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概况 Profile

概况 Profile. 2012. 目录 Table of Contents. 商会简介 Introduction 商会理念 Concept 组织机构 Organizational Structure 会长致辞 Message from the Chairman 商会服务 Services 商会会员 Members 入会指南 Become a Member. 商会简介 Introduction.

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  1. 概况Profile 2012

  2. 目录 Table of Contents • 商会简介 Introduction • 商会理念 Concept • 组织机构 Organizational Structure • 会长致辞 Message from the Chairman • 商会服务 Services • 商会会员 Members • 入会指南 Become a Member

  3. 商会简介 Introduction 中国民营经济国际合作商会是经国务院同意、民政部正式批准成立的我国第一家专门服务民营企业“走出去”,开展国际经济合作与交流的全国性大型商会组织。 全国工商联是我会的业务主管单位,商务部、国家发改委是我会的业务指导单位,民政部是社团登记管理机关。 我会在筹备中,得到了党中央和国务院领导的高度重视。2010年全国“两会”期间,胡锦涛总书记在听取了商会筹备组负责同志关于民营企业“走出去”和商会筹备情况的汇报后,发表了重要指示,特别强调民营企业“走出去”一要“抓住机遇、积极作为”;二要“趋利避害、防范风险”,为我会工作指明了方向。 我会将按照建设中国特色商会组织的要求,努力做好服务,回报广大会员企业和单位对我们的支持。 China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector (CICCPS) established with the official approval from the State Council and the Ministry of Civil Affairs is China’s first nationwide chamber that specializes in facilitating Chinese private enterprises in “Going Abroad” while promoting international economic cooperation and exchange. CICCPS works directly under the supervision of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC); the Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) give it operational guidanceand the Ministry of Civil Affairs acts as its society registration administration organ. The Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council leaders have attached high importance to the CICCPS’ preparation. During the 2010 National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), after listening to a briefing from the head of the CICCPS organizing committee regarding the private enterprises “Going Abroad” and CICCPS’ preparation, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Hu Jintao, presented important instructions and pointed out a clear direction for the CICCPS by emphasizing that private enterprises “Going Abroad” first need to “seize opportunities and be proactive” and second to “optimize opportunities and prevent risk”,. We will endeavor to provide quality services for the private sector and build the CICCPS with special Chinese characteristics, so as to reward the society, member enterprises and relevant authorities and organizations for their support.

  4. 商会理念 Concept • 商会宗旨:服务会员、服务市场、服务政府、服务国际经济合作。 • 商会任务:宣传政策、提供服务、反映诉求、维护权益、加强自律。 • 商会定位:“走出去”企业的发展联盟,服务“走出去”商协会的合作组织。 • 商会特色:以服务为中心,以项目为纽带,以人才为支撑,以金融为保障,以需求为重点。 • Mission: To serve the CICCPS members, markets, government and international economic cooperation. • Tasks: To publicize policies, provide services, reflect appeals, safeguard legal rights and strengthen self-regulation. • Positioning: To be the development alliance for enterprises “Going Abroad” and the cooperative organization serving “Going Abroad” related chambers and associations. • Features: Oriented by service, linked by projects, supported by talents, guaranteed by finance and focused on demands.

  5. 组织机构 The Organizational Structure 会员大会 General Assembly 监事会 Supervisory Board Project Department Legal Affairs Department Government Affairs Department 法律事务部 项目部 政府事务部 理事会 Board of Directors 常务理事会 Board of Executive Directors 顾问团 Advisory Board 主席团 Presidium 会长办公会 Chairman’s Meeting 工作委员会 Working Committees 秘书处Secretariat General Office 办公室 组织协调 Organising & Coordinating 组织协调 Organising & Coordinating Science & Technology Working Committee Information Department Chinese & Foreign Merchants Working Cmte Membership service Department 信息部 华商与外商委员会 科技委员会 Resources Working Committee 会员服务部 Finance & Investment Working Committee International LiaisonDepartment 实体机构 Cultural Exchange Working Committee Entity 资源委员会 Talents Working Committee Representative Organisations 金融与投资 委员会 国际联络部 人才委员会 文化交流委员会 代表机构

