate (This PDS) Only display the funds being requested by the PDS Do not include previous requests, received appropriations, or future funding Split the funding request between DM and CI based upon the ranking category percentages The “Total” must equal the amount of funds requested by the PDS

    22. Project Funding History (Entire Project) This section displays the entire funding amount to complete the project It includes previous funding, current request, and future funding needed to complete project “Appropriated to Date” Enter funds already provided to the project Include the previous year’s funding request even if the appropriation bill has not been signed

    23. Project Funding History (Entire Project) “Requested in FY ___ Budget” Do not use this line! Leave it blank “Planned Funding in FY__:” Enter the funding amount requested by the PDS and the fiscal year of the request

    24. Project Funding History (Entire Project) “Future Funding to Complete Project” Enter the total amount of funding needed to complete the project “Total” - Sum all the funding entered in this section of the PDS

    25. Class of Estimate Indicate the class of estimate Delete the letters that do not apply - only the desired letter should appear on the form See definitions in Exhibit 2b “Estimate Good Until” - enter the date when the estimate must be revised to account for inflation

    26. Dates Provide the best estimate of construction award date and project completion Note the format is quarter/year These fields must be completed

    27. Project Data Sheet Enter the date the PDS was prepared or the last time it was updated

    28. DOI Approved Enter “Yes” when DOI approves the project After all changes PAM/POB requested have been made Until then, enter “No” If the entry is “Yes” simply delete the word “No” and vice versa

    29. Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost ($s) Enter the current O&M cost using FRPP data This is critical Estimate the projected O&M after the project is complete This is an estimate! Do not enter text in this field

    30. Summary Complete all of the data fields on the PDS Ensure all data is accurate before submitting Write clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences Use the standard format; do not modify the format of Exhibit 2a in Attachment G

    31. Contacts PAM – Bill Hamele (202) 208-5704 POB – Rita Jankovich (202) 208-4967 Attachment G and CPIC Schedule Memo http://www.doi.gov/pam/assetmanage.html

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