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Unit 1 – Ch 4 Sec 3 & 4 French and Indian War

Unit 1 – Ch 4 Sec 3 & 4 French and Indian War. FR=French GB or BR = Great Britian or British Sp=Spain Nat Am = Native Americans. Obj: Describe how the Fr prevented expansion of the English Colonies. French: * more interested in establishing fur trading posts (rather than permanent colonies)

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Unit 1 – Ch 4 Sec 3 & 4 French and Indian War

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  1. Unit 1 – Ch 4 Sec 3 & 4French and Indian War FR=French GB or BR = Great Britian or British Sp=Spain Nat Am = Native Americans

  2. Obj: Describe how the Fr prevented expansion of the English Colonies French: * more interested in establishing fur trading posts (rather than permanent colonies) • Fr get furs through trade with Nat Amer and then sell furs to Europe • Fr claimed Canada and Ohio River Valley as “New France” (New France = Catholic) • 1st successful Fr colony = Quebec

  3. British • Established permanent settlements – “colonies” • Protestant English America • Br colonies wanted to expand into Fr. Ohio River Valley – caused conflict between Br & Fr

  4. Spanish • treated Nat Americans very harshly. Created missions in California to teach Nat Americans to farm and act “white”.

  5. “The Indians at the missions were severely treated by padres, often punished by 50 lashes on the bare back…The women the same as the men…” -Lorenzo Asisara Santa Cruz convert “When the Frenchmen arrived…, they came and kissed us…They never mocked at our ceremonies, and they never molested the places of our dead...” -Chippewa leader Spanish and French in N America

  6. French friends with Nat Amer • Fr got along with Nat Amer pretty good • Except – one group, Iroquois, the powerful Indian confederation in New York (& around Great Lakes) • Iroquois will end up siding with Br & upset the balance of power between Br & Fr • Result, Br will win French and Indian War

  7. OBJ: Causes of Fr & Ind War • Fr expanded into Ohio River Valley by building chain of forts • French expansion into Ohio River Valley threatened Br colonies

  8. George Washington comes to the rescue • Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent Washington to warn Fr to leave Ohio River Valley (1st step towards war) • Following year – Washington returns with more men and attempts to remove Fr by force. • Washington failed and took prisoner • Washington still considered a hero because he struck the first blow against the French.

  9. 1754 – French & Indian War Begins • Because Fr, Br, Spain were all great imperial nations, the struggle quickly turns into a “world war”. • French and Indians –vs- British colonists • Late 1754 – Br decided to help colonists and declare war on France. • In Europe, war between GB & Fr is called the Seven Years War (1754 – 1763)

  10. Albany Plan of Union • Benjamin Franklin suggested plan to colonies called Albany Plan of Union • Plan called for all colonies to form one govt to fight the French • Not a single colony joined because no one wanted to give up individual power.

  11. Early Colonial Political Cartoons 1751 Ben Franklin wrote article and included this cartoon suggesting that as a way to thank the Brits for their policy of sending convicted felons to colonies, colonists could send rattlesnakes to England. 1754, Franklin used snake again. Join (Albany Plan of Union) or Die (Fighting the French)

  12. Treaty of Paris 1763 • Br & colonist – winners of war and make all decisions • Fr forced to give up all land in Americas - Canada and Ohio River Valley • Spain (France’s allie) forced to give Florida to BR • In return, Spain given Fr territory west of Miss R (Lou Territory) • GB received land east of Mississipi R and Spain • Treaty of Paris marked the end of French power in N. America (Americas – now divided between Spain and Br)

  13. Results/Consequences of Fr & Indian War • GB becomes more involved in colonial affairs/government • Pontiac’s Rebellion • Proclamation of 1763

  14. New BR Imperialism Policy • After war, colonists want to be full-fledge citizens of Br (not colonists) • British have no intentions of treating colonists as equals • Before war, colonists – “self-governing” • After war, Br start interfering/get more involved in local affairs of colonies

  15. Pontiac’s Rebellion • After Fr & Ind War, hundred of colonists crossed Appal. Mtns • Major Indian renewal movement started. Indians urged to abandon white mans ways and reassert their independence • Ottawa chief, Pontiac, attacked Fort Detroit and set off fierce Indian uprising • Br struck back and put down rebellion

  16. Pontiac, warrior chief of the Ottawas

  17. Proclamation of 1763 • British passed Proclamation of 1763, hoping to prevent more fighting between colonists and Nat Amer • King George III declared that all land west of Appalachian Mtns off limits to colonists • Colonist furious – many already bought/staked claim to land w. of App Mts.

  18. Proclamation of 1763

  19. “Yankee Doodle” • Song first appeared in America in 1755, during Fr and Indian War • A Br officer wrote the song as a joke, making fun of the colonial militiamen’s lack of polish and discipline. • Colonist turned the joke around at the end of the Revolutionary war. As Britain’s General Cornwallis marched to American lines to surrender to George Washington’s army, the boy drummers played “Yankee Doodle”.

  20. Words to “Yankee Doodle”(America’s Music CD – McDougal ) Father and I wend down to camp, Along with Cap’n Goodin’, And there we saw the men and boys As thick as hasty puddin’. And there we see a thousand men, As rich as Sqire David’ And what they wasted ev’ry day, I wish it could be saved. And there I see a swamping gun, Large as a long of maple, Upon a deuced little cart, A load for father’s cattle.

  21. Chorus: Yankee Doodle, keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy, Mind the music and the step, And with the girls by handy. And every time they shoot it off, It takes a horn of powder, And makes a noise like father’s gun, Only a nation louder. I see a little barrell too, The heads were made of leather; They knocked upon ‘t with little clubs And called the folks together. And there was Cap’n Washington, And gentle folks about him’ They say he’s grown so ‘tarnal proud, He will not ride without ‘em.

  22. He got him on his meeting clothes Upon a slapping stallion, He set the world along in row, In hundreds and in millions. Chorus: Yankee Doodle, keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy, Mind the music and the step, And with the girls by handy.

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