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“Invention” Trivia

“Invention” Trivia. To win each point:. Must provide a page number in Leith and be prepared to read the relevant passage. Must provide a brief example of how your answer relates to cover letters. Must turn in your sheet within the 2 minutes.

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“Invention” Trivia

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  1. “Invention” Trivia

  2. To win each point: • Must provide a page number in Leith and be prepared to read the relevant passage. • Must provide a brief example of how your answer relates to cover letters. • Must turn in your sheet within the 2 minutes.

  3. GENERAL: What are the “Three Musketeers” of Invention?

  4. Dear Dr. Jones: I am writing to apply for the Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement position, which I learned about through Christopher Newport University’s job database. I have developed the strong communication and outreach skills necessary for this position through my major in English, in addition to my multiple experiences in leading tours to prospective students. I have also demonstrated communication and outreach through my position helping current students in the study abroad office to find suitable international opportunities. Additionally, as a graduate of CNU, I understand the culture of higher education in the Hampton Roads area, an understanding that will help me to explain ODU’s merits to potential partners across the country. To whom it may concern: I am writing to apply for the position as Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement, which I found by searching through jobs on Monster.com. I strongly feel that I am the best candidate. Even though I am still a student, I have acquired excellent skills in communication and writing through various academic experiences at Christopher Newport University, in addition to several relevant extracurricular activities. Dear Dr. Jones: I write to apply for the Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement position, which I was thrilled to speak with you about at the Christopher Newport career fair on September 9th. Based on our conversation, I believe that I have developed the communication, leadership, and team skills necessary to forge new partnerships for Old Dominion, specifically through my experiences as a CNU tour guide, fraternity president, and football captain.

  5. ETHOS: What is a Tricolon?

  6. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."(The Declaration of Independence, 1776)

  7. "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."(Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 1865)

  8. "We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us at any time may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm.” (Barack Obama, Second Inaugural Address, 2013)

  9. Snap! Crackle! Pop! (Rice Krispies) • Keeps going and going and going. (Energizer) • Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? • of the people, by the people, for the people • Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears • U.S. Declaration of Independence: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” • Stop, Drop, and Roll

  10. Dear Dr. Jones: I am writing to apply for the Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement position, which I learned about through Christopher Newport University’s job database. I have developed the strong communication and outreach skills necessary for this position through my major in English, in addition to my multiple experiences in leading tours to prospective students. I have also demonstrated communication and outreach through my position helping current students in the study abroad office to find suitable international opportunities. Additionally, as a graduate of CNU, I understand the culture of higher education in the Hampton Roads area, an understanding that will help me to explain ODU’s merits to potential partners across the country. To whom it may concern: I am writing to apply for the position as Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement, which I found by searching through jobs on Monster.com. I strongly feel that I am the best candidate. Even though I am still a student, I have acquired excellent skills in communication and writing through various academic experiences at Christopher Newport University, in addition to several relevant extracurricular activities. Dear Dr. Jones: I write to apply for the Assistant Director of Community Outreach and Engagement position, which I was thrilled to speak with you about at the Christopher Newport career fair on September 9th. Based on our conversation, I believe that I have developed the communication, leadership, and team skills necessary to forge new partnerships for Old Dominion, specifically through my experiences as a CNU tour guide, fraternity president, and football captain.

  11. LOGOS: What is a Syllogism?

  12. Premise A: An effective Assistant Director needs to be a good communicator. • Premise B: I am a good communicator. • Conclusion: Therefore, I will make an effective Assistant Director.

  13. LOGOS: What is an Enthymeme?

  14. The job ad states that the Assistant Director must be a strong communicator. I have developed effective communication skills throughout my time at CNU. Therefore, I believe that I will be an effective Assistant Director. I will be an effective Assistant Director due to the strong communication skills that I developed at CNU.

  15. LOGOS: What is a commonplace?

  16. I am no stranger to hard work. Hard work scares me. I am a committed team player. I don’t like working with people. I am capable of working independently and taking initative. I need someone to tell me what to do.

  17. PATHOS: What is Enargia?

  18. I have developed strong communication skills through my experiences as a tour guide as well as through leading the football team. I have also taken classes on leadership, which have prepared me to communicate well as a leader. Additionally, I have volunteered or have been elected to be the project manager on many group projects in courses here at CNU. All of these experiences will help me to take on leadership roles as the Assistant Director. I have learned the importance of strong communication skills through my experiences leading the football team, CNU tours, and class projects. For example, as an elected team leader in my “Leadership for Business” seminar, I lead my team to write the winning marketing plan in the course’s marketing competition. While coordinating 4 individuals to write one cohesive plan is not an easy task, my team achieved this goal by communicating everyday via a Google Docs platform that I organized for the team. I would bring my ability to organize consistent, purposeful, and clear communication among team members to the Assistant Director position.

  19. BONUS ROUND (double point) • Form a body paragraph for a cover letter applying to the ODU Assistant Director position using the following info: • Study Abroad • Finance • CNU student You can make up any extra details as necessary! You will only get the 2 points if you use ethos, logos, pathos, tricolon, enthymeme, enargia, and analogy.

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