  6. 会长致辞Message from the Chairman 在党中央、国务院及各有关部委的亲切关怀和大力支持下,中国第一家服务民营企业“走出去”的商会正式成立了。商会的成立,必将会对民营企业国际化发展起到十分重要的作用。 随着经济的发展,我国对海外资源、技术和市场的依存度不断提高,“走出去”已经成为中国经济转变发展方式、实现可持续发展的客观要求,也是企业进一步做强做大的必然选择。已有众多的民营企业把“走出去”作为自己的长期战略。据不完全统计,在我国1.5万亿美元的境外企业资产中,民营企业已占30%以上,占海外投资企业数的80%。中国民营企业在海外的经济影响力不断扩大,不仅企业自身得到发展,也为投资所在国经济做出了积极贡献。 为帮助民营企业“走出去”创造更好的条件,商会将努力做好各项服务工作。 我衷心地希望政府及有关部门对国际合作商会能给予更多的关爱和支持,使其得以健康发展;希望各类机构与国际合作商会以及企业间建立更加紧密的联系,在合作中实现共赢;希望全体会员团结一致,为国际合作商会建设献计献策,共谋发展。 With amiable care and ardent support from the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the State Council and related ministries and commissions, China’s first chamber of commerce for facilitating Chinese private enterprises in “Going Abroad” was officially established and its launch plays a very important role in the internationalization of China’s private enterprises. Along with China’s economic development, China’s dependency on overseas resources, technologies and markets has been continuously growing. “Going Abroad” has become the objective demand for China to transform its economic pattern and realize sustainable growth and has become the essential step for enterprises to grow bigger and stronger. A large number of private enterprises have set “Going Abroad” in the long-term strategy. It has been roughly estimated that private sector accounts for over 30% of China’s US$ 1.5 trillion overseas enterprise assets and 80% of all overseas investment enterprises. The overseas economic impact of the Chinese private enterprises is continuously expanding, which has not only developed enterprises themselves but also made active contributions to the local economics of the countries where investments are made. In order to create more favorable conditions for Chinese private enterprises “Going Abroad”, the CICCPS will endeavor to do its utmost in providing quality services in all its fields. I sincerely hope our government and departments concerned will provide further care and support for the CICCPS’ sound and sustainable development. I also hope that all types of institutions will set up closer relations with the CICCPS and enterprises in a win-win cooperation and that all the chamber members will make suggestions and work collaboratively aiming for mutual development with the CICCPS. Chairman Mr. Zheng Yuewen 节选自郑跃文会长2011年11月24日在我会成立大会上的致辞 Excerpted from Chairman Zheng Yuewen’s message at the CICCPS Inaugural Meeting on November 24, 2011

  7. 商会服务 Service Model Finance & Investment Working Committee 6 Science & Technology Working Committee 大平台式服务 General Office Platform Services 办公室 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融与投资委员会 Resources Working Committee 7 Cultural Exchange Working Committee 个职能部门 Functional Departments Talents Working Committee 科技委员会 Chinese & Foreign Merchant Working Committee 资源委员会 6 人才委员会 个工作委员会 Working Committees 文化交流委员会 Legal Affairs Department 华商与外商委员会 法律事务部 Member Services Department Project Department 金融支持 International Liaison Department Information Department Government Affairs Department Financial Support 项目部 会员服务部 信息部 法律维权 国际联络部 政府事务部 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  8. 商会服务 Services • 参与20部委“走出去”联席会议机制,及时掌握“走出去”政策法规,争取国家扶持政策和资金; • 协助会员企业向商务部、国家发改委、财政部、外汇管理部门办理企业境外业务与投资项目备案、核准、外汇出入境审批; • 安排会员企业负责人参加商务部、发改委、外交部、财政部、外汇管理局等部委研究支持“走出去”政策法规相关会议; • 调研“走出去”企业的所急、所需、所困,通过全国人大和全国政协,统战部和全国工商联等渠道反应诉求; • 提供超过160个国家和地区的国别指南与投资导向; • 推荐会员企业负责人陪同国家领导人高访。 • Participating in the 20 ministries and commissions’ “Going Abroad” joint conferencesystem, strive to obtain a timely competence of the “Going Abroad” related policies and regulations and actively seek to obtain government support policies and funding. • Assisting member enterprises with overseas businesses and investment projects’ filing, checking and approval and foreign currency exit-entry approval from the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and relevant departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. • Arranging for member enterprises’ directors to attend conferences regarding “Going Abroad” related policy and regulation research held by the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and other ministries and commissions. • Investigating into the anxieties, needs and difficulties of enterprises during the course of “Going Abroad” and reflect their appeals through communication channels such as the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC). • Providing national manuals and investment guidance for over 160 countries and regions. • Recommending directors of member enterprises to accompany state leaders on high-level visits. 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  9. 商会服务 Services • 广泛联系各国驻华使领馆经商参处、国外政府投资促进机构、国际商协会组织,不断拓宽境外投资项目信息渠道; • 广泛联系我国驻外使领馆经商参处,了解各国投资机会,推荐我国19个境外经贸合作园区的投资合作机会; • 通过会员网络,对接投资项目,促进双向落地,实现在技术、资源、品牌、市场和管理上的协同价值; • 通过商会工作委员会推荐国际高端投资项目以及非公开市场投资项目; • 促进会员企业之间开展投资项目合作,优势互补,抱团“走出去”; • 搭建平台,方便专业中介机构为会员企业提供法律、财务、税务和尽职调查等服务。 • Extensively liaising with foreign commercial counsellor’s offices of foreign embassies and consulates, investment promotion agencies and international business associations, in order to continuously broaden overseas investment project information channels. • Extensively liaising with Chinese commercial counsellor’s offices in foreign countries in order to keep up with the foreign investment opportunities and promoting investment and cooperation opportunities from China’s 19 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. • Matching and realizing cross-border investment project opportunities through the member enterprise network to create synergies between technology, resources, brands and markets. • Making international high-end and private market investment projects recommendations through CICCPS Working Committees. • Promoting member enterprises to engage in investment project cooperation, complement each other and “Go Abroad” collectively. • Setting up platforms that are convenient for professional intermediaries to provide member enterprises with services in areas such as legal, financial, taxation and due diligence . 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources 项目信息 International Cooperation Project Information

