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Health, Safety and Nutrition EEC 4731

Health, Safety and Nutrition EEC 4731. Module 2 Young Children’s Health Ringworm. Ringworm. Can happen to anyone Contagious fungal infection Transmitted directly or indirectly Must be treated by a physician Should be isolated until medical treatment is obtained

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Health, Safety and Nutrition EEC 4731

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health, Safety and NutritionEEC 4731 Module 2 Young Children’s Health Ringworm

  2. Ringworm • Can happen to anyone • Contagious fungal infection • Transmitted directly or indirectly • Must be treated by a physician • Should be isolated until medical treatment is obtained • Disinfect classroom and shared items

  3. What ringworm looks like:

  4. A young child’s hand with ringworm

  5. A young child’s feet with ringworm

  6. An animal with ringworm

  7. Sudanese boy with ringworm

  8. Ringworm spread on extremity

  9. Young children: • Naturally explore their environment and may unknowingly contact ringworm directly or indirectly • Naturally want to handle animals that may be infected • Naturally are curious about anomalies in their peers and may touch a ringworm infected body part • Naturally look to the adults in their life for safety, assurance and proper treatment

  10. Teachers: • A teacher’s keen observation and actions can prevent the spread of ringworm within a class • A teacher can instruct young children on the proper techniques of hand washing • A teacher can make sure shared classroom items are disinfected to prevent further contamination and spreading of ringworm • A teacher should contact the student’s parents/guardian to encourage proper treatment and update them on school policy concerning infectious disease

  11. Bibliography • http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/skin/fungus.html • http://www.wellsphere.com/general-medicine-article/health-headlines-september-21/452040?query=Ringworm+In+Children • http://www.dhpe.org/infect/ringworm.html • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ringworm+young+children+images&FORM=BIFD#

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