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Soybeans An Overview of the Soybean Industry in Georgia

Soybeans An Overview of the Soybean Industry in Georgia. Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Catrina Kennedy April 2006. Objectives. Students will be able to: Explain the importance of the soybean industry in Georgia. Name 4 soybean products.

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Soybeans An Overview of the Soybean Industry in Georgia

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  1. SoybeansAn Overview of the Soybean Industry in Georgia Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Catrina Kennedy April 2006

  2. Objectives Students will be able to: • Explain the importance of the soybean industry in Georgia. • Name 4 soybean products. • State key facts. • Name the top three soybean producing counties. • Rank the soybean Industry compared to other Georgia agricultural commodities. • Rank Georgia with other states in soybean production.

  3. Why is the soybean industry important? • In 2001, Georgia farmers harvested 155,000 acres of soybeans producing 4.2 million bushels. Value of production totaled $17.8 million. • Soybeans are used in an array of foods including: soy milk, soy yogurt, soy burgers, soy loaf and sausage, mayonnaise, salad dressing, cheese, frosting, and chocolate. • The average yield of U.S. soybeans was 11 bushels per acre in 1924 and increased to 25.4 bushels per acre in 1966. The record high yield for the national soybean average of 41.9 bushels per acre occurred in 1994. • In the United States the total soybean production in 1924 was 1.8 million acres harvested. That grew to 63.4 million acres of soybean harvested in 1996.

  4. Soybean Products Many things are made with soybeans including: Chocolate Salad Dressing Yogurt Tofu Soy Burger Milk Cheese Potato Chips Candles

  5. Soybean Producing Counties in Georgia The top counties in the state of Georgia are: • Bulloch • Laurens • Tattnall • Screven • Macon

  6. Georgia’s Commodity Value

  7. US soybean Production Top soybean production states 1 Iowa 2 Illinois 3 Minnesota 4 Indiana 5 Nebraska

  8. Interesting Facts • Soybeans were introduced to the United States when Henry Yonge planted them in Georgia. • Soy foods reduce cholesterol. • Soybean hulls can be used for wastewater filling • The first written records of soybeans was in 2838 B.C. China.

  9. Assessment 1. Name 4 soybean products. 2. What are the top 5 production states in the U.S.? 3. Name one of the top production counties in Georgia? 4. What is an interesting fact about Soybeans? 5. When and where were soybeans first written about?

  10. Quiz Key 1. candles, chocolate, salad dressing 2. Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Nebraska 3. Bulloch, Laurens, Tattnall, Screven, Macon 4. Soybeans were introduced to the United States when Henry Yonge planted them in Georgia. Soyfoods reduce cholesterol. Soybean hulls can be used for wastewater filling. The first written records of soybeans was in 2838 B.C. China. 5. 2838, China

  11. References http://www.soystats.com/2005/Default-frames.htm http://www.fb.org/brochures/farmfacts/fact-of-week/week_14.html

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