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Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

The OSCE role in fostering transport development Gabriel Leonte, Economic and Environmental Adviser. 4 th Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 November 2006. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

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  1. The OSCE role in fostering transport developmentGabriel Leonte, Economic and Environmental Adviser 4th Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 November 2006

  2. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe • OSCE is the world’s largest security organization, 56 participating States, from “Vancouver to Vladivostok” • Three dimensions: politico-military, economic and environmental and human dimension of security = comprehensive security approach • www.osce.org

  3. OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension (EED)

  4. Main activities in the EED • Annual Economic and Environmental Forum and Preparatory Conferences • Economic Activities • Environmental Activities

  5. Annual Economic and Environmental Forum Opening of the 14th OSCE Economic Forum, January 2006

  6. Annual Economic and Environmental Forum • The Forum is the main annual event of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension • Targets major issues of economic and environmental concern • Reviews the implementation of OSCE participating States' commitments

  7. 14th OSCE Economic Forum Belgian 2006 OSCE Chairmanship • Theme: “Transportation in the OSCE area: Secure transportation networks and transport development to enhance regional economic co-operation and stability”

  8. 14th OSCE Economic Forum Belgian 2006 OSCE Chairmanship • Preparatory Conferences (expert level): Dushanbe (November 2005) and Baku (March 2006) • First and Second Part of the Economic Forum (political level): Vienna (January 2006) and Prague (May 2006)

  9. 14th OSCE Economic Forum Belgian 2006 OSCE Chairmanship Conclusions: role for the OSCE • Cooperation with UNECE in the area of transport • Addressing the problems of Landlocked countries • Promoting Transport Security • Promoting Good Governance in the area of trade and transport

  10. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum 1. Cooperation with UNECE Support for TEM&TER and Euro-Asian transport links – Phase II Projects • Joint project proposals (meetings and expert assistance) have been developed and are open for funding by OSCE participating States, through voluntary contributions Joint OSCE/UNECE Pilot Project • To monitor the effective implementation of UNECE legal instruments in the field of transportation and to enhance capacities in this respect • UNECE International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods of 21 October 1982 was selected as a test case

  11. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum OSCE/UNECE Pilot Project Design of two capacity building seminars • Aimed at capacity building and exchange of expertise and best practices in the area of border management • First OSCE/UNECE seminar on the implementation of the “Harmonization Convention” was held in Moscow on 17-18 October 2006 bringing together 58 experts from EECCA countries

  12. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum OSCE/UNECE Pilot Project (continued) • A second seminar on the “Harmonization Convention” will take place on 14-15 December 2006 in Belgrade • Following the completion of the pilot project, OSCE and UNECE will assess the results and propose future actions

  13. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum 2. Addressing the problems of LLDC Recognizing special needs of LLDC • EF process highlighted the special needs of Landlocked Developing Countries • Government of Tajikistan offered to host in fall 2007 a Conference on transit transport in Central Asia • Proposal was supported by joint statement of Central Asian states at the Economic Forum

  14. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum Preparations • Expert Workshop on the Specific Problems of Landlocked Countries, 12-13 December 2006, Vienna • Co-organized by OSCE and UN-OHRLLS in cooperation with relevant partner organizations such as UNECE, UNESCAP, ADB, WCO, IRU, TRACECA, IRF and others

  15. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum Preparations (continued) • Aimed at exchanging views between experts from various IO’s and share expertise on all issues related to transit and transportation in OSCE landlocked countries (i.e. C-A) • Based on the outcome of the meeting, a decision on the agenda of the conference and the way ahead will be taken

  16. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum 3. Promoting Transport Security Workshops on maritime and port security • Belgian Chairmanship offered expertise of the Antwerp Flanders Port Training Centre/APEC to train experts in port security • Norwegian government offered to host a workshop on environmental aspects of maritime security

  17. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum ILO/OSCE Workshop on Security in Ports – Antwerp, 4-6 October 2006 • Organized in close cooperation with ILO, IMO, and the Port of Antwerp in Belgium • Aimed at awareness raising and capacity building on ILO/IMO Code of Practice, in particular targeted at OSCE Black Sea and Caspian Sea Countries • Added value through offering a platform for sharing technical expertise on security issues

  18. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum Seminar on Transport Security and Environment – Tonsberg, 16-18 October 2006 • Organized in close cooperation with the Norwegian Government • Aimed at experience-sharing in the area of planning multi-modal transport corridors, energy transport security and environmental protection in the case of oil spills • Revealed need for strategic planning, coordination and information sharing among various actors

  19. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum Seminar on Transport Security and Environment (follow-up) • Romania offered to organize a follow-up meeting in spring 2007

  20. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum 4. Promoting good governance in the area of trade and transport Economic governance projects • OSCE Best Practice Guide for a Positive Business and Investment Climate underlines the importance of good transport infrastructure for trade and business development

  21. Follow-up to the 14th OSCE Economic Forum Economic governance projects (cont.) • Regional capacity building workshop on the Investment Guide in Kiev, 21-22 November 2006 • EF process reconfirmed need for good public and corporate governance and highlighted importance of combating corruption (e.g. in transport infrastructure development) • Here as well the OSCE has a role to play

  22. For more detailed information on the www.osce.org/eea

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