  10. 商会服务 Services • 与银行、证券、保险、基金、租赁、投资等金融机构达成战略共识,针对会员国际化发展需要,提供境内外融资服务; • 通过商会平台、金融与投资工作委员会,逐步建立服务会员企业的多渠道、多元化融资服务体系; • 建立“银行—商会—企业”新型合作关系,筹建全国性担保公司,为会员企业境外业务提供担保; • 引入国际评级机构,为会员企业提供信用增值服务; • 促进发起设立“走出去”系列基金,首期与三菱商事发起设立1.2亿美元基金,与雅各布•罗斯柴尔德勋爵发起设立7.5亿美元基金; • 帮助会员企业海外筹资活动,对接境外资本市场。 • Fostering strategic consensus with banks securities, insurance, fund, leasing, investment and other financial institutions to provide member enterprises overseas financial services to meet their needs for international development. • Gradually setting up a diversified multi-channel financing system through CICCPS platforms and Finance & Investment Working Committees. • Establishing a “Bank-Chamber-Enterprise” new partnership model and preparing the setup of a nationwide guarantee corporation to provide financial guarantees for member enterprises’ overseas businesses. • Introducing international rating agencies to provide member enterprises with credit enhancement services. • Initiating and promoting the establishment of the “Going Abroad” fund series, launching fund 1 of a $120 million fund with Mitsubishi Corporation and a $750 million fund with Lord Jacob Rothschild. • Assisting member enterprises with overseas financing activities and bridging the overseas capital markets. 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  11. 商会服务 Services • 加强与人力资源与社会保障部、国家外国专家局的联系,加强与境内外人力资源服务机构的合作,提供国际化专业人才; • 为会员企业提供国际化专业培训,组织参加有关“走出去”培训,条件成熟时设立“国际经济合作学院”,提供系统的国际化培训、认证服务; • 对接国家外国专家局30万外国专家信息库,建立出国留学人才、大小语种人才、在华留学生和访问学者专项数据库; • 组织会员企业申报国家外国专家局“千人计划”,并申请成为“走出去”民企上报国家“千人计划”申报机构; • 作为国家外专局信息中心“国际实习生项目”基地,向会员企业推荐外国实习生,安排会员企业员工国际实习; • 与哈佛、牛津、北大、清华、中欧、国家行政学院等合作建立针对企业家、企业高管、企业家子女的专项培训计划。 • Strengthening ties with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the cooperation with overseas human resources agencies to provide member enterprises with international professionals. • Providing member enterprises with international professional training, organizing member enterprises to participate in “Going Abroad” trainings and setting up “International Economic Cooperation Academy” and providing systematic training and certification services when conditions are ripe . • Interfacing with the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs’ database of 300,000 foreign experts and setting up specialized databases of overseas returned students and professionals, Chinese major and minor foreign language speakers, foreign students and visiting scholars in China. • Organizing member enterprises to apply for the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs’ “ Thousand Talents Program” and apply to become the nationwide “ Thousand Talents Program” reporting institution for “Going Abroad” private enterprises. • Acting as one of the “International Intern Program” bases of the International Research Center of International Talent (SAFEA), recommending foreign interns to member enterprises and arranging international internships for employees of member enterprises. • Setting up specialized training programs for entrepreneurs, corporate executives and entrepreneurs’ children with Harvard University, Oxford University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and the Chinese Academy of Governance, etc. 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  12. 商会服务 Services • 发布和定期更新商会“推荐律师事务所名录”,列举熟悉国际贸易规则和境外法律事务、充分了解中国企业需求的境内外一流律师事务所,提供法律智囊服务; • 促进会员建立有效的法律风险预警与应对机制,通过合作律所每季度为会员就国际经济贸易合作中常见的法律问题提供免费培训; • 推动搭建遍及全球50个主要投资目标国律师事务所的服务网络,为会员企业提供本地化法律服务; • 建立紧急法律援助机制,与相关行业协会和政府部门积极协调沟通,发挥商会在解决国际投资争议、贸易摩擦、法律纠纷上的支持作用,协助维护会员合法权益; • 促进会员企业在“走出去”过程中自律合规、遵守东道国法律、尊重国际间商务交往惯例和文化习俗; • 促进会员主动承担企业社会责任,积极响应并践行《全球契约》。 • Publishing and updating the “Recommended Law Firm Directory” on a regular basis, listing the first-class domestic and overseas law firms that are familiar with the international trade rules and overseas legal practice while well understand Chinese enterprises’ legal requirements, so as to provide think-tank legal services. • Promoting member enterprises to set up effective legal risk early warning and coping systems and providing member enterprises with free quarterly training of common legal issues in the international trade and economic cooperation through the cooperation with law firms. • Promoting a law firm service network covering 50 major investment target countries in order to provide member enterprises with localized legal services. • Setting up an emergency legal aid mechanism to actively coordinate and communicate with relevant industrial associations and government departments and playing a strong supporting role in resolving international investment disputes, trade frictions and legal disputes in order to help safeguard member enterprises’ legal rights. • Promoting self-regulation, abiding by the law of the host countries and respecting the customs of international trade relations and local cultural conventions of the member enterprises while going through the process of “Going Abroad”. • Promoting member enterprises to actively take up corporate social responsibilities, and respond and implement the United Nations Global Compact. 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  13. 商会服务 Services • 加强与外国驻华使领馆商参处,联合国、世界银行、WTO等重要国际组织在华机构,国外在华商会以及国内兄弟商协会组织建立联系; • 加强与我国驻外使领馆经商参处、驻外金融机构、国外商协会组织、当地华人商协会组织建立联系; • 积极推动解决会员开展境外投资业务面临的长期签证难、工作签证难、劳务签证难的问题; • 策划设立“博鳌论坛”、“达沃斯论坛”等国际性论坛中国民营企业专场活动,策划设立商会品牌论坛与投资洽谈活动; • 在条件成熟时,发展港澳台侨和国外会员,促进会员企业与华商、外商加强合作,优势互补,协同发展; • 在条件成熟时,设立商会在海外的分支机构,延伸服务网络。 • Strengthening ties with the commercial counsellor’s offices of foreign embassies and consulates in China, institutions of the United Nations, the World Bank, WTO and other international organizations, and foreign chambers of commerce and domestic chambers of commerce and commercial associations in China. • Strengthening ties with the economic and commercial counsellor’s offices of Chinese embassies, Chinese financial institutions and foreign and Chinese commercial associations aboard. • Actively resolving member enterprises’ difficulties in obtaining long-term working visas and service visas during overseas investment. • Planning the set-up of the “Boao Forum”, “World Economic Forum” and other special international forums especially for Chinese private enterprises and CICCPS brand forums and business talks for investment cooperation. • Developing chamber members from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas when conditions are ripe and encourage the member enterprises to strengthen cooperation, complement advantages and develop collaboratively with Chinese and foreign merchants. • Setting up the CICCPS’ overseas branches to expand its service network when conditions are ripe. 政府联络 Government Liaisons 金融支持 Financial Support 法律维权 Legal Rights 人力资源 国际合作 Human Resources International Cooperation 项目信息 Project Information

  14. 商会会员 Members 会长 Chairman 副会长 Vice Chairman 吴一坚 胡成中 梁信军 张征宇 冯军 王燕国 王均金 王丽 Mr. Wu Yijian Mr. Hu Chengzhong Mr. Liang Xinjun Mr. Zhang Zhengyu Mr. Feng Jun Mr. Wang Yanguo Mr. Wang Junjin Ms. Wang Li 金花企业集团 中国民营经济 国际合作商会 德力西集团 上海复星 恒基伟业 华旗资讯 均瑶集团 德恒律师事务所 王建沂 王能新 邓伟 田在玮 向文波 周汉生 崔根良 康和平 郑跃文 Mr. Wang Jianyi Mr. Wang Nengxin Mr. Deng wei Mr. Tan Zaiwei Mr. Xiang Wenbo Mr. Zhou Hansheng Mr. Cui Genliang Mr. Kang Heping Mr. Zheng Yuewen 富通集团 能新实业集团 亿阳集团 顺天通集团 三一集团 武汉当代 科技集团 亨通集团 新疆三宝 实业集团 科瑞集团有限公司 监事长 Chief Supervisor 副监事长 Vice Chief Supervisor 傅军 王文 Mr. Fu Jun Ms. Wang Wen 新华联控股有限公司 民政部 民间组织管理局 冯军 王文 王燕国 Mr. Zhang Zhengyu Mr. Feng Jun Mr. Wang Yanguo Ms. Wang Wen 北京华旗资讯 数码科技有限公司 民政部民间组织管理局 中国民营经济 国际合作商会

  15. 商会会员 Members 主席团 Members of the Presidium (排名不分先后 Listed in no particular order) 常务理事单位 Executive Member of the Board (排名不分先后 Listed in no particular order)

  16. 商会会员 Members 理事单位 Members of the Board (排名不分先后 Listed in no particular order) 注:理事单位还包括会长、副会长、常务理事、主席团。 Note: List of Council Members includes the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Directors and Presidium. 监事单位 Members of the Supervisor Board (排名不分先后 Listed in no particular order)

  17. 商会会员 Members 会员单位 Members (排名不分先后 Listed in no particular order)

  18. 入会指南 Become a Member • 入会条件 • (一)企业会员 • 1、有加入本会的意愿,拥护本会的章程; • 2、行业的骨干企业,具有一定的影响和知名度; • 3、企业年经营额不少于2亿元; • 4、已有境外业务,或有意愿“走出去”开展国际经济合作的企业或组织; • 5、入会需经本会两个理事单位推荐; • 6、民营高科技企业,文化、教育、服务中介企业或机构入会,上述条件可适当放宽。 • (二)团体会员 • 在相关行业有一定影响和代表性的工商团体及有关社团。 • (三)个人会员 • 1、与本会工作有联系、业务水平较高、具有一定社会影响的的经济工作者、经济理论工作者、法律工作者及其他有关人士; • 2、港澳台侨工商界知名人士。 Membership Qualifications • Corporate Members • Intend to join the CICCPS and uphold the CICCPS Articles; • Have certain influence and recognition as key industrial players; • Have an annual turnover of no less than RMB 200 million; • Have set up overseas businesses or intend to “Go Abroad” for international economic cooperation and development; • Submit two recommendations from the CICCPS executive board members; • The above conditions may be relatively relaxed for private high-tech enterprises and cultural, educational and services agencies and institutions. • Association Members • Industrial and commercial organizations and related associations that are representative and influential. • Individual Members • Economic professionals, economic theoreticians, legal and other professionals with relatively high professionalism and strong social influence, who • has business connections with the CICCPS; • Well-known business figures from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas.

  19. 入会指南 Become a Member • 会员权利Members’ Rights • 1、本商会的选举权、被选举权和表决权 The right to vote, to be elected and to have a casting vote at the CICCPS. • 2、参加本商会的活动 The right to participate in CICCPS events. • 3、获得本商会的服务 The right to receive CICCPS services. • 4、对本商会工作的批评建议权和监督权 The right to criticize, make suggestions to and oversee the work of CICCPS. • 5、入会自愿、退会自由 The freedom to join in and withdraw from the CICCPS. • 6、其他 Others. 申请程序 Application Procedure 1 2 3 4 填写注册登记表,提交入会申请 商会审核入会资格,并给予回复 会员按义务缴纳会费 颁发会员铜牌及证书 Download and complete registration form from ciccps.org and submit application CICCPS examines and verifiesthe application and gives an official reply CICCPS issues bronze medal membership and certificate Submit membership payment